Thomas J. Gralak
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Liczba pozycji: 5
Are You Really Communicating? – ebook
Thomas J. Gralak
Do you think you are in control of your life? Do you think your communication game is on point? And do you think the channels of communication around you are great resources to knowledge? You may be right on the word 'knowledge' but what you may not be so sure about is if this knowledge is attaching positive traits or negative habits to your life and your overall lifestyle. So, what really are you...Data dostępności:
Are You Really Communicating? – audiobook
Thomas J. Gralak
Do you think you are in control of your life? Do you think your communication game is on point? And do you think the channels of communication around you are great resources to knowledge? You may be right on the word 'knowledge' but what you may not be so sure about is if this knowledge is attaching positive traits or negative habits to your life and your overall lifestyle. So, what really are you...Data dostępności:
Salespedia - Sales Revelation – ebook
Thomas J. Gralak
Whether you sell Nintendo, Laptops, Ps4, Airpods, Tablets, Headphones, iPhone, Game of Thrones costumes and makeup, Lego, Fitbit and switches, TVs, Harry Potter spells and attire, Airplanes, Companies, Businesses, Real estate or any other possible thing; you fall under the category of a salesperson. Not only that, any profession you can possibly dream of, that too is under the category of a salesperson....Data dostępności:
Leadership Explained In Plain English – ebook
Thomas J. Gralak
Over the decades, there has been so much to say about leadership. From the economists to entrepreneurs and organisational researches, leadership has always been the talk of the town. And all these discoveries and evolution has brought us all to a single platform of leadership. Now, experts and researchers have been finding out that there is no hard and fast rule of leadership, nor is it some sort of...Data dostępności:
Sales Psychology – ebook
Thomas J. Gralak
„Psychologia sprzedaży”, to książka, która pozwoli Tobie spojrzeć na sprzedaż z zupełnie nowej i ciekawej perspektywy. Żyjemy w czasach w których, staliśmy się celem wszechobecnego marketingu oraz ludzi którzy próbują nam wszystko i wszędzie sprzedać. Bardzo często relacje, które zachodzą miedzy ludźmi w sprzedaży opierają się główne na nieumiejętnej manipulacji oraz bezdusznych technikach. Możliwość...Data dostępności: