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Seventeen – ebook
Daria Nogala Szkrab Bloomy
Nastoletnia Pola Skowrońska zmuszona jest do porzucenia swojego dotychczasowego życia w Gdańsku. Pewnej chłodnej wiosny przeprowadza się do Wrocławia — miasta, którego nie lubi. Na jej drodze staje Franek Majewski, młody prawnik, a wraz z nim — jego surowa rodzina. Bliscy Franka nie chcą słyszeć o uczuciu, którym chłopak zaczął darzyć Polę, więc postanawiają zatrzymać młodych kochanków. Miłość zaczyna się...Data dostępności:
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The Seventeen Thieves of El-Kalil – ebook
Talbot Mundy
From the point of view of a serious expert on the events, Jimmarg holds control over the situation to try and prevent bloody fighting in Jerusalem and elsewhere. It involves some trick, which makes some deals that you can not abandon with Ali Baba, the descendant of different generations. Lots of tension, a lot of camels and James Shuiller Thunder coolly do their thing.Data dostępności:
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A Fight for Fortune – ebook
T.C. Bridges
A pair of seventeen-year-old boys leaves the house to make their way to fate in the Far Eastern seas. „It must be my hands that are at fault, then,” replied Clive. „I’ve been trying everywhere for the past three weeks, and can’t get taken on. I came down here to look up Captain Brereton, an old friend of my father’s. He’s skipper and part owner of a tramp steamer, the Sphinx. I hoped to cadge a passage...Data dostępności:
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Strong-Hand Saxon – ebook
T.C. Bridges
The boy knew all too well that his father was fighting to preserve the farm. The land was poor and they had three bad seasons. Unable to even pay for the labor, the farmer Holt and his seventeen-year-old son did almost all the work themselves, and sometimes it was hard work. They would not have known their neighbors, but the beasts themselves in the stables and stables lived better than Holt and his...Data dostępności:
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Rogue Herries – ebook
Hugh Walpole
This chronicle tells of several generations of a family that lives in the Lake District in England, dating back to the late seventeen hundred. Hugh’s descriptions of this area are excellent. He had such a great love for him that he conveyed a great sense of his presence throughout all four novels. His characters also become so alive for the reader, because, I think, he is completely immersed in th...Data dostępności:
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The Woman Ayisha – ebook
Talbot Mundy
First let’s look at the situation for a moment. We were twenty people: seventeen Arabs, Narayan Singh, I and Thunder. We were in Petra over Jordan, which was a civilian land until Ali Higg, the impostor of Leo Peter, a friend of the Prophet Islam, Lord of Limit Deserts, and Lord Vaters became established there as a thorn on the flank of Palestine. Inaccessible and inaccessible, except for airplanes,...Data dostępności:
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Again the Ringer – ebook
Edgar Wallace
Seventeen short stories featuring that master of disguise, Henry Arthur Milton, known as „The Ringer”. An exiting page-tuner full of intrigue and mystery, „Again the Ringer” is a must-read for all fans of thrilling crime fiction. Richard Horatio Edgar Wallace (1875 – 1932) was a prolific English writer. During his lifetime, he wrote 18 stage plays, 957 short stories, numerous articles in newspapers...Data dostępności:
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Northanger Abbey – ebook
Jane Austen
The story’s heroine is Catherine Morland, an innocent seventeen-year-old woman from a country parsonage. While spending a few weeks in Bath with a family friend, Catherine meets and falls in love with Henry Tilney, who invites her to visit his family estate, Northanger Abbey. Once there, Catherine, a great reader of Gothic thrillers, lets the shadowy atmosphere of the old mansion fill her mind with...Data dostępności:
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Happy Jack – ebook
Max Brand
If you enjoy a fast moving western dealing with vengeance and well-deserved payback, you’ll like „Happy Jack” (1936) by Max Brand. One bullet was all it took to change Jack Anderson from a carefree boy into a hunted man. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides a number of interesting twists and turns. The journey is the entertaining part. Highly recommended,...Data dostępności:
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Sleeper Turns Horse-Thief – ebook
Max Brand
Another Sleeper story, featuring Sleeper, a gunslinger turned horse-thief, from the collection „More Tales of the Wild West”. Six action-packed stories of the Old West, filled with unforgettable characters, includes „A Lucky Dog,” in which man’s best friend helps a would-be killer and thief find salvation, along with „A First Blooding,” „Inverness,” (aka „Sleeper Turns Horse-Thief”) and „Death in Alkali...Data dostępności:
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The Jackson Trail – ebook
Max Brand
One of the most prolific writers of all time, he wrote more than 500 novels and nearly 15 million words under the pen name of Max Brand and seventeen others. Alongside Zane Grey, the western section of any bookstore is usually packed with Max Brand titles. „The Jackson Trail” is another outstanding western that demands your attention. In it, Jesse Jackson is riding where the law feared to go... Packed...Data dostępności:
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Summer – ebook
Edith Wharton
Considered by some to be her finest work, Edith Wharton’s „Summer” created a sensation when first published in 1917, as it was one of the first novels to deal honestly with a young woman’s sexual awakening. Seventeen-year-old Charity Royall is desperate to escape life with her hard-drinking adoptive father. Their isolated village stifles her, and his behavior increasingly disturbs her. When a young...Data dostępności:
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Good Evans – ebook
Edgar Wallace
One of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century, Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular author. The Educated Evans stories combine Wallace’s talent for humor with his hallmark detective story themes. His story of Evans is full of amusing incidents of love and adventure set amidst the bustle and excitement of the racecourse. This continues the life of Evans, Edgar Wallace’s? cockney tipster...Data dostępności:
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The Pilot – ebook
James Fenimore Cooper
In The Pilot (1824), James Fenimore Cooper invented a new literary genre: the sea novel. Bold, vigorous, original, it is a tale of high adventure that vividly captures the majesty and power of the seafaring life. Cooper drew on his direct knowledge of ships and sailors to present a truer picture of life on the sea than had ever before achieved in literature. As a boy of seventeen he had experienced...Data dostępności:
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Ktoś jest w twoim domu – ebook
Stephanie Perkins
Minął prawie rok, odkąd Makani Young zamieszkała w domu babci w samym środku kukurydzianej Nebraski, lecz dziewczyna wciąż jeszcze przyzwyczaja się do nowych śródlądowych warunków. I ciągle prześladuje ją przeszłość z czasów życia na Hawajach… Nagle wokół niej zaczynają ginąć uczniowie z jej liceum, Osborne High – jedno po drugim, w serii okrutnych morderstw, z których każde ma coraz bardziej makabryczny...Data dostępności:
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Wednesday. Adaptacja Sezonu 1 – ebook
Tehlor Kay Mejia
Powróć do Akademii Nevermore wraz z Wednesday Addams w tejwiernej adaptacji pierwszego sezonu przebojowego serialu „ Wednesday”! Wednesday Addams przybywa do Akademii Nevermore. Próbuje opanować swoje nowo odkryte zdolności parapsychiczne, powstrzymać tajemnicze ataki w miasteczku Jericho i rozwiązać zagadkę, w którą dwadzieścia pięć lat wcześniej zostali uwikłani jej rodzice. Jakby tego było mało,...Data dostępności:
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Gwiazdy i cienie – ebook
Marie Lu
Supergwiazda. Tajny agent. I jedyna w swoim rodzaju misja! James Bond dla młodzieży. Jedna z najbardziej wyczekiwanych książek 2023 roku wg magazynu „Seventeen”! Poznajcie Wintera Younga – to początkujący tancerz, który robi błyskawiczną światową karierę. Za sprawą scenicznej charyzmy bije rekordy popularności i gwarantuje wyprzedane koncerty od Londynu po Los Angeles. Teraz jednak musi wykorzystać...Data dostępności:
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