edward lucas white ebook
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Liczba pozycji: 3
Andivius Hedulio – ebook
Edward Lucas White
Edward Lucas White has written a number of historical novels, including Andivius Hedulio. Amazing story of a Roman during the reign of Commodus. This is an exciting adventure! You will feel that you are in ancient Rome.Data dostępności:
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The Unwilling Vestal – ebook
Edward Lucas White
The Unwilling Vestalm, written by Edward Lucas White, tells the story of the difficult choice of the main character. Young girl in imperial Rome. She is in love with a young nobleman, but her father insists that she marry another man, Kalvaster, or becomea Vestal virgin. The woman becomes Vestal, one of the six virgin priestesses of the goddess Vesta, whose duty was to protect the sacred flame in the...Data dostępności:
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Lukundoo and Other Stories – ebook
Edward Lucas White
”Lukundoo and Other Stories” is one of those stories that are scary to read. The story of a man who breaks a taboo, then bears a cruel punishment. Curse is one of the punishments. The story will appeal to those who are interested in colonial anxiety and horror of the body.Data dostępności:
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