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Twenty-Six and One and Other Stories – ebook
Maxim Gorky
The poem in prose „Twenty-Six and One” is based on the writer’s impressions related to life in Kazan and work in Semenov’s bakery. Gorky considers the image of a tramp, revealing its negative qualities. The work tells about twenty-six bakers, attitude, feelings, the behavior of which is presented by the author as the attitude of one person. This is achieved by using Gorky a huge number of pronouns...Data dostępności:
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Martin Crusoe – ebook
T.C. Bridges
A few minutes passed, and Martin, lazily tapping his pencil on paper, seemed to have little interest in sounds. Then suddenly his attitude changed, his back straightened, and a look of passionate interest illuminated his sharp gray eyes. The door of the large room opened, and a boy came in quickly, a boy about the same age as Martin, but as dark and thin as Martin, tall and bright.Data dostępności:
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Who Goes There! – ebook
Robert W. Chambers
This story is about the Crown Prince. Most of the world is against him and what he stands for. He expresses surprise at the position of the United States. This attitude is the natural result of various causes, among which are the following: Distrust of any aggressor on the part of a peace-minded nation.Data dostępności:
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The Essays – ebook
Michel de Montaigne
Montaigne’s „The Essays” is an unusual book, largely due to the author’s attitude to it. This is an exclusively everyday book, suitable for everyday use, in which the author does not discuss how the world works and where everything goes, but discusses the essential: how to raise children, how to build a married life, how to spend leisure time, etc. At the same time, Montaigne does not have a very high...Data dostępności:
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Gulliver’s Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World – ebook
Jonathan Swift
This story is not as simple as it seems. It has two plans. The first is adventure literature, for which the first two parts of the book are responsible in these two books, he actually describes adventures, and it is these two journeys that are adapted for children. Whereas in the adult version all four journeys and in each of these stories we observe how Swift uses his pamphletist gift and, using the...Data dostępności:
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The Ball and The Cross – ebook
G.K. Chesterton
A very good Christian book, which, nevertheless, speaks not so much about Christianity in itself, as about humanity, as the principle of life in general. If there were such a category as „social Christian romance”, then this book would be one of the most remarkable examples. The book is attractive and not only because of the description of a non-ideal world, but also because of the author’s attitude...Data dostępności:
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Karol Irzykowski w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym – ebook
Katarzyna Sadkowska
Monografia wieloautorska ukazuje sylwetkę Karola Irzykowskiego w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym, prezentując stosunek krytyka wobec Młodej Polski oraz jego interakcje z awangardą. Artykuły syntetyzują też refleksję Irzykowskiego na temat zmysłowej reprezentacji doświadczenia, wskazując na jego aktywność intelektualną w dziedzinie teatru i kina. Autorzy omawiają ponadto dyskusje Irzykowskiego z marksizmem,...Data dostępności:
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Folia Philosophica. Vol. 34 – ebook
Przedłożony czytelnikom tom jest pierwszym supplementary volume czasopisma „Folia Philosophica”. Ma on charakter monograficzny, dotyczy bowiem różnych form krytycyzmu w perspektywie rozwoju nauki i filozofii, ale jest również tomem o charakterze interdyscyplinarnym, ponieważ autorzy reprezentują różne dziedziny nauki. Dzięki temu krytycyzm jako pewna cecha namysłu, czy też postawa poznawcza zostaje...Data dostępności:
Crucial Instances – ebook
Edith Wharton
Originally published in 1901, „Crucial Instances” is the second collection of six short stories connected, as the title suggests, by a hinging moment in the narrative through which the plot alters dramatically. The contents included the following: „The Duchess at Prayer”, „The Angel at the Grave”, „The Recovery”, „Copy: A Dialogue”, „The Rembrandt”, „The Moving Finger” and „The Confessional”.This is...Data dostępności:
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Zig-Zags at the Zoo – ebook
Arthur Morrison
Arthur Morrison was a prolific journalist and author best known for his detective fiction that featured the lawyer-detective Martin Hewitt, who was the most successful rival to Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes. His realistic novels and stories are sober in tone, but the characters are portrayed with a Dickensian colorfulness. His attitude toward the people he described was paternalist, rather than...Data dostępności:
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The World’s Great Snare – ebook
E. Phillips Oppenheim
A breathtaking tale of intrigue, romance, and revenge from one of the twentieth century’s most prolific and popular authors of suspense. „The Wicked Marquis” is a story of privilege and the attempt to keep what has been lost. Marquis will go to any length to get enough money to enjoy his title, including forcing one of his daughters to marry an unsuitable candidate with money. Although this novel was...Data dostępności:
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Curious Happenings to the Rooke Legatees – ebook
E. Phillips Oppenheim
Five people were seated around a table in the private office of a well-known solicitor in Lincoln’s Inn. Their expressions and general attitude were sufficiently disturbed to suggest that their gathering was of no ordinary moment. A grey-haired, untidy looking woman in seedy black was tapping the mahogany table in front of her with long, ill-cared for nails, and breathing quickly. A fat, red-cheeked...Data dostępności:
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Sandi the Kingmaker – ebook
Edgar Wallace
Colonial adventures in a 6 volume collection set on the „Dark Continent”. Sanders and Co. return to Africa (following the events in Bones in London) to bring the old Kings country under the Union Jack and to try and find what has happened to a missionary and his daughter. It is written in a delightfully humorous style. „Sandi, the King-maker” among other novels by Edgar Wallace conveys the paternal...Data dostępności:
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Babes in the Darkling Wood – ebook
Herbert George Wells
Stella has it all – looks, intelligence and an undergraduate place at Cambridge, not to mention Gemini, her fervent admirer at Oxford. Stella and Gemini, the two babes of the story, come increasingly under the influence of a rather impressive psycho-therapeutist whose groundbreaking theories capture their imaginations. But when tragedy strikes they are soon to learn that intellectualism brings cold...Data dostępności:
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The role and functions of controllers in organization management – ebook
Marta Kawczyńska Tomasz Wnuk-Pel
The main objective of this monograph is to determine on the basis of the survey the role of controllers in contemporary Polish companies. The study confirmed that same of the tasks performed by contemporary controllers in Polish companies are the same as those performed by their counterparts around the world although same differences were also identified. Comparing the current role of controllers in...Data dostępności:
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The aim and sense of the prisoners' life in aspect of penal rehabilitation – ebook
Anetta Jaworska Robert Parol
There are constantly reappearing questions about the point of institutional rehabilitation, during which, instead of changes in personality, there is a developing personality degradation of the nature and life of the isolated person. Seeking ways that allow for an effective, broadly understood, rehabilitation became to us a stimulus to set about the realisation of the study presented...Data dostępności:
PRICE STABILITY AND ECONOMIC GROWTH For a change in the doctrinal foundations of monetary policy – ebook
Jan L. Bednarczyk
The economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the energy crisis resulting from the war in Ukraine in 2022 have had a significant impact on the attitude of industrial state governments to using stabilization policies as a method of mitigating the effects of crises. While earlier, especially after the 2007+ crisis, industrialized countries focused mainly on maintaining price stability,...Data dostępności:
Karol Irzykowski w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym: Studia i dyskusje w 150. rocznicę urodzin krytyka – ebook
Monografia wieloautorska ukazuje sylwetkę Karola Irzykowskiego w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym, prezentując stosunek krytyka wobec Młodej Polski oraz jego interakcje z awangardą. Artykuły syntetyzują też refleksję Irzykowskiego na temat zmysłowej reprezentacji doświadczenia, wskazując na jego aktywność intelektualną w dziedzinie teatru i kina. Autorzy omawiają ponadto dyskusje Irzykowskiego z marksizmem,...Data dostępności:
Śmierć, pogrzeb i upamiętnienie władców w dawnej Polsce – ebook
Hanna Rajfura Patrycja Szwedo Barbara Świadek Marek Walczak Piotr Węcowski
Prezentowany tom zawiera wyniki badań historycznych oraz historyczno-artystycznych nad problematyką śmierci, pochówków i upamiętnienia władców oraz władczyń (nie tylko polskich) od późnego średniowiecza do początku XX wieku. Publikowane artykuły dotyczą, z jednej strony, prywatnej sfery życia monarchów, ich religijności i stosunku do śmierci, z drugiej zaś – organizacyjnego, politycznego i symbolicznego...Data dostępności:
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On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection – ebook
Charles Darwin
Everyone has opinions about evolution, but how many people have actually read Charles Darwin? If you haven’t done so yet, you’re missing out on what is surely one of the greatest books ever written. Written for the general public of the 1850s, it is a rigorously documented but highly readable account of the scientific theory that now lies at the root of our present attitude to the universe. Darwin’s...Data dostępności:
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