the teacher
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The Language Teacher in the Digital Age: Towards a Systematic Approach to Digital Teacher Development – ebook
Jarosław Krajka
Autor przedstawia wyczerpujące kompendium wiedzy na temat roli, kompetencji oraz kształcenia "skomputeryzowanego" nauczyciela języka obcego (w szczególności angielskiego) AD 2011. W jednej rozprawie przyswoił polskim edukatorom języka obcego zasadniczy zrąb dostępnej literatury przedmiotu opublikowanej za granicą (w krajach anglojęzycznych) oraz dokonał całościowego przeglądu literatury polskiej w...Data dostępności:
The Formation of Language Teacher Professional Identity: A Phenomenographic-Narrative Study – ebook
Dorota Werbińska
It is because I see the examination of teacher identity as fundamental to understanding who teachers are and what they do in the language classroom that I have chosen to write this book. I hope this endeavour helps the area of language teacher identity research advance and better shapes our understanding of the complex nature of the formation of language teacher identity.Data dostępności:
Teacher education from the point of view of students in Poland and Portugal – ebook
Joanna Michalak-Dawidziuk
Niniejsza monografia składa się z sześciu rozdziałów. Rozdział pierwszy prezentuje teoretyczny kontekst pojęcia kształcenia i kształcenia nauczycieli oraz zawiera przegląd różnych modeli i teorii, z uwzględnieniem tendencji następujących zmian.Data dostępności:
Developing into an effective Polish Teacher of English – ebook
Dorota Werbińska
The major aim of this work has been to explore the profile of an effective Polish teacher of English ten years ago and now. In particular, it has attempted to determine what competencies or kinds of professional knowledge distinguish this successful professional, as well as what personal teacher theories she seems to hold. In order to accomplish these goals, two interview studies were conducted, one...Data dostępności:
International trends in preparation of early childhood teachers in a changing world – ebook
Józefa Bałachowicz Krystyna Nowak-Frykowski Zuzanna Zbróg
For years we have struggled to response to a challenge of teacher education in its various contexts, being aware of the deficiencies of teacher training and development, but, at the same time, not reaching community-negotiated solutions. [...] The book reveals international trends in early childhood teacher training and takes into consideration various aspects that can have a significant influence...Data dostępności:
The Song of the Lark – ebook
Willa Cather
Young and ambitious Thea Kronborg leaves Moonstone, a fictional city in Colorado, for Chicago to pursue her dream of becoming a pianist. The music teacher hears her voice and realizes that the girl has a gift for singing. He encourages her to continue studying vocals instead of piano.Data dostępności:
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The Debtor – ebook
Mary E. Wilkins Freeman
Banbridge is close enough to the great City that, after dark, the merging light of its many eyes of electric fire can be seen on the southern horizon. This book shows exactly how women were completely thrown into provincial resources. They perfected their minds and bodies, even having a physical education club and a teacher who came weekly from the City.Data dostępności:
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The Professor – ebook
Charlotte Bronte
The Professor was the first novel by Charlotte Brontë. It was originally written before Jane Eyre. The book is the story of a young man, William Crimsworth, and is a first-person narrative from his perspective. It describes his maturation, his career as a teacher in Brussels, and his personal relationships.Data dostępności:
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Teacher Education in Ukraine: Historical Experience and Modern Challenges – ebook
This publication is directed to the pedagogical workers of different types of educational establishments, the researchers in the field of pedagogics, theory and practice of bringing-up, didactics, the students and postgraduates of higher pedagogical educational establishments, everyone who is interested in the problems of training and professional activities of Ukrainian teachers.Data dostępności:
The Master of the Shell – ebook
Talbot Baines Reed
In this novel, for a change, the protagonist is a master, not students. We see events from the point of view of some boys, but it is new that readers are asked to look at things from the point of view of the teacher. Mark Ralesford is a young gentleman who has just become engaged. He is also ready to start work after graduation and travel around the world. He is accepted as a teacher and home master...Data dostępności:
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Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny 2021/4 (262) – ebook
Joanna Madalińska-Michalak
