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Liczba pozycji: 6
Lukundoo and Other Stories – ebook
Edward Lucas White
”Lukundoo and Other Stories” is one of those stories that are scary to read. The story of a man who breaks a taboo, then bears a cruel punishment. Curse is one of the punishments. The story will appeal to those who are interested in colonial anxiety and horror of the body.Data dostępności:
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All Soul’s Night – ebook
Hugh Walpole
This is a collection of short stories. These are rather atypical horror stories. After all, here the heroes are not afraid of ghosts or a monster. Namely, the behavior of the characters in the stories scares everyone. Some contain ghosts or another supernatural phenomenon, others are simply disturbing – they inspire the reader with a sense of anxiety, talking about coincidences that may not be quite...Data dostępności:
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Fred Fearnot’s Revenge – ebook
Hal Standish
Fred usually travels. Returning from the West, where Fred Firno rescued Terry Olcott from a group of pastoralists who were going to lynch him by mistake, he found letters from the manager of his small investments in Dedham Lake that gave him a bit of anxiety. The reader undoubtedly remembers that during a visit to the upper part of the state he discovered a beautiful lake, covering about three hundred...Data dostępności:
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The King in Check – ebook
Talbot Mundy
The one who invented the chess, understood the world’s works. He acknowledged the fact and founded the game on him, resulting in his game so popular. And the fact that he clearly recognized is that the king does not matter if your side is a victory. You can leave your king in your corner so you can entertain yourself. But at the very moment when you start to lose your figure, your king becomes a source...Data dostępności:
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As a Man Lives – ebook
E. Phillips Oppenheim
Positively every one, with two unimportant exceptions, had called upon us. The Countess had driven over from Sysington Hall, twelve miles away, with two anamic-looking daughters, who had gushed over our late roses and the cedar trees which shaded the lawn. The Holgates of Holgate Brand and Lady Naselton of Naselton had presented themselves on the same afternoon. Many others had come in their train,...Data dostępności:
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W krzywym zwierciadle ironii i autoironii – ebook
Anna Milanowicz Barbara Bokus
Autorki opisują trzy eksperymenty z udziałem kobiet i mężczyzn, przeprowadzone w celu sprawdzenia, w jaki sposób płeć, samoocena i lęk wpływają na generowanie i postrzeganie ironii werbalnej oraz autoironii, a także tworzenie obrazu JA w tym procesie. Z badań wynika, że wypowiedź ironiczna (krytyka przez pochwałę lub pochwała przez krytykę) funkcjonuje nie tylko na dwóch poziomach językowych: dosłownym...Data dostępności:
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