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The Complete Novels – ebook
George Orwell
George Orwell is one of the most widely read authors in the world and a very controversial person. His first international fame came from traditional psychological novels. This collection includes all of Orwell’s novels. His name was immortalized by the anti-utopias „1984” and „Animal Farm”, which became the first anti-utopias of the twentieth century and laid the foundation for a whole trend in l...Data dostępności:
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A Tramp Abroad, Complete – ebook
Mark Twain
The noisy success of this perky book, which was based on Mark Twain’s impressions of his trip to Europe and Palestine, opened the way for the journalist to great literature. A guy from the shores of the Mississippi, convinced that the Old World is the day of mankind, and the future belongs to America, funny describes the sights, customs and customs of the countries where he visited.Data dostępności:
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The Complete Charlie Chan Series – ebook
Earl Derr Biggers
Charlie Chen – the hero of the detective series, owned by the pen of the American writer Earl D. Biggers. Biggers wrote about two dozen action stories and plays, but he has been preserved in the memory of many generations of readers primarily as the creator of the image of this handsome inspector, the immense thickness of a Chinese living in Honolulu, where he now has to deal with purely Chinese dexterity....Data dostępności:
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The Complete Sherlock Holmes Stories – ebook
Arthur Conan Doyle
It is this collection that includes stories that became insanely popular in the early 20th century and still remain popular. This story is about one of the greatest detectives of our time, recorded by his friend and partner. A resident of an unpretentious house on Baker Street, one after another, reveals the most difficult cases, easily transforms into bandits, booksellers, chimney sweeps. he multibook...Data dostępności:
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The Complete Silvertip Series – ebook
Max Brand
Max Brand is an American writer, considered one of the best authors who worked in the Western genre. In total, he wrote about 500 works, of which 300 were in this genre. Silvertip is a western novel about revenge and quest completion. Silvertip wanted to kill a cold-blooded Bandini, but it was a child in a Bandini cloak...The multibook includes the most read novels of the author, such as: «Silvertip»,...Data dostępności:
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The Complete Sanders of the River Series – ebook
Edgar Wallace
Edgar Wallace is one of the most popular classics of the English detective. The unpredictable dynamic plots of his books gave rise to more than 160 adaptations! The author worked a lot with Hollywood: he was the screenwriter of the legendary King Kong and the first film version of The Baskervilles Dogs. Chases, shootings, changing clothes, luxury villas and cars are integral parts of Wallace’s stories....Data dostępności:
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The Complete „Anne of Green Gables” Series – ebook
Lucy Maud Montgomery
One of the most famous novels of the Canadian writer Lucy Mod Montgomery. A single brother and sister living on a farm decide to adopt a boy from a shelter in Nova Scotia so that he becomes an au pair. But due to a misunderstanding, on the island of Prince Edward, eleven-year-old Anne, a tireless inventor and a cheerful seeker of adventures, who will forever change their lives, falls. The multibook...Data dostępności:
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The Complete Novels of Jane Austen – ebook
Jane Austen
Jane Austen is an authoress whose work had a tangible impact on the development of English prose.Jane Austen always has a happy ending and wedding bells. At the same time, there is no place for sweetness and illusions – the author always keeps in reserve ironic means and a parody layer. And most importantly: the heroes of Austen are not only people with their multifaceted characters, but also their...Data dostępności:
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LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga - poradnik do gry – ebook
Krzysztof Gonciarz Michał "Wolfen" Basta
Poradnik do gry LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga zawiera opis misji Story Mode oraz wszystkich dwudziestu misji łowców nagród, wskazuje lokalizacje wszystkich kanistrów, zarówno białych, jak i niebieskich oraz miejsca, w których występują Power Brick. LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga - poradnik do gry zawiera poszukiwane przez graczy tematy i lokacje jak Chapter 1 – Negotiations (Story Mode...Data dostępności:
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Catalogue of the Tibetan Texts in the Pander Collection: Part A (complete) and Part B (Partial) Held by the Jagiellonian Library, Cracow – ebook
Thupten Kunga Chashab Filip Majkowski
The publication contains a catalog of Tibetan texts in the Pander collection held by the Jagiellonian Library. As in every catalogue, authors present here all indispensable elements for a catalogue such as title, author, place and year of writing, scribe, description etc. by their abbreviations. In traditional Tibetan works all of this information is given at the end in a colophon. Therefore, we extracted...Data dostępności:
Lady Susan – ebook
Jane Austen
Lady Susan is a short epistolary novel by Jane Austen, possibly written in 1794 but not published until 1871. This early complete work, which the author never submitted for publication, describes the schemes of the title character.Data dostępności:
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Plutus – ebook
This is a comedy of the ancient Greek comedian Aristophanes. First introduced in 408 BC e., was later redesigned and put on the scene in 388 BC. e. in a contest with four more poets. Competition results are unknown. Put on stage for the second time, in a complete rework. This was the last play staged on the stage by Aristophanes himself.Data dostępności:
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Madame de Mauves – ebook
Henry James
The image of a young American woman is central to the story „Madame de Mauves”, which prefaces the „Portrait of a Woman”. Deceived by the wife of an impoverished French aristocrat who married her for her wealth, she won a moral victory over him, displaying, unexpectedly for him, intellectual subtlety and complete spiritual independence.Data dostępności:
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The Finger of Fate – ebook
H.C. McNeile
The story of Staunton and Barstow, who are witnesses of a strange spectacle at a bar in an Austrian village. The aristocrat begins a formidable target training session on some playing cards – the Five of Hearts and the Five of Spades. Barstow remains to witness this several times. Further stories of love, revenge, jealousy and destiny complete this exciting volume.Data dostępności:
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The Turtles of Tasman – ebook
Jack London
The twelfth volume of the Complete Works by the prominent American writer Jack London includes the famous Tesman Turtles short story book. This book, written by the hand of a mature master, was the last work published during his lifetime. The stories included in the collection are characterized by a sharp, exciting plot, paradoxical, unexpected outcomes, and at the same time lyricism, understanding...Data dostępności:
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The Well-Beloved – ebook
Thomas Hardy
"The Well-Beloved" complete the series of Hardy’s great novels, repeating his favorite themes of man’s eternal pursuit of excellence both in love and in art, and the ensuing suffering, Jocelyn Pearston, a famous sculptor, tries to create the image of his ideal woman - his imagined Beloved - in stone, just as he tries to find her in the flesh. Powerful symbolism marks this romantic fantasy, which Hardy...Data dostępności:
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Romance – ebook
Joseph Conrad Ford Madox Hueffer
This is a story about the adventures of the youth of the regency from the lower reaches of the British nobility in the harsh and capricious world of the Caribbean Sea, complete with pirates, romance and daring Spanish girls, as well as a few last minute escapes – the clichés of romantic fantasies about adventures. There are several excerpts from Conrad’s beautiful memories. At that time, slavery was...Data dostępności:
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Inside the Lines – ebook
Earl Derr Biggers Robert Welles Ritchie
Inside the Lines is a drama that developed during the First World War. The story about a business woman who came to New York to visit her department store. She meets an officer in the British signal corps. He escorts her to Paris and advises to quickly complete his business and return to America before the start of the war. But our heroine does the opposite and is in difficult circumstances.Data dostępności:
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Hamlet, Prince of Denmark – ebook
William Shakespeare
The plot holds in suspense, and the final and in general a complete delight. A lot of wise thoughts. The writers and critics have dismantled this work not only by the lines, but by letter, giving each a special meaning. But the average reader will find here a lot of everyday life truths, which are relevant in today’s time. Hamlet is one of those works that can be read many times and each time open...Data dostępności:
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History of King Richard the Second of England – ebook
Jacob Abbott
This book covers the whole history of England after the death of Richard 1. Great emphasis is placed on the coming to power of Richard 2. His overthrow and death are also described in detail by the author. Jacob Abbott offers a more complete picture as is possible, within such limits, of the ideas and principles, the manners and customs.Data dostępności:
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