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Liczba pozycji: 101

    Behind a Mask – ebook

    Louisa May Alcott  

    Originally published in 1866 under the pseudonym „A. M. Barnard.” Louisa May Alcott’s novel of romance and sexual intrigue is one of her lesser-known gems. „Behind a Mask, or A Woman Power” is a controversial novella; its tone and characterizations strike a markedly different chord from her best-known works, such as „Little Women” and „Little Men”. The plot of the novella is focused upon Jean Muir,...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    Behind Closed Doors – ebook

    Anna Katharine Green  

    The last part of the book includes a chase that ends with a terrible snowstorm. The problem with this is that the „twist” discovered at the end is what the reader will suspect long before Mr. Grice does. She explains in detail the heart and souls of all her characters – even Detective Grace.

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    Behind the Throne – ebook

    William Le Queux  

    ”Of course the transaction is a purely private one. There is, I suppose, no chance of the truth leaking out? If so, it might be very awkward, you know.” „None whatever. Your Excellency may rely upon me to deal with these people cautiously. Besides, they have their own reputation to consider–as well as ours.” „And how much do you say they offer? „ asked His Excellency in Italian, so that the English...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    New Media Behind the Iron Curtain. Cultural History of Video Microcomputers and Satellite Television in Communist Poland – ebook

    Piotr Sitarski   Maria B. Garda   Krzysztof Jajko  

    During the years of the Polish People’s Republic, Poles were cut off from the western world. Travel was restricted, as was access to out- side culture and goods. This unique situation led to a period of great ingenuity in the realm of new media. Not only were media adapted to suit Poles’ needs, but new technology was fashioned to gain access to western television, film and video games. Bringing people...

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    Cena: 20,20 zł 22,45 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 20,20 zł


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  • Behind The Tears – audiobook

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    Behind The Tears – audiobook

    Katarzyna Wiśniewska  

    Był mrokiem, w którym chciała się skryć. Siedemnastoletnia Ivy Flores zawsze starała się sprostać wysokim wymaganiom rodziców. Robiła wszystko, żeby być perfekcyjną córką. I w taki też sposób trafiła na znienawidzone lekcje baletu. Była to jej kolejna maska. Dziewczyna nie miała już pojęcia, kim naprawdę jest. Z kolei dwudziestodwuletni Asher Friman ze wszystkich sił pragnął sprawić, aby każdy go...

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    Cena: 44,91 zł 49,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 49,90 zł


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    Behind The Tears – ebook

    Katarzyna Wiśniewska  

    Był mrokiem, w którym chciała się skryć. Siedemnastoletnia Ivy Flores zawsze starała się sprostać wysokim wymaganiom rodziców. Robiła wszystko, żeby być perfekcyjną córką. I w taki też sposób trafiła na znienawidzone lekcje baletu. Była to jej kolejna maska. Dziewczyna nie miała już pojęcia, kim naprawdę jest. Z kolei dwudziestodwuletni Asher Friman ze wszystkich sił pragnął sprawić, aby każdy go...

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    Cena: 41,31 zł 45,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 45,90 zł


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    Behind That Curtain – ebook

    Earl Derr Biggers  

    Biggers’ third book in the Charlie Chan series involves the detective in a case that spans decades and continents, culminating in the city of San Francisco. This time Charlie pulls aside the curtain that conceals a mystery far in the past. The plot links a present day murder with another murder some year previously, combined with a series of disappearances of young women. Charlie Chan is still trying...

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    Cena: 31,41 zł 34,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 34,90 zł


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    All Hallows’ Eve – ebook

    Charles Williams  

    The novels of Charles Williams are fascinating. The novels are strange behind the plot. For example, All Hallows ’Eve is about a couple in love who are in danger. Strange things happen to lovers.

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    The Mystery of the Ravenspurs – ebook

    Fred M. White  

    Ravenspurs is a quiet, dignified family, as rich and respectable as they come. However, recently they have become victims of mysterious crimes. But who is behind these tragedies? The last of the family must figure out before the whole line is destroyed.

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    The Terror – ebook

    Edgar Wallace  

    A dangerous gang of criminals is imprisoned after a daring robbery, although the ringleader who masterminded the crime disappears with the loot. Finally released after ten years behind bars, they are out for vengeance on the man who betrayed them, and the trail leads to a lonely house haunted by organ music and the specter of a hooded figure who prowls its dark corridors. But the police are on their...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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Liczba pozycji: 101

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