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Interdisciplinary encounters: Dimensions of interpreting studies – ebook
Interdisciplinary encounters: Dimensions of interpreting studies brings together researchers, scholars, practitioners, interpreters and interpreter trainers, who share their research results, perspectives and experiences regarding the interdisciplinarity in the field of interpreting studies. This interdisciplinarity is well reflected in the range of topics covered and research questions asked. From...Data dostępności:
The Anatomy of Intercultural Encounters. A Sociolinguistic Cross-Cultural Study – ebook
Grażyna Kiliańska-Przybyło
Żyjemy w czasach, w których kontakt z obcokrajowcami (osobisty lub wirtualny) jest nieunikniony. Publikacja koncentruje się na charakterystyce spotkań międzykulturowych, interakcji jakie zachodzą pomiędzy uczestnikami takich spotkań oraz przedstawieniu czynników, które odgrywają istotną rolę podczas komunikacji międzykulturowej. Spotkania międzykulturowe omówione są z dwóch perspektyw: teoretycznej...Data dostępności:
Oriental Encounters. Language, Society, Culture / Spotkania orientalistyczne. Język, społeczeństwo, kultura – ebook
Indyjski taniec Odissi, chińskie gry słowne czy leżąca u podstaw opartego na intuicji sposobu komunikowania się japońska „sztuka brzucha” to tylko niektóre z tematów omawianych w jedenastu artykułach składających się na tom „Oriental Encounters: Language, Society, Culture”. Książka, którą potraktować można jako swego rodzaju próbę dialogu międzykulturowego, dotyczy krajów orientalnych – Chin, Japonii...Data dostępności:
The Artistic Traditions of Non-European Cultures, vol. 7/8 – ebook
Ewa Kamińska Beata Romanowicz Aleksandra Görlich
Cultural Bridges: Collections – Encounters – Inspirations Japanese Art in Central and Eastern Europe till 1919 and beyond This publication, which is a part of an ongoing project entitled “Collections – Encounters – Inspirations: Japanese Art in Central and Eastern Europe till 1919 and beyond”, commemorates the 100th anniversary of Poland’s diplomatic relations with Japan. The primary objective of this...Data dostępności:
Between Divinity and Schema – ebook
Paweł Al Nowak
This book, split into two parts, blends psychology, philosophy, and religion, illuminated by the author’s experiences. Mesmerizing memories reveal surreal encounters intertwined with notable figures. Drawing from a rich tapestry of thought, the narrative explores esoteric realms, introducing innovative concepts and examining real-world events through a personal lens. From Warsaw to the Netherlands,...Data dostępności:
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Tarzan and the Ant Men – ebook
Edgar Rice Burroughs
“Tarzan and the Ant Men“ is a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, an American fiction writer, who created such great characters as Tarzan and John Carter of Mars. This is the tenth novel in a series of twenty-four books about the title character Tarzan. The story follows Tarzan's adventures, from his childhood being raised by apes in the jungle to his eventual encounters with other humans and Western...Data dostępności:
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Tarzan the Terrible – ebook
Edgar Rice Burroughs
“Tarzan the Terrible“ is a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, an American fiction writer, who created such great characters as Tarzan and John Carter of Mars. This is the eighth novel in a series of twenty-four books about the title character Tarzan. The story follows Tarzan's adventures, from his childhood being raised by apes in the jungle to his eventual encounters with other humans and Western...Data dostępności:
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Tarzan the Untamed – ebook
Edgar Rice Burroughs
“Tarzan the Untamed“ is a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, an American fiction writer, who created such great characters as Tarzan and John Carter of Mars. This is the seventh novel in a series of twenty-four books about the title character Tarzan. The story follows Tarzan's adventures, from his childhood being raised by apes in the jungle to his eventual encounters with other humans and Western...Data dostępności:
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Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar – ebook
Edgar Rice Burroughs
“Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar“ is a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, an American fiction writer, who created such great characters as Tarzan and John Carter of Mars. This is the fifth novel in a series of twenty-four books about the title character Tarzan. The story follows Tarzan's adventures, from his childhood being raised by apes in the jungle to his eventual encounters with other humans and...Data dostępności:
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The Return of Tarzan – ebook
Edgar Rice Burroughs
“The Return of Tarzan“ is a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, an American fiction writer, who created such great characters as Tarzan and John Carter of Mars. This is the second novel in a series of twenty-four books about the title character Tarzan. The story follows Tarzan's adventures, from his childhood being raised by apes in the jungle to his eventual encounters with other humans and Western...Data dostępności:
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The Beasts of Tarzan – ebook
Edgar Rice Burroughs
“The Beasts of Tarzan“ is a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, an American fiction writer, who created such great characters as Tarzan and John Carter of Mars. This is the third novel in a series of twenty-four books about the title character Tarzan. The story follows Tarzan's adventures, from his childhood being raised by apes in the jungle to his eventual encounters with other humans and Western...Data dostępności:
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The Son of Tarzan – ebook
Edgar Rice Burroughs
“The Son of Tarzan“ is a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, an American fiction writer, who created such great characters as Tarzan and John Carter of Mars. This is the fourth novel in a series of twenty-four books about the title character Tarzan. The story follows Tarzan's adventures, from his childhood being raised by apes in the jungle to his eventual encounters with other humans and Western...Data dostępności:
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Tarzan of the Apes – ebook
Edgar Rice Burroughs
“Tarzan of the Apes“ is a novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs, an American fiction writer, who created such great characters as Tarzan and John Carter of Mars. This novel is the first in a series of twenty-four books about the title character Tarzan. The story follows Tarzan's adventures, from his childhood being raised by apes in the jungle to his eventual encounters with other humans and Western...Data dostępności:
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Great Expectations – ebook
Charles Dickens
Great Expectations - a novel by Charles Dickens, an English writer who is regarded by many as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. On Christmas Eve, Pip, an orphan about seven years old, is visiting the graves of his parents and siblings in the village churchyard, where he unexpectedly encounters an escaped prisoner. The convict scares Pip into stealing food and tools from Pip's hot-tempered...Data dostępności:
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Gordon of the Lost Lagoon – ebook
Robert Watson
Despite the severity of the life he encounters, like a little rat, Douglas Gordon, with good mood and good fortune, with calm courage, pushes his way through difficulties. And this is followed by a fairy tale full of sea fool, the enchanting beauty of the islands in the Gulf of Georgia, the color of the promenade: a boy, a girl and a dog in a human adventure on the wild sea coast life near Vancouv...Data dostępności:
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Iron Shadows in the Moon – ebook
Robert E. Howard
Shadows in the Moonlight is one of the original short stories starring the fictional sword and sorcery hero Conan the Cimmerian, written author Robert E. Howard and first published in Weird Tales magazine in April 1934. Howard originally named his story „Iron Shadows in the Moon”. It is set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age and concerns Conan escaping to a remote island in the Vilayet Sea where...Data dostępności:
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David Copperfield – ebook
Charles Dickens
David Copperfield is the story of a young man’s adventures on his journey from an unhappy and impoverished childhood to the discovery of his vocation as a successful novelist. Among the gloriously vivid cast of characters he encounters are his tyrannical stepfather, Mr Murdstone; his formidable aunt, Betsey Trotwood; the eternally humble yet treacherous Uriah Heep; frivolous, enchanting Dora; and the...Data dostępności:
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Clung – ebook
Max Brand
Another great Western by Max Brand aka Frederick Faust, Clung is one his most memorable and intriguing characters. As a Western author, Brand did not shrink from controversial topics such as race relations in the Old West. There is a mystery about the birth of Clung, who is raised by an old Chinese man in a small Arizona town, but none about his skill with weapons. At first he shoots in self-defense,...Data dostępności:
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The Great Betrayal – ebook
Max Brand
Superstar pulpsmith Max Brand was best known for his Westerns, but his historical adventures rank among the best stories he ever wrote. He wrote somewhere around 12 or 13 historical swashbucklers not including the seven Tizzo stories. The complete tales of Tizzo the Firebrand contains the 7 stories. „The Great Betrayal” is one of it. The series is set in early 16th Century Italy. Luigi Falcone had...Data dostępności:
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Nauczyciele i Przyjaciele – ebook
Andrzej Mencwel
Książka wspomnieniowa jednego z najwybitniejszych polskich badaczy kultury, poświęcona osobom, które go ukształtowały. Jest to zbiór osobistych relacji ze spotkań Andrzeja Mencwela z życiem i dziełem twórców współczesnej kultury polskiej, większość opisywanych biografii i wydarzeń łączy się z Uniwersytetem Warszawskim. ***** Teachers and Friends A book of recollections by one of the most prominent...Data dostępności:
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