fred m. white
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My Lady Bountiful – ebook
Fred M. White
Fred M. White wrote a story about a real feminine and beautiful lady. For example, his story begins so: when a tall figure in black velvet and diamonds and lace appeared at the head of the staircase. Mrs. Eldred-Wolfram was tall and dark, and, although she was almost seventy years old, there was no gray hair on her smooth head. Her features were beautiful and arrogant, as befits Mrs. Eldred-Wolfram...Data dostępności:
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A Broken Memory – ebook
Fred M. White
Fred M. White gives us the opportunity to plunge into the past of Gladys Brooke. The book begins with the perfect life of Gladys in a small town. Then we come back three years ago, where we find out that she has a brother. And they, too, then lived well, but in another place. The main character begins to notice the strange behavior of her brother. At one point, a calm and perfect life ends.Data dostępności:
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The Five Knots – ebook
Fred M. White
Frederick Merrick White is an eminent writer who became famous for his short stories. The main character, Samuel Flowers, is a wealthy man and owns a fleet of ships. In England, where precious treasures are missing, some people begin to search for them. Will they be found, and what will happen to Flowers and his niece?Data dostępności:
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The Ends of Justice – ebook
Fred M. White
George Cathcart hostage to circumstances. Not the first day he dreams to horror realistic dreams. He was charged with conspiracy with Seth Powell, who died under mysterious circumstances. George Cathcar was confident in the long term of hard labor. Is he at fault? May be.Data dostępności:
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Naboth’s Vineyard – ebook
Fred M. White
The story of Naboth, who owned a vineyard in Jezreel.Ahab, claims to be a Naboth vineyard. He says: „I want to use the land for a vegetable garden. I will give you the best vineyard.” Naboth. replies that he inherited this vineyard and is not going to dress him.Data dostępności:
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Ambition’s Slave – ebook
Fred M. White
The life of Beatrice Darryll seemed perfect. It was calm without any trouble. The woman was young and energetic, many friends said she was charming. After her words: „The woman suffers most.” Life is full of problems.Data dostępności:
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Queen of Hearts – ebook
Fred M. White
Loving woman possesses charms. And not every man can resist them. So our hero, Tom Gilchrist, was fascinated by the beauty of the girl. His uncle, Sir Walter Vanguard warns that this is a bad idea. Perhaps he is right.Data dostępności:
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The Midnight Guest – ebook
Fred M. White
Another story where readers must solve the riddle: who is the killer. The main task: to solve who killed a fictitious famous artist Louis Delahay. Some say it’s his wife. But the clues in his past, they will help to identify the real offender.Data dostępności:
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Netta – ebook
Fred M. White
Netta Sherlock was a great singer. It was always important for the singer to have a healthy and sonorous voice. And their fear was to lose it. So it happened to Netta. She lost her ringing voice. A difficult path she has to go.Data dostępności:
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The Cardinal Moth – ebook
Fred M. White
Sir Clement Frobisher collects rare orchids. He has conflicts in the service, which have further consequences. There are plenty of twists and turns, along with a very mysterious murder weapon. It will most definitely keep you guessing!Data dostępności:
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A Secret Service – ebook
Fred M. White
A Secret Service is a spy story. Detective Moore fights with Russian seducers and German spies. All events take place before the Second World War. The plot, as always, is obsolete, but interesting for readers.Data dostępności:
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The Mystery of the Ravenspurs – ebook
Fred M. White
Ravenspurs is a quiet, dignified family, as rich and respectable as they come. However, recently they have become victims of mysterious crimes. But who is behind these tragedies? The last of the family must figure out before the whole line is destroyed.Data dostępności:
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Paul Quentin – ebook
Fred M. White
All people feel fear, even the bravest. So our hero, John Dugdale, was a very brave man. Suddenly, he is called to the police, accusing him of being a swindler. John is afraid that no one will believe his words. He becomes very nervous, which may affect future events.Data dostępności:
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Hard Pressed – ebook
Fred M. White
Fielden and May – happy married couple. One fine day, Fielden gets an autocatastrophe and disappears. May pretends that nothing has happened and everything is in order. She continues to move on. However, is everything so good? Has Fielden disappeared forever?Data dostępności:
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Real Dramas – ebook
Fred M. White
Frederick Merrick White (1859–1935) wrote a number of novels and short stories under the name „Fred M. White” including the six „Doom of London” science-fiction stories, in which various catastrophes beset London. These include „The Four Days’ Night”, in which London is beset by a massive killer smog; „The Dust of Death”, in which diphtheria infects the city, spreading from refuse tips and sewers;...Data dostępności:
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The Golden Bat – ebook
Fred M. White
Fred M. White’s hobby is to confuse the reader from the very first pages. The same happens in The Golden Bat, from the very first phrases we learn about a real confident man, Lytton Barle. He was the head of the Secret Squad at New Scotland. His friend, Ray, came to London to find a man who stole $ 40,000 from him. Ray joins the Secret Squad. Together, two comrades are going to make noise and punish...Data dostępności:
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Tregarthen’s Wife – ebook
Fred M. White
Another fantastic story from Fred M. White. The island of Tregarthen is a long green succulent piece from the mainland, about eight miles long and five wide. It is protected from the east and north by granite walls, rising a thousand feet up and dark, and its music is the Atlantic thunder and the cry of countless sea birds. Where is it? What matters it? Not so many leagues from Tintagel, for they tell...Data dostępności:
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The Councillors of Falconhoe – ebook
Fred M. White
”The Councillors of Falconhoe”, the new serial story, written by Mr. Fred. M. White. The story begins in the London club „Mars and Jupiter”, where several diplomats enjoy a quiet place, and the interest of the reader from the very beginning is maintained in an atmosphere of excitement. Hilary Gelicors, a central figure in the story, after an exciting adventure in the war, is unable to adapt to the...Data dostępności:
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The Doom of London – ebook
Fred M. White
A terrible story that can cause goose bumps after reading. The story of The Doom of London describes the disasters that befell Victorian London. One of the largest cities is shocked by life threatening circumstances. Here there are underground explosions, poisoning, aplague of diphtheria. London is on the verge of death.Data dostępności:
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The Crimson Blind – ebook
Fred M. White
Many people go through financial difficulties. The popular detective novelist David Steele finds himself in a difficult financial situation and accepts an invitation from an unknown mysterious lady who offers to help with his debts. Instead, she wants him to solve her unpleasant situation. He performs his part of the deal. Upon arrival home, he discovers a corpse.Data dostępności:
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