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Transhumanizm – ebook
Jakub Chustecki
Praca ukazuje meandry definicyjne transhumanizmu oraz jego różne subsystemy. Omawia jego sprzężenie z biopolityką, a także wiążące się z tym potencjalne skutki. Autor próbuje odpowiedzieć na pytanie o społeczne, polityczne i aksjologiczne konsekwencje dynamicznego rozwoju technologicznego i ostatecznego ukonstytuowania się posthumanistycznego porządku. Przyjmuje hipotezę, że transhumanizm w coraz większym...Data dostępności:
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Iść i zarazem dojść – ebook
Ivan Dimitrijević
Nowoczesna semantyka polityczna opiera się między innymi na resemantyzacji Arystotelesowskiej kinetyki. Wszystkie „izmy”, wszystkie partie, wszystkie ideologie są – za Koselleckiem – pojęciami ruchu: zakładają mobilizację obywateli w kierunku celów dających się realizować w czasie, przez co doprowadzają do nieustającej dialektyki między stagnacją a mobilnością społeczną. Jaki jest wpływ polityki kinetycznej...Data dostępności:
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Uniwersalizm rewolucyjny – ebook
Dariusz Mańka
Publikacja stanowi próbę rekonstrukcji i analizy koncepcji struktur ponadpaństwowych we francuskiej myśli polityczno-prawnej w okresie od Oświecenia do czasów współczesnych. Autor stawia tezę, że kluczowe nowożytne koncepcje zastępowania bądź ograniczania suwerenności państwowej na rzecz struktur władztwa ponadpaństwowego i ponadnarodowego wywodzą się przede wszystkim z Oświecenia i rewolucji 1789...Data dostępności:
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Romantyczne i modernistyczne wymiary prozy Szaloma Asza – ebook
Andrzej Fabianowski
Proza Szaloma Asza charakteryzuje się odważną syntezą wartości biblijnych, fundamentów judaizmu i chrześcijaństwa, dawności i współczesności, tradycji żydowskich i kultury polskiej. Autorzy zamieszczonych w tym tomie studiów, badacze romantyzmu polskiego, dokonują interpretacji utworów Asza i odnajdują w nich, podobnie jak w twórczości romantycznej, wartości uniwersalne, pozytywnie nastawione na...Data dostępności:
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Tut, Tut! Mr. Tutt – ebook
Arthur Ch. Train
American lawyer and writer, Arthur Cheney Train, also called Arthur Chesney Train, was a prolific author of legal thrillers. His most popular work featured recurring fictional lawyer Mr. Ephraim Tutt who became „the best known lawyer in America,” particularly after the appearance of „Yankee Lawyer”, an immensely popular book that purported to be Tutt’s autobiography. Published in 1923, these short...Data dostępności:
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Sarrasine – ebook
Honoré de Balzac
This is the coming of age story of a young sculptor named Sarrasine and the choices he will face on his journey towards his destiny. We follow Sarrasine as he travels from France to Italy to search for his passion and find the love of his life. The story of Sarrasine is intertwined with that of the beautiful La Zambinella, and Italian singer with whom the young sculptor will fall madly, deeply in love...Data dostępności:
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The Bars of Iron – ebook
Ethel M. Dell
Avery Denys, the novels heroine, lost her husband and her blind daughter. But in response to these tragic events, Avery simply reflects that she was „left with nothing to do”, and finds a job that allows her to act out the mother role she now misses. A rock to her female friends, Avery is rational yet caring, but also submissive in the face of her eventual second husband’s violence towards her and...Data dostępności:
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Kilmeny of the Orchard – ebook
Lucy Maud Montgomery
A sweet and moving romance from the author of the beloved Anne of Green Gables series! Eric Marshall is all that a well brought-up young man should be. Handsome, steadfast, and full of ambition, he is expected to expand the Marshall&Company empire and to marry a woman suitable to replace his mother in Nova Scotia’s finest circles. Eric has a bright future in the family business and has taken the two-month...Data dostępności:
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The Casual Murderer and Other Stories – ebook
Hulbert Footner
Narrated by the character for whom the title is named and set in the late 1600’s, Micah Clarke describes the battle of peasants against the existing king of England in the hopes that they can replace the monarch with his brother who feels he has been unjustly denied the throne. Micah Clarke, a young, innocent peasant joins forces with other peasants, among the Puritans, to fight for this pathetic duke’s...Data dostępności:
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When the Sleeper Wakes – ebook
Herbert George Wells
This book was written in 1899, and is one of the last science-fiction books Wells wrote before his turn towards social realism in his writing. In this dystopian novel, Graham falls into a coma-like sleep, a sleep that he wakes from some 203 years in the future. But times have changed. Due to the wise investments of a board of trustees, Graham’s money has compounded into the greatest fortune the world...Data dostępności:
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The Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ – ebook
