
Liczba pozycji: 77

    The Picture of Dorian Gray Portret Doriana Graya w wersji do nauki angielskiego – ebook

    Oskar Wilde   Marta Fihel   Dariusz Jemielniak   Grzegorz Komerski   Maciej Polak  

    Język angielski - Poziom B2 Lubisz czytać dobre powieści, a jednocześnie chcesz doskonalić swój angielski? Mamy dla Ciebie idealne połączenie! Klasyka literatury światowej w wersji do nauki języka angielskiego. Dorian Gray, młodzieniec o hipnotyzującej urodzie, pozuje do portretu malarzowi Bazylemu Hallwardowi. To wydarzenie rozpoczyna historię, która pozwala wniknąć w świat grupy młodych wielbicieli...

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    Cena: 44,91 zł 49,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 49,90 zł


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  • The Picture of Dorian Gray Portret Doriana Graya w wersji do nauki angielskiego – audiobook

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    The Picture of Dorian Gray Portret Doriana Graya w wersji do nauki angielskiego – audiobook

    Oscar Wilde   Marta Fihel   Dariusz Jemielniak   Grzegorz Komerski   Maciej Polak  

    "Połącz rozrywkę z nauką! Audiobooki w języku angielskim to doskonała pomoc w ćwiczeniu wymowy oraz oswajaniu się z językiem. Dzięki korzystaniu z nagrań czytanych przez profesjonalnego lektora - native speakera - osłuchasz się ze sposobem wymawiania poszczególnych głosek oraz całych słów i poprawisz swoją wymowę oraz umiejętność słuchania ze zrozumieniem. Nie będziesz miał także problemu z rozpoznaniem...

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    Cena: 17,91 zł 19,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 19,90 zł


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    The Picture of Dorian Gray – ebook

    Oscar Wilde  

    Possessing eternal youth and beauty produces exactly the same effect as sentencing a man to life without the possibility of parole. Both have nothing to lose and morals disappear before the desire for immediate self-gratification in all things. And so it is with Dorian Gray. It’s a moral story so eventually his evil catches up with him and he dies, as does the criminal. „The Picture of Dorian Gray”...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    Jeanne of the Marshes – ebook

    E. Phillips Oppenheim  

    The Princess opened her eyes at the sound of her maid’s approach. She turned her head impatiently toward the door. „Annette,” she said coldly, „did you misunderstand me? Did I not say that I was on no account to be disturbed this afternoon? „ Annette was the picture of despair. Eyebrows and hands betrayed alike both her agitation of mind and her nationality.

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    After Dark – ebook

    Wilkie Collins  

    „When Night Falls” is a complex novel. Six fascinating stories, full of mystery and tension, are collected by the author into a single picture, worthy of taking its place among the most exquisite works of classic English literature. The stories consist of formal introductions to each story, including character sketches of the alleged narrators, a fictional portrait painter taking a break from sore...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    Master of the World – ebook

    Jules Verne  

    In the first part of the story, the brave inventor Robur sets off on a world tour on a giant helicopter „Albatross” in order to prove the superiority of aircraft heavier than air over balloons. The work has an intrigue that unfolds in a rather interesting way, as well as a very unpredictable ending. This is in the style of Verne – when the heroes of one work can easily appear in another, remember the...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    The Game – ebook

    Jack London  

    This is an honest story that the „Game”, whether it’s sport or life in general, is unpredictable and completely indifferent to the circumstances in which the person is. Great hopes are broken about reality, and this is the whole of London, which cuts off the shoulder when it wants to say something to its reader. The picture from life is shown succinctly and expertly, and therefore it is worth saying...

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    Rubies of Doom – ebook

    J.U. Giesy   Junius B Smith  

    Swartzberg was a cunning and mysterious man. First, he won all the guys in the cards, and then went out into the street, as if nothing had happened. But the detective who saw this picture, did not trust him. There was something about his personality that repelled him. The detective did not like his dark, heavy features, his swollen eyes, his mustache with curled tips, his thick, red lips, his heavy...

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    History of King Richard the Second of England – ebook

    Jacob Abbott  

    This book covers the whole history of England after the death of Richard 1. Great emphasis is placed on the coming to power of Richard 2. His overthrow and death are also described in detail by the author. Jacob Abbott offers a more complete picture as is possible, within such limits, of the ideas and principles, the manners and customs.

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  • Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Theory and practice – ebook

    Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Theory and practice – ebook

    Innovation is a complex, multi-aspect, global, regional and industry process. It is a consequence of the interaction of creativity, entrepreneurship, competitiveness, knowledge, management and economic growth. A competitive position of countries and companies is the outcome of their capacity and predisposition for innovations, shaped by their sizes, resources at their disposal (including human), system...

