Liczba pozycji: 62
Time for AUTHENTICITY – ebook
Anna Urbańska
To e-book w języku angielskim! I’m terrified when ‘just a little bit public’, or, let’s say, ‘kind of recognizable’ people present themselves only in a good light. They are perfect. Unique. They don’t encounter difficult issues, challenges or bad times. Why do some of us claim that their lives are full of neverending success, and all of their experiences are wonderful? Does it make you weak to admit...Data dostępności:
Przemówienia 2017 – ebook
Danuta Hubner
“Europe’s elective affinities” Europa Union Deutschland: 70th anniversary celebration, 11 January 2017, Berlin / 11 Priorities of the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC), 22–23 January 2017, Malta / 18 Discussion on the European Commission Work...Data dostępności: