Honore de Balzac
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Ludwik Lambert – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
Kolegium oratoriańskie. Burboni. Młody, wrażliwy młodzieniec, który czuje się wykluczony. Fascynacja, mistycyzm, filozofia, szaleństwo. Jedyna postać, która wydaje się rozumieć Ludwika Lamberta to Poeta. Toczą się między nimi rozmyślania, dysputy, rozważania. Mężczyzna, pogrążony w poszukiwaniu dowodów na obecność w życiu człowieka nadprzyrodzonych mocy, nie zauważa jak sam bardzo się odrealnia....Data dostępności:
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Lekarz wiejski – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
Francja początek XIX wieku. Genestas, kapitan w stanie spoczynku przenosi się na wieś. W Dauphiné wynajmuje pokój u doktora Benassisa. Tak zaczyna się wielka przyjaźń dwóch mężczyzn. Lekarz aktywnie działa na rzecz wiejskiej społeczności. Włącza się w rozwój przemysłu i rzemiosła, zakłada szkołę i dba o polepszenie warunków życia chłopów. Jego zaangażowanie zachwyca Genestasa. Wkrótce okaże się, że...Data dostępności:
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Kobieta trzydztestoletnia – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
Tam, gdzie kończy się miłość, zaczyna się małżeństwo. Los kobiety nigdy nie był prosty. Wiara w zauroczenie i naiwność uczuć były głównym nurtem edukacji młodych panien w XIX wieku. Czasem stawały się też jedyną manifestacją wolności... Młoda Julia wychodzi za mąż za Wiktora, przekonana o swojej oraz jego ogromnej miłości. Po ślubie okazuje się, że jej szczęście było tylko iluzją. Jednak obowiązek...Data dostępności:
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Sarrasine – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
This is the coming of age story of a young sculptor named Sarrasine and the choices he will face on his journey towards his destiny. We follow Sarrasine as he travels from France to Italy to search for his passion and find the love of his life. The story of Sarrasine is intertwined with that of the beautiful La Zambinella, and Italian singer with whom the young sculptor will fall madly, deeply in love...Data dostępności:
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The Ball at Sceaux – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
Emilie de Fontaine is a spoiled and pround brat. She rejects all suitors her father proposes. Emilie has incredibly high standards for the man she will marry, and at the top of her unreasonable list of criteria is that he absolutely must be a peer of France. Leaving Paris for the summer, as all good families do, they go to Sceaux. At the local ball, Emilie falls in love with a charming, beautifully...Data dostępności:
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The Chouans – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
Two works of 1829 brought Balzac to the brink of success. „Les Chouans”, the first novel he felt enough confidence about to have published under his own name, is a historical novel about the Breton peasants called „Chouans” who took part in a royalist insurrection against Revolutionary France in 1799 that occurred in the region between Brittany and Nantes and Balzac places his story in this accurate...Data dostępności:
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At the Sign of the Cat and Racket – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
Monsieur Guillaume is a draper in Paris. He owns his shop, „La Maison du Chat-qui-pelote” and took the business over from his master, also marrying the daughter. Guillaume is the very portrait of the successful bourgeois. He has three clerks apprenticed to him, the first of whom, Joseph, is an orphan he intends to marry to his elder daughter Virginie. However, Joseph is in love with the younger daughter...Data dostępności:
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A Start in Life – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
By the French author, who, along with Flaubert, is generally regarded as a founding-father of nineteenth-century realism in European fiction. His large output of works, collectively entitled „The Human Comedy” (La Comedie Humaine), consists of 95 finished works and 48 unfinished works. The novel „A Start in Life” is part of the „Scenes of Private Life” section of Balzac’s masterpiece. In much of Balzac’s...Data dostępności:
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Louis Lambert – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
Prior to the twentieth century, philosophy was the driving force behind all literature. Authors used the novel as a means to communicate their ideas on man’s purpose and his place in the universe. With Louis Lambert, however, Balzac takes the idea of the philosophical novel a little too far in giving us this odd, chimerical mashup of philosophical treatise and coming-of-age novel. The novel seems to...Data dostępności:
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The Duchesse de Langeais – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
This is one of the three novelettes that are grouped together as „The History of the Thirteen”, along with „Ferragus: Chief of the Companions of Duty” and „The Girl with the Golden Eyes”. The whole notion is that there is a secret society of wealthy gentlemen in Paris called „The Thirteen” which has powers approaching the supernatural. General Armand de Montriveau, a war hero, is enamored of Duchess...Data dostępności:
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Vendetta – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
Fans of Romeo and Juliet will delight in the novella „Vendetta”, Honoré de Balzac’s unique take on the timeless theme of star-crossed lovers. This short novel is a story of love and revenge, dealing with the vendetta between two families of Corsican origin, set in early 19th century Paris just after the fall of Napoleon. It relates the tragic fate of Ginevra Piombo, the daughter of proud Corsican immigrants,...Data dostępności:
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The Marriage Contract – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
Just a plain old story told by a superb story teller. „A Marriage Contract” (French: „Le Contrat de marriage”) is an 1835 novel by French author Honoré de Balzac and included in the „Scenes de la vie privée” section of his novel sequence „La Comédie humaine”. Set in Bordeaux, the marriage between an elegant but weak young Parisian gentleman, Paul de Manerville, and the beautiful but spoiled daughter...Data dostępności:
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The Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
„Secrets of the Princesse de Cadignan” is a comic tale about a society woman, a Princess and a Duchess, who attempts to recycle her slightly seedy past by pursuing a minor literary figure of great probity and innocence. The Princess de Cadignan, aka the Duchesse de Maufrigneuse, has consorted with such notable Balzac rakes as Henri de Marsay, Maxime de Trailles, and Eugene de Rastignac, but is disconcerted...Data dostępności:
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Ferragus – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
„Ferragus” is an 1833 novel by French author Honoré de Balzac and included in the „Scenes de la vie parisienne” section of his novel sequence „La Comédie humaine”. It is part of his trilogy „Histoire des treize”: „Ferragus” is the first part, the second is „La Duchesse de Langeais” and the third is „The Girl with the Golden Eyes”. A captivating story about human emotions and relations, set in the year...Data dostępności:
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A Second Home – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
In a dark, narrow street in Paris lives an old widow and her pretty young daughter, sit by the window most days. They share a poor but contented existence, supporting themselves through embroidery work. They see a gentleman in a brown coat pass by in the mornings and return in the evenings. The mother always remarks that he appears either over-worked or in delicate health. The daughter ignores most...Data dostępności:
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Beatrix – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
This novel opens in the old town of Guerande which still enclosed by mighty walls and possesses moats still full of water. The houses have not changed and the streets are as they were one hundred years in the past. It is the family seat of the de Guenics. The old society of the town gather here to play cards and gossip, often about the younger generations. The son of the house, Calyste, is going to...Data dostępności:
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Colonel Chabert – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
In 1807 Colonel Chabert, Napoleon’s beloved commander, is severely wounded in the Battle of Eylau. Taken for dead and buried in a mass grave, he manages to escape and wanders in poverty through Europe for 10 years, torn between life and death, oblivion and consciousness. Finally recovering his memories, he sets out for Paris to search for his wife who had been a prostitute before he married her and...Data dostępności:
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The Girl with the Golden Eyes – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
„The Girl with the Golden Eyes” is the third part of a trilogy. Part one is entitled „Ferragus” and part two is „The Duchesse de Langeais”. The three stories are frequently combined under the title „The Thirteen”. It tells the story of a rich and ruthless young man in nineteenth century Paris caught up in an amorous entanglement with a mysterious beauty. Henri de Marsay, a young dandy who is obsessed...Data dostępności:
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The Village Rector – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
Forget the erroneous title, the central figure of this particular slice of Balzac’s lifelong gift to literature is a woman of character, Madame Veronique Graslin. Honoré de Balzac (20 May 1799 – 18 August 1850) is considered to be one of the fathers of realism in fiction and has crafted a vivid picture of Europe during the end of the Bourbon Monarchy. The first characters presented are the shopkeeper...Data dostępności:
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Eugenie Grandet – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
Depicting the fatal clash between material desires and the liberating power of human passions, Honoré de Balzac’s „Eugénie Grandet” (1833) is one of the earliest and most famous novels in his „Comedie humaine” cycle, which portrays a society consumed by the struggle to amass wealth and achieve power. The Grandet household, oppressed by the exacting miserliness of Grandet himself, is jerked violently...Data dostępności:
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