Artykuły składające się na numer wybrano spośród wystąpień przedstawionych na 45. Dorocznej Konferencji Stowarzyszenia na rzecz Rozwoju Zawodowego Nauczycieli w Europie (Association for Teacher Education in Europe, ATEE), zorganizowanej we wrześniu 2021 roku na Wydziale Pedagogicznym Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Teksty prezentują analizy, perspektywy i polityczne inicjatywy związane z nową wizją oraz...Data dostępności:
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Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny 2021/4 (262) – ebook
Artykuły składające się na numer wybrano spośród wystąpień przedstawionych na 45. Dorocznej Konferencji Stowarzyszenia na rzecz Rozwoju Zawodowego Nauczycieli w Europie (Association for Teacher Education in Europe, ATEE), zorganizowanej we wrześniu 2021 roku na Wydziale Pedagogicznym Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Teksty prezentują analizy, perspektywy i polityczne inicjatywy związane z nową wizją oraz...Data dostępności:
The Gods and Mr. Perrin – ebook
Hugh Walpole
This is a wonderful story of English school life, depicting the driving of boys and the hungry, cramped life of the masters, as well as the tragedy that captures and leads Mr. Perrin. We are set up so as not to love the school teacher Mr. Perrin, who is falling into our eyes into some kind of paranoid delusion. Nevertheless, at every step, the author deviates from the expected result, truly not letting...Data dostępności:
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Under the Greenwood Tree – ebook
Thomas Hardy
This story began around Christmas, when a group of guys from the village of Melstock walked and sang carols. It was then that the cab driver Dick Dewey saw and fell in love at first sight with the new teacher Fancy Day who had just arrived. She is also looked after by a wealthy farmer Shiner, whom Father Day favors, and pastor Maybold, who considers himself the most suitable party for Fancy. But the...Data dostępności:
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Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny 2023/4 (270) Advancing Education in Europe: Perspectives on Identity, Trust, Inclusive Practices, and Teacher Development – ebook
Artykuły zawarte w numerze stanowią wielowątkową dyskusję o wyzwaniach edukacyjnych w Europie, takich jak tożsamość, zaufanie, praktyki włączające i rozwój nauczycieli. Czytelnicy znajdą w nim obszerne badania dotyczące tożsamości młodzieży oraz zaufania społecznego, a także analizę kontekstu demograficznego i jego wpływu na społeczność. Naukowcy prezentują innowacyjne strategie dotyczące praktyk włączających,...Data dostępności:
The Undying Fire – ebook
Herbert George Wells
Dedicated to all schoolmasters and schoolmistresses and every teacher in the world, this re-interpretation of the Book of Job is one of the author’s finest discussion novels. Written in 1918, this is the story of Job Huss, the headmaster of a progressive school. It is saturated with the ideas of educational reform and of the teaching of world history as the basis for a common civilization and is one...Data dostępności:
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The Golden Calf – ebook
Mary Elizabeth Braddon
The plot tells the story of Ida Pallizer, the daughter of a poor Anglican pastor. Miss Pugh’s teacher and a wealthier student named Urania Pallizer often taunts and makes silly remarks about her poverty. The best line from this part of the book is when Ida is excluded. Miss Pugh says: „You can stay here as long as you need to pack your bags. Not that it takes a long time. „Data dostępności:
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The Third Eye – ebook
Ethel Lina White
The Third Eye refers more to the thriller, not the detective novel. In the main events, Carolyn Watts is a young and intelligent middle-class teacher, who has just accepted a post as a games mistress at an exclusive school for girls. What she doesn’t know is that her predecessor was found dead in bed from heart failure. and that rumor has it that she was scared to death.Data dostępności:
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Anne of Avonlea – ebook
Lucy Maud Montgomery
Anne’s back! She older and wiser and more beautiful with the additional charm of growing womanhood than that gangly red-headed girl that first came to Avonlea. This book follows Anne Shirley from the age of 16-18 during the two years she teaches at the Avonlea school. Anne discovers all of the joys and struggles of being a teacher and continuing her studies and friendship with Gilbert. To top this...Data dostępności:
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Topical Issues of Future Teachers Training in Ukraine – ebook
The principal tasks of pedagogues are the democratization and humanization of educational process; the introduction of innovations, alternative forms of studying; providing the professional self-realization of future teacher, the formation of his qualification level, attraction to independent activity, the development of creative skills by means of theoretical projects elaboration, unlocking creativity,...Data dostępności: