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Liczba pozycji: 14
  • Secrets of the Sands, Book #2: The Desert Prince – audiobook

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    Secrets of the Sands, Book #2: The Desert Prince – audiobook

    Alisha Sevigny  

    Ancient Egyptian healer and scribe Sesha is ready for another role: spy. Be sure to read Sesha’s first adventure, The Lost Scroll of the Physician. Forced to flee Thebes or face death, Sesha and her friends, Paser and Reb, travel up the Nile and into the desert in search of a hidden oasis. Led by a freed spy, they plan to rescue Pharaoh’s daughter Princess Merat, given to a Hyksos chieftain...

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    Cena: 26,96 zł 29,95 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 29,95 zł


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    The Prince of Peril – ebook

    Otis Adelbert Kline  

    The second of the three Grandon of Venus novels. When the man who was Harry Thorne on Earth offered to swap bodies with a native of Venus, it was because he was bored with comfort and security, and craved excitement. And that was what he got – more than he would have bargained for – when he found that he had taken over the assassin-haunted role of a prince of a beleaguered throne in a land of ferocious...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    The Dragon under the Hill (Smok wawelski) English version – ebook

    Alex Fonteyn  

    Adapted from the classic Polish tale, The Dragon under the Hill tells the story of an ancient principality and its inhabitants’ struggle with an uninvited and extremely unwelcome guest! An evil fire breathing dragon decides to settle in the principality of Prince Krakus, pillaging and plundering the country! Even the prince’s knights encounter much more than they bargained for when they...

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    Cena: 7,19 zł 7,99 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 7,99 zł


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    The Most Beautiful. Moje życie z Prince’em – ebook

    Mayte Garcia  

    PRINCE - sławny muzyk, wybitny wokalista, znakomity showman. Te wszystkie walory prezentował na swoich płytach, koncertach i w teledyskach. Jaki jednak był w prywatnym życiu, gdy nie oglądały go tysiące wielbicieli? Mayte Garcia poznała Prince’a, gdy miała 16 lat. Urzeczona charyzmą i talentem, pracowała w jego zespole jako tancerka i piosenkarka. Po kilku wyczerpujących, ale wspaniałych latach...

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    Cena: 31,41 zł 34,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 34,90 zł


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    The little Mermaid (Mała syrenka) English version – ebook

    Hans Chrystian Andersen  

    Deep beneath the ocean lay the beautiful and magical kingdom of King Neptune. He had six mermaid daughters, the youngest of whom was considered to be unsurpassed in her beauty. They lived a wonderful and carefree existence in their underwater arcadia. The world beyond was an uncertain and dangerous place and for this reason all mermaids were forbidden to travel up to the surface before their fifteenth...

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    Cena: 7,19 zł 7,99 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 7,99 zł


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    Cinderella (Kopciuszek) English version – ebook

    Charles Perrault  

    When her mother dies, Cinderella’s father remarries and now she lives with her new family; her father, new mother and two new wicked sisters. They are mean and unkind to Cinderella and she is treated no better than a house servant, cooking and cleaning for everyone else. One day the two sisters are invited to a great ball to be given by the king and queen. Cinderella is unfortunately excluded....

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    Cena: 7,19 zł 7,99 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 7,99 zł


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    The Last Man – ebook

    Mary Shelley  

    The novel tells the story of a future world affected by an epidemic. The first part of the novel begins with a story about the youth of Lionel Verney, about his friendship with the radiant prince Adrian, the son of the abdicated king of England, about his love for the sister of Adrian Idris. Verney has a sister to Loss, with whom the proud Lord Raymond is in love. For the sake of marrying her, he refuses...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    Темне сходження. – ebook

    К.С. Пакат  

    Нова книга К.С. Пакат, авторки бестселерів трилогії The Captive Prince (Полонений принц) і графічних романів Fence (Фехтуй). Книга «Темне сходження», перша книга трилогії, отримала австралійську премію Aurealis 2021 року за найкращий фентезійний роман . Вілл Кемпен тяжко працює в лондонських доках і боїться за своє життя. Вайолет Баллард хоче вирватися з жорстких рамок, у які заганяють дівчат її кола....

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    Cena: 41,13 zł 45,70 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 45,70 zł


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    The Planet of Peril – ebook

    Otis Adelbert Kline  

    Otis Adelbert Kline is best known for his purported novelistic feud with Edgar Rice Burroughs. In 1929, long before planetary romance became a conventional genre, he wrote „Planet of Peril”, a novel set on the planet Venus and written in the storytelling form of Burroughs’ Martian novels. He followed this with two sequels. This novel is a science-fiction adventure on a world of semi-barbaric nations,...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    Ten pierwszy ostatni dzień – ebook

    Adam Silvera  

    "Prequel bestselerowej powieści Nasz ostatni dzień autorstwa Adama Silvery! Dwóch nieznajomych spotyka się w dniu, gdy Prognoza Śmierci wykonuje pierwsze telefony. Zbliża się dzień uruchomienia Prognozy Śmierci i wszyscy zadają sobie jedno pytanie: czy rzeczywiście potrafi ona przewidzieć czyjąś śmierć, czy to tylko mistyfikacja? Orion Pagan przez większość życia czekał, aż ktoś powie mu, że umrze....

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    Cena: 38,61 zł 42,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 34,32 zł


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Liczba pozycji: 14

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