Joseph Conrad
The Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ was written in 1896 and is loosely based on Conrad’s own experiences as a sailor; in 1884, Conrad made a voyage on the real Narcissus from Bombay to Dunkirk as a Second Mate, and some of the events described in his novella may be based on adversities Conrad and his fellow-sailers had to contend with. And yet, Conrad’s third novel is much more than „just” an accout of adventures...Data dostępności:
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Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde – ebook
Robert Louis Stevenson
In this Gothic novella, Robert Louis Stevenson combines the horrors of the human soul with a disgust for the Victorian importance of reputation. Stevenson delves into the darkest depths of humanity, and seems to discover what Sigmund Freud would not publish for another 15 years: the repression of the id, or the instinctive side of human nature, by the super-ego, or the part of us that holds on to the...Data dostępności:
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Adventures of Huckleberry Finn – ebook
Mark Twain
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is about a young boy, Huck, in search of freedom and adventure. He meets a run away slave named Jim and the two undertake a series of adventures based on the Picaresque novel by Mark Twain. As the story progresses the duo exploit an array of episodic enterprises, while Huckleberry slowly changes his views of bigotry. Along the way, Huck and Jim meet the King and Duke,...Data dostępności:
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The Centrality of the Regime for Political Science – ebook
Clifford Angell Bates Jr
The book concentrates on the crucial Aristotelian concept of politeia, trying to show how its understanding has evolved for years, often towards fallacious interpretations. The text also points out how reconstruction of the original meaning of the concept can help in creating the frames for modern political science to avoid the traps of ethnocentrism and methodological reductionism that appear in most...Data dostępności:
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In the Archive of Memory. The Fate of Poles and Iranians in the Second World War – ebook
Opracowanie zbiorowe
Owing to the publishing initiative of the Faculty of Oriental Studies at the University of Warsaw, we have received a very important publication that contributes greatly to documenting the history of the Polish diaspora and its fate during the Second World War and in the early postwar period. The volume consists of 14 texts contributed by 14 different people, making it not only a valuable but also...Data dostępności:
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he Trailblazers of Educational Change. An Introductory Analysis of EdTech Market in Software Programming Educaton – ebook
Wojciech Duranowski
The aim of the book is to analyze the emerging market of online education in software programming. Traditional on-campus computer studies programs are not enough to upskill the masses of people who will need to transfer to technology jobs or jobs which are enriched with technology components. Therefore, new methods of software programming education are currently being tested in various ways. Most of...Data dostępności:
Żydzi - problem prawdziwego Polaka: Antysemityzm, ksenofobia i stereotypy narodowe po raz trzeci – ebook
Czy demokracja sprzyja odrzucaniu wrogości wobec Żydów? Jak na antysemityzm wpływa polska religijność? Czy imperium medialne o. Rydzyka jest źródłem postaw antysemickich? Czym jest wtórny antysemityzm, a czym tzw. nowy antysemityzm antyizraelski? Czy Polacy odrzucają prawdę na temat polskiej zbrodni w Jedwabnem? Pierwsze opracowanie materiału, jaki przyniosły badania nad antysemityzmem w okresie 20...Data dostępności:
Leadership Explained In Plain English – ebook
Thomas J. Gralak
Over the decades, there has been so much to say about leadership. From the economists to entrepreneurs and organisational researches, leadership has always been the talk of the town. And all these discoveries and evolution has brought us all to a single platform of leadership. Now, experts and researchers have been finding out that there is no hard and fast rule of leadership, nor is it some sort of...Data dostępności:
Social Rehabilitation, Care and Education in Postmodern World – ebook
The considerations presented in this book apart from educational problems include broader contexts of social reality, incorporating the area of care of the elderly and issues of social rehabilitation for the ones towards whom other educational measures have so far proved ineffective. The first part of the book contains theoretical considerations about the contemporary social reality and the possibilities...Data dostępności:
A sense of form the art of David Bomberg – ebook
Dominika Buchowska
David Bomberg’s art is known mainly for its highly modernist experiments with form during the early twentieth century. In his most famous works from this period, the artist breaks the human figure into clear-cut, geometric shapes and cubes, placed within the context of the crowd, the machine and the city. Yet, after the atrocities of World War One, during which Bomberg was both a soldier and war artist,...Data dostępności: