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Liczba pozycji: 14
  • Modern leisure society - consumer behavior – ebook

    Modern leisure society - consumer behavior – ebook

    Małgorzata Bombol   Michał Jan Lutostański  

    This study is structured into four chapters. The opening Leisure Redefined sets out a typology of approaches to defining leisure, namely the classical and social approaches and those arising from the individual's mental and spiritual state, and lays down the concept of leisure as the antithesis of work. Using international secondary data, the sources of leisure are identified, taking into account its...

    Data dostępności:

    Cena: 28,98 zł 32,20 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 32,20 zł


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    Twenty-Six and One and Other Stories – ebook

    Maxim Gorky  

    The poem in prose „Twenty-Six and One” is based on the writer’s impressions related to life in Kazan and work in Semenov’s bakery. Gorky considers the image of a tramp, revealing its negative qualities. The work tells about twenty-six bakers, attitude, feelings, the behavior of which is presented by the author as the attitude of one person. This is achieved by using Gorky a huge number of pronouns...

    Data dostępności:

    Data publikacji:

    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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  • Zachowania zrównoważone środowiskowo i społecznie - ujęcie interdyscyplinarne – ebook

    Praca zbiorowa  

    Zachowania zrównoważone środowiskowo i społecznie – ujęcie interdyscyplinarne [Environmentally and socially sustainable behavior – an interdisciplinary approach] Zbiór referatów o doskonaleniu się w odróżnianiu potrzeb rzeczywistych od pozornych. Opracowanie jest wielowątkowe, ale wspólnym mianownikiem jest refleksja nad naturą świadomego działania w sferze społeczno-gospodarczej z poszanowaniem środowiska...

    Data dostępności:

    Cena: Produkt bezpłatny


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  • Consumer Rights Protection: Threats and opportunities for enhancing consumer awareness – ebook

    Consumer Rights Protection: Threats and opportunities for enhancing consumer awareness – ebook

    The entire publication is the outcome of the discussions which took place during International Conference on Enhancing Consumer Awareness host by University of Economics in Katowice. The entire publication is divided into four parts: first part provides inside to consumer rights awareness and system of protecting those rights. Second one presents selected aspects of consumer behavior on different markets....

    Data dostępności:

    Cena: 37,80 zł 42,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 42,00 zł


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  • International Service Management in the Context of Sustainable Development – ebook

    International Service Management in the Context of Sustainable Development – ebook

    This book facilitates a harmonious convergence of the insights of distinguished scholars and practitioners who have written their chapters drawing primarily on three interconnected perspectives on sustainability and consumption. Entire publication is divided into four parts and contains selected chapters related to different aspects of service management from perspective of sustainable development...

    Data dostępności:

    Cena: Produkt bezpłatny


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  • Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts t. XII (XXI) – ebook

    Art Inquiry. Recherches sur les arts t. XII (XXI) – ebook

    Praca zbiorowa  

    ARTISTIC ALLERGIES In its literal application, the term allergy, connoting a reaction different from the customary – from the Greek allos (“different”) and ergos (“reaction”) – is used in the field of medicine. However, in the cultural domain, and particularly in the realm of art, one may discern some reactions analogous to the pathological behavior of a tissue when confronted with an allergen. Such...

    Data dostępności:

    Cena: Produkt bezpłatny


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  • BestsellerCENA NEXTO

    Dynamics of Team Engagement: DISC D3 as the key to effective recruitment, relationship-building and competence development – ebook

    Anna Sarnacka-Smith  

    Compendium of knowledge on engagement Team's engagement does not just appear out of nowhere. It does not just appear out of thin air, nor does it disappear without any reason. It is the result of our working in the DISC D3 spirit - that requires everyone in the team to make an effort, with the leader in particular. Significant engagement, taking personal responsibility for individual and team goals,...

    Data dostępności:

    Data publikacji:

    Cena: 49,41 zł 54,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 54,90 zł


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    Zarządzanie kapitałem ludzkim: W warunkach zrównoważonego rozwoju – ebook

    Problematyka książki wpisuje się w niezwykle ważny i aktualny nurt idei zrównoważonego rozwoju, której implementacja w firmach ma zapewnić jednocześnie korzyści ekonomiczne, społeczne i ukierunkowane na środowisko, dostarczając interesariuszom wewnętrznym i zewnętrznym określonych wartości. Sustainable human resource management wspiera ideę zrównoważonego rozwoju organizacji, kładzie nacisk na sprawiedliwe...

    Data dostępności:

    Cena: 66,60 zł 74,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 74,00 zł


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  • Challenges for Companies and Consumers on International Market – ebook

    Challenges for Companies and Consumers on International Market – ebook

    The aim of the initiative has been the publication of the discussions which took place during annual 27th MAG Scholar Global Business, Marketing & Tourism Conference host by University to Economics in Katowice in 2017. This Conference, organized each year by the MAG Scholar, provided wonderful opportunity for academics and professionals from all over the world to share their knowledge, skills, and...

    Data dostępności:

    Cena: 28,80 zł 32,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 32,00 zł


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  • The Producer of Documentary Films in Poland (in the years 2005-2018) – ebook

    The Producer of Documentary Films in Poland (in the years 2005-2018) – ebook

    Dominika Narożna  

    The popularity of documentary films in Poland is increasing – both in the sphere of production and on the level of emission of this film genre, in audiovisual means of mass communication. The reasons for this state of affairs can be seen in the themes of these works. They reflect the spirit of time, at the same time often touching upon universal problems (i.e. love, evil, etc.). They often touch upon...

    Data dostępności:

    Cena: 13,50 zł 15,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 15,00 zł


    • PDF
Liczba pozycji: 14

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