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  • Documents talk: Nato-Russia relations after the Cold War – ebook

    Robert Kupiecki   Marek Menkiszak  

    (...) regardless of the adopted perspective of an observer or analyst, and optimism/pessimism related to NATO-Russia relations, they will remain a key aspect of international security. This necessitates the search for "source knowledge" and "decoding" numerous stereotypes and simplifications that these relations have overgrown for the last quarter century. One must not forget the calculated and deliberate...

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    7 to 12 – ebook

    Anna Katharine Green  

    A tall, elegant middle-aged woman sat in front of a mirror, and the finishing touches of her rich toilet seat young woman were kneeling on the floor next to her. The noted picture, and this is not from belonging to the wealth and splendor observed everywhere, but from the character of two persons who, although of completely different composition, and possibly belong to the two extremes of society,...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    Niewidka i Zobaczysko – ebook

    Joanna Mueller   Joanna Łańcucka  

    Znany już z poemiksu Waruj duet poetki Joanny Mueller i graficzki Joanny Łańcuckiej powraca z kamishibajką – historią inspirowaną japońskim teatrem ilustrowanym kamishibai. Tym razem autorki współdziałają, by w nowatorskiej narracji, łączącej cechy herstorii, baśni, picture booków, a nawet powiastek filozoficznych, pokazać nam świat Niewidki – osamotnionej dziewczynki, która w zamkniętej przestrzeni...

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    Cena: 19,80 zł 22,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 22,00 zł


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    Emblematy – ebook

    Andrea Alciato   Włodzimierz Olszaniec   Mikołaj Olszewski  

    Tom VIII serii udostępnia polskiemu odbiorcy dzieło Andrei Alciata (1492–1550), mediolańskiego prawnika i humanisty, uważanego za twórcę kanonicznej wersji gatunku literacko-obrazowego zwanego emblematem, który przeżywał swój rozkwit w Europie XVI–XVII wieku. Publikacja prezentuje pierwsze polskie tłumaczenie całości zbioru Alciatusa, wraz z komentarzem naukowym i obszerną przedmową. ****** Emblems Volume...

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    The Queen’s Necklace – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    French author of famous swashbuckler novels Alexandre Dumas again chooses 18th century France for his milieu. No musketeers in this one, for it is the Queen, Marie Antoinette, who needs defending. Set a few years before the deluge of the French Revolution this plot is convoluted beyond belief; schemes, counter-measures, vicious personal agendas, love-struck young people, royal revenge and ecclesiastical...

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    Guy Garrick – ebook

    Arthur B. Reeve  

    Newspaperman Walter Jameson is assigned to shadow his friend Professor Craig Kennedy for a month to report on how he solves mysterious crimes and to give „an intimate picture of the man and his work.” Basically, Kennedy’s a scientist who uses his superior scientific knowledge and a bunch of contraptions he makes to expose the criminals. „The Dream Doctor” is the third book in the Dr. Kennedy series...

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    To London Town – ebook

    Arthur Morrison  

    A widow and her two children struggle to make ends meet in East London after their grandfather and provider is killed. First they are threatened by a sponging uncle and his friend Mr. Butson, a „cadger of suppers”, then by their new landlord Mr. Dunkin, a man who exudes a wealth of sympathy, a wealth that Mr. Dunkin squandered with no restraint but this, that it carried no other sort of wealth with...

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    Dave Dashaway around the World – ebook

    Roy Rockwood  

    Weldon J. Cobb was a staff writer for the Stratemeyer Syndicate, a book packaging company that specialized in juvenile fiction. Under the pseudonym Roy Rockwood, Cobb authored the Dave Dashaway series of books that appeared between the years 1913 and 1915. In the tradition of the Bobbsey Twins and the Hardy Boys, Dave Dashaway continues to explore new horizons and to stay one step ahead of his nemesis!...

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    The House of the Whispering Pines – ebook

    Anna Katharine Green  

    When a woman is found dead at The Whispering Pines, not only is everyone shocked, but murder is suspected. After all, why would such a well liked young lady put an end to things, or why would anyone want to do away with her? Her vagabond of a brother is suspected, since he has every cause to wish her out of the picture. Her fiancée Elwood Ranelagh also is suspected since he no longer wished to marry...

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    The Vanished Messenger – ebook

    E. Phillips Oppenheim  

    Mystery novel by E. Phillips Oppenheim involving a handicapped art collector. The book concerns recently demobbed and down on his luck Major Owston, who becomes the bodyguard of the deformed amoral art collector Martin Hews. Enabled by his enormous wealth to buy the world’s most beautiful works of art. Hews is plunged into a bitter rivalry with a gang leader simply known as „Joseph”. This is a thrilling...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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Liczba pozycji: 77