Junius B Smith
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Liczba pozycji: 7
The Purple Light – ebook
J.U. Giesy Junius B Smith
Semi Dual was an embodied mind rather than a human in the usual sense. He was a man of outstanding mental abilities, who applied his knowledge to straighten out the excesses and confusions of mortal life on earth. Many people would call him a mystic; in fact, he was a representative of the highest universal laws that few recognize. Another impressive story about Semi Dual, which reveals the new features...Data dostępności:
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The Wistaria Scarf – ebook
J.U. Giesy Junius B Smith
Sheldon, who was sentenced many times to imprisonment, has long been free. There were no rumors about him. However, his daughter is married and is going to the honeymoon, which paid for her father. The detective gets a phone call saying Sheldon has taken up the old business. And the detective goes to Sheldon’s daughter, whom he was in love with. The pursuit of Sheldon will never stop. However, maybe...Data dostępności:
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The Significance of the High „D” – ebook
J.U. Giesy Junius B Smith
The story begins at the Central Police Department. Where led Sheldon for the fourth time. The prisoner asked to speak with the detective, saying that he has a lead on the case, which the detective is so interested in. But is he not lying? And would a detective believe this? After all, what the prisoner will say will affect many of the detective’s decisions.Data dostępności:
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The Occult Detector – ebook
J.U. Giesy Junius B Smith
Abdul Omar was a psychologist, mystic and astrologer who worked as a private detective. He believed that astrology would help predict the exact actions of a person. Based on the time of birth, he can accurately predict what and when a person will do. He was devoted to protecting women and their honor. He fell in love with and married Lotis, a former assassin of the Black Brotherhood who was sent to...Data dostępności:
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The Master Mind – ebook
J.U. Giesy Junius B Smith
The story of an undercover detective who works to capture the thief of the Bank. It would seem that he had already caught him. After all, he pressed a button that signaled a patrol garage, and another one that called the inspector and several other officers from the next room. Before the side door of the bank there was a big car in a limousine, which had two entrances, facing two streets. It was clearly...Data dostępności:
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Rubies of Doom – ebook
J.U. Giesy Junius B Smith
Swartzberg was a cunning and mysterious man. First, he won all the guys in the cards, and then went out into the street, as if nothing had happened. But the detective who saw this picture, did not trust him. There was something about his personality that repelled him. The detective did not like his dark, heavy features, his swollen eyes, his mustache with curled tips, his thick, red lips, his heavy...Data dostępności:
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The House of Invisible Bondage – ebook
J.U. Giesy Junius B Smith
Two main assistants of our hero help their friend astrologer to solve the mystery. After all, Imer Lamb was locked in a sanatorium for killing his friend. Is he mad or the victim of a devilish conspiracy? Many secrets that readers must solve.Data dostępności:
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