river ebook
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Rogue River Feud – ebook
Zane Grey
Zane Gray had a hut on the Robber, and his affection and passion for this epic river make her the main theme of the book.It is the best writing about the Rogue that has been done before or since and poetically and descriptively traces the river from its birth below Crater Lake to its dispersal into the Pacific and then picks up a school of salmon and takes them all the way back up the river to spawn....Data dostępności:
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The Complete Sanders of the River Series – ebook
Edgar Wallace
Edgar Wallace is one of the most popular classics of the English detective. The unpredictable dynamic plots of his books gave rise to more than 160 adaptations! The author worked a lot with Hollywood: he was the screenwriter of the legendary King Kong and the first film version of The Baskervilles Dogs. Chases, shootings, changing clothes, luxury villas and cars are integral parts of Wallace’s stories....Data dostępności:
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Fur Brigade – ebook
Hal G. Evarts
From the first pages we see what light feelings the main character feels for the river and the beautiful girl. It would appear that they can bind? However, near the river he met a beautiful woman. And the beauty of the girl helped the river make it even more amazing. This story will impress with its epithets and romantic story.Data dostępności:
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The Huntress – ebook
Hulbert Footner
„The Huntress” written by Hulbert Footner who was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. His first published works were travelogues of canoe trips on the Hudson River and in the Northwest Territory along the Peace River, Hay River and Fraser River. He also wrote a series of northwest adventures during the period 1911 through 1920. Published in 1922, here a frontier love story with...Data dostępności:
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Affair in Araby – ebook
Talbot Mundy
Hulbert Footner (1879 – 1944) was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. His first published works were travelogues of canoe trips on the Hudson River and in the Northwest Territory along the Peace River, Hay River and Fraser River. He also wrote a series of northwest adventures during the period 1911 through 1920. That is why the novel „Jack Chanty” is based on his canoe adventures...Data dostępności:
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The Trail of the Golden Horn – ebook
H.A. Cody
The main character, Hugo, hated the river and always kept away from it. After all, the river is a clear evil. From which many people died. Hugo will have to overcome many obstacles in its path. Overcome your fears. But will he cope with this?Data dostępności:
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Bomba, the Jungle Boy on the Underground River – ebook
Roy Rockwood
The ongoing adventures of the courageous Bomba the Jungle Boy! In „Bomba, the Jungle Boy on the Underground River”, Sobrinini, the snake woman that Bomba rescued from Snake Island, is also undergoing treatment. During her more lucid moments, she has told Bomba of a chest that she buried in the banks of an underground river. It contains documents and records related to Bomba’s parents. Sobrinini’s disordered...Data dostępności:
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Life on the Mississippi – ebook
Mark Twain
Twain begins his story by telling of the Mississippi river and some of its origins. He describes several facts that gives the reader a little bit of information of its discovery. After covering the history of the river, Twain shifts to his history with the river. Growing up near the river created Twain’s dream as a child to become a steamboat pilot. Life on the Mississippi is no ordinary guided tour,...Data dostępności:
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Two on the Trail – ebook
Hulbert Footner
William Hulbert Footner (1879-1944) was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. His first published works were travelogues of canoe trips on the Hudson River and in the Northwest Territory along the Peace River, Hay River and Fraser River. He also wrote a series of northwest adventures during the period 1911 through 1920. „Two on the Trail (A Story of the Far Northwest) is a popular...Data dostępności:
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The River Fury – ebook
H.A. Cody
It was a windy day and why not go out with your boats to the sea? Sail sags were filled, people began to act, and for a long time the boats beat heavily downstream. The race began in earnest, and the spirit of rivalry revived the hearts of these tumultuous river drivers. Captain Nat was driving, and his eyes shone with pleasure as he gradually turned away from his rival.Data dostępności:
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Bosambo of the River – ebook
Edgar Wallace
Many years ago the Monrovian Government sent one Bosambo, a native of the Kroo coast and consequently a thief, to penal servitude for the term of his natural life. Bosambo, who had other views on the matter, was given an axe and a saw in the penal settlement and told to cut down and trim certain mahogany trees in company with other unfortunate men similarly circumstanced. Those who love classic adventure...Data dostępności:
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The River of Stars – ebook
Edgar Wallace
During 1907 Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) travelled to the Congo Free State, to report on atrocities committed against the Congolese under King Leopold II of Belgium and the Belgian rubber companies, in which up to 15 million Congolese were killed. Isabel Thorne of the Weekly Tale-Teller penny magazine, invited Wallace to serialize stories inspired by his experiences. These were published as his first...Data dostępności:
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Pośród pól – ebook
Amy Stuart
Jak odnaleźć prawdę w miejscu pełnym tajemnic? High River nie jest typowym miasteczkiem – to miejsce, które daje schronienie kobietom uciekającym przed swoją przeszłością. Helen Haines zapewnia im opiekę i anonimowość. Sally Proulx i jej dwuletni synek zniknęli w tajemniczych okolicznościach, a Clare zostaje wynajęta, żeby ich odnaleźć – liczy, że uda jej się to zrobić, zanim będzie za późno... Udając...Data dostępności:
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The River Riders – ebook
T.C. Bridges
Winter closed early over the great desert of the Northwest, and the first dense snow lay on the banks and covered dark trees with a white mantle. Ice formed under the river banks, and its huge layers crumbled under the sound of a choking stern wheel and rattled like broken glass on a track. In the snowy forest thickets, neither human dwellings nor living creatures were visible. The still air was bitter...Data dostępności:
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The Pot of Gold and Other Stories – ebook
Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
This novel is for those who are looking for a quick and easy read. The Flowers family lived in a small house in a wide grassy meadow that descended a few branches from the front door to a gentle silvery river. Directly across the river stood a lovely dark green mountain, and when a rainbow fell, as it often did, nothing could look more charming than it rose from the opposite bank of the stream against...Data dostępności:
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The Guilty River – ebook
Wilkie Collins
Gerard Roiland, a typical Collins outsider, returns from college in Germany to take over his family estate at Trimley Dean and falls inappropriately in love with Kristel Toller, the daughter of one of his tenants. There is a mysterious deaf tenant who is also after Christelle.Data dostępności:
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Radości – ebook
Grzegorz Kwiatkowski
Tom utrzymany w duchu minimalizmu i estetyki Umarłych ze Spoon River Edgara Lee Mastersa oraz filmów Michaela Haneke. 22 wiersze, 22 historie ludzkich "radości", 22 sytuacje graniczne. Autora interesuje temat nieprzemijalności zła i jego ciągłego istnienia w świecie.Data dostępności:
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Kłopoty w raju – ebook
Robyn Carr
Kalifornijskie miasteczko Virgin River leży u podnóża gór, w cieniu strzelistych sekwoi. Życzliwi mieszkańcy, spokojne życie i piękna przyroda sprawiają, że ci, którzy przyjechali tu na chwilę, chcąc zapomnieć o złym losie, zostają jednak na zawsze. Czy wystarczy uciec od przeszłości, by rozpocząć nowe życie? John Midleton po pełnej ryzyka służbie w marines marzy o spokojnym życiu. Osiedla się w...Data dostępności:
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Drakensang: The River of Time - atlas świata - poradnik do gry – ebook
Karol "Karolus" Wilczek
Atlas świata jest uzupełnieniem poradnika do gry Drakensang: The River of Time. Znajdują się w nim informacje na temat tworzenia postaci, magii, cudów i geomancji, a także towarzyszy, skarbów oraz rozmieszczenia kupców na terenie gry. Drakensang: The River of Time - atlas świata - poradnik do gry zawiera poszukiwane przez graczy tematy i lokacje jak m.in. Tworzenie postaci (Bohater) Archetypy wojowników...Data dostępności:
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Shallow River – ebook
H. D. Carlton
Autorka światowego bestsellera Haunting Adeline! Książka zawiera opisy przemocy, w tym seksualnej, oraz drastyczne sceny. Shallow Hill to prawdziwe piekło na ziemi i miejsce, z którego River McAllister udało się uciec. Zostawiła tam swoją niewinność, ale też dużą dozę zdrowego rozsądku. Dziewczyna włożyła sporo pracy, aby odbudować swoje życie, mając u boku cudownego mężczyznę. Nie mogło być lepiej. Ryan...Data dostępności: