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Liczba pozycji: 65
Sustainable art Facing the need for regeneration, responsibility and relations – ebook
Anna Markowska
The words sustainbility and sustainable development used in political, economic and ecological debates actually refflect historical necessities to consider our planet in terms of global responsibility and not - which has been the case so far - unlimited exploration. Thus, the notion of sustainable art is characterized by social activism. Table of contents: Anna Markowska,Introduction; I. SOCIAL PARTICIPATION:...Data dostępności:
Arte de la América Latina y relaciones artísticas entre Polonia y Latinoamérica – ebook
Ewa Kubiak Olga Isabel Acosta Luna
El arte de América Latina en sus diferentes formas no se somete fácilmente a clasificaciones. En cada periodo de su desarrollo encontramos los rasgos característicos de las corrientes globales de Europa y con frecuencia de Asia, pero el mayor valor de la actividad artística en América Latina parecen ser sus localidades en la escala de todo el continente, así como también los centros regionales, que...Data dostępności:
South-East Asia: Studies in art, cultural heritage and artistic relations with Europe – ebook
Izabela Kopania
The preparation of this book began in 2011 and was connected with the 5th centenary of establishing contacts between Europe and South-East Asia. After Goa was conquered by the Portuguese in 1509, Admiral Alfonso de Albuquerque, the Deputy Governor of Portuguese India sent an expedition to Malakka (today Malaysia) in 1511. On the 24th of August they seized the city and built the Famosa fortress. In...Data dostępności:
Sztuka Europy Wschodniej • Искусство восточной Европы • Art of the East Europe tom I – ebook
Jerzy Malinowski
Polska – Rosja. Sztuka i historia: Sztuka polska, sztuka rosyjska i polsko-rosyjskie kontakty artystyczne do początku XX wieku . . . . . . . . . . . . Польша – Россия. Искусство и история: Польское искусcтво, российское искуcство и польско-российские художественные контакты до начала XX века . . . . . . . . . . . . Poland – Russia. Art and history: Polish art, Russian art and Polish-Russian artistic...Data dostępności:
Art in Jewish society – ebook
Jerzy Malinowski Renata Piątkowska Małgorzata Stolarska-Fronia Tamara Sztyma
The book Art in Jewish society contains a wide spectrum of interpretations of Jewish art in the social and cultural context. The authors of these studies presented the profiles of artists and people of art as well as artistic trends against the social and cultural background prevalent in the Jewish communities of Central and Eastern Europe from the period of emancipation until the mid-twentieth century....Data dostępności: