dumas alexandre

Liczba pozycji: 60

    Monte-Criston kreivi – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    Monte-Criston kreivi on klassinen Alexandre Dumas vanhemman kirjoittama historiallinen seikkailuromaani. Sitä pidetään usein Dumas’n parhaimpiin kuuluvana teoksena ja se esiintyy usein myös kaikkien aikojen parhaimpien romaanien listoilla. Tarinan paikkana ovat Ranska, Italia ja Välimeren saaret vuosina 1814–1838. Seikkailuromaanin tyyliin kirjoitetun tarinan teemoja ovat oikeus, kosto, armeliaisuus...

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  • Paulina – ebook

    Paulina – ebook

    Aleksander Dumas  

    Dumas Alexandre, zw. Dumas ojciec, (1802–70), pisarz francuski; autor licznych, barwnych powieści historyczno-przygodowych („Trzej muszkieterowie”, „Hrabia Monte Christo”, „Królowa Margot”) oraz dramatów („Antony”). „Paulina” to dość nietypowa pozycja w twórczości Dumasa, odbiegająca od charakterystycznego stylu pisarza — warto poznać tego poczytnego autora również od innej strony.

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    Le Collier de la reine – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    Le Collier de la Reine est un roman fascinant écrit par Alexandre Dumas. De nombreuses actions se déroulent ici: la reine tombe amoureuse, tricheur cardinal, la comtesse assigne des diamants et Cagliostro prédit l’avenir. Le roman d’aventure contient de vrais événements historiques, ce qui le rend plus intéressant. Un vrai pazzle pour le lecteur.

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    La Tulipe noire – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    Ah! Dumas, Alexandre Dumas, le père d’histoires exellentes! Cette fois-ci, il nous transporte en Hollande au XVIIème siècle, le siècle que l’on sait être là-bas, celui de la tulipomanie, sorte de frénésie spectaculaire autour d’un type floral du Proche-Orient récemment introduit dans le nord-ouest de l’Europe, la tulipe. C’est mielleux, mais ce côté suranné du romantisme qui allie le sang, l’honneur,...

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    The Hero of the People – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    An adventure is something that happens outside the course of ordinary life. We can’t go on an adventure all the time, but an adventure story will take you right to that adventure. With no time to scout for a library, now these books are at our fingertips. „The Hero of the People” is the fifth book in the fictional series on the French Revolution by the famous French author Alexandre Dumas. Alexandre...

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    The Forty-Five Guardsmen – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    „The Forty-Five Guardsmen”, by Alexandre Dumas (1894), the most celebrated of French romance writers, is in two volumes, and is the third of a series known as „The Valois Romances”. It basically deals with Diana de Meridor and her servant Remy who find a way to take revenge upon Duc d’Anjou for his heinous betrayal of Bussy d’Amboise. Historically it commences with the execution of Salcede and the...

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  • Królowa Margot – ebook

    Królowa Margot – ebook

    Aleksander Dumas  

    Dumas Alexandre, zw. Dumas ojciec, (1802–70), pisarz francuski; autor licznych, barwnych powieści historyczno-przygodowych („Trzej muszkieterowie”, „Hrabia Monte Christo”, „Królowa Margot” — bohaterką ostatniej z wymienionych jest Małgorzata de Valais; jej ślub z przywódcą hugenotów, Henrykiem III Nawarskim (późniejszy Henryk IV), zgromadził w Paryżu hugenotów wymordowanych następnie podczas noc św....

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    The Corsican Brothers – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    The bonds that tie family together are among the strongest on earth. But what of those between two brothers born as Siamese twins? The „Corsican Brothers” is a richly drawn tale of fraternal love and revenge. Alexandre Dumas weaves the compelling story of Siamese twins who are separated physically but never in spirit. They have a truly remarkable psychic link, and can feel each others pains and triumphs....

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    Captain Paul – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    Alexandre Dumas’s 1846 novel, „Captain Paul” is based on life of John Paul Jones, a captain in the American Navy during the revolutionary war. This epic adventure is written in best traditions of Duma’s work featuring numerous desperate battles, true love, brave heroes, devious villains, and intrigue. This tale of high adventure and daring-do is highly recommended for fans of Dumas’s work, and would...

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    The Mesmerist’s Victim – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    Set in Paris during the French Revolution, „The Mesmerist’s Victim” tells the story of two star-crossed lovers whose romance blooms at an extremely inopportune moment in European history. Will they be able to find happiness together, or will they be swallowed up in the tumult of radical political and social change? „The Mesmerist’s Victim” is the second in Dumas’ fictional series on the French Revolution....

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    Le Capitaine Paul – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    «Le Capitaine Paul» est un des premiers livres d’Alexandre Dumas, qui nous montre, que l’auteur est un grand écrivain et même à ses débuts. On peut voir son talent avec ses intrigues et sa passion de l’aventure. Cette fois-ci, il raconte de l’abordage, du prisonnier Lusignan et du capitaine de bateau Paul, qui écoute sa histoire. Il découvre après plusieurs années la vérité de ses parents...

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    La Femme au collier de velours – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    «L’histoire que nous avons lu, c’est Nodier qui me l’a racontée.” Charles Nodier, quand il sentait sa fin, a raconté cette histoire à Dumas et il la publie. Cette histoire est très travaillée et est truffée de références. Ce récit est plein de contes fantastiques et tableaux effrayantes de cette période historique où la folie et le réel parviennent à se confondre.

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    The Prussian Terror – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    This action-packed novel is a warning. Its main character, the young Frenchman Benedict Thurpin – the newly-minted d’Artagnan, daredevil, wit, Breter, warrior, painter, palmist, hunter, gallant gentleman, personification of the spirit of France – like a volunteer fighting Prussians and performing extraordinary feats.

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    Les Quarante-cinq – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    «Les Quarante-cinq» est le troisième tome de la trilogie des Guerres de Religion d’Alexandre Dumas. La période historique décrite est fascinante, style du romancier est comme toujours intrigant, Dumas veut tout décrire et tout montrer. Henri III est le roi treize ans après le bain de sang de la Saint-Barthélemy en une triste année de 1585. Il est le roi dans une France plus que jamais écartelée par...

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    The Queen’s Necklace – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    French author of famous swashbuckler novels Alexandre Dumas again chooses 18th century France for his milieu. No musketeers in this one, for it is the Queen, Marie Antoinette, who needs defending. Set a few years before the deluge of the French Revolution this plot is convoluted beyond belief; schemes, counter-measures, vicious personal agendas, love-struck young people, royal revenge and ecclesiastical...

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    The Countess of Charny – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    This swashbuckling yarn is the continuation of the story in „Memoirs of a physician,” „The Queen’s necklace,” and „Six Years Later”. „The Countess of Charny or, The Execution of King Louis XVI” is the seventh in Dumas’ series on the retelling of the French Revolution. Known as one of the important early figures in the burgeoning genre of historical fiction, Alexandre Dumas spent much of his life chronicling...

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    Marguerite de Valois – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    Alexander Dumas invites us to be guests at this wedding, which will soon be called „bloody”. Just a few days later, a tragedy will occur. Bartholomew’s night will happen, in which many Huguenots, including Admiral de Coligny, are destined to die. What will happen to the young Heinrich of Navarre, will he be able to avoid the fate of his co-religionists? And Margarita, what will be her behavior in the...

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    The Conspirators – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    In the center of the novel is the fate of Adjutant Bonaparte Roland de Montrevel, and already in connection with this story we are faced with the image of Napoleon himself. But this does not stop Dumas from paying him much attention in the novel. And if at the beginning of the novel Napoleon appears as a very young general of the period of the Egyptian campaign and subsequent events, then in the finale...

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    Celebrated Crimes – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    Dumas tries to be as accurate and truthful as possible. The book sets out a detailed history of three real crimes. And despite the documentary, the story turned out to be dramatic and interesting. Investigating the topic of crime and punishment, the writer moves freely in time and space. The reader then gets into Italy of the Renaissance, then in France at the beginning of the XIX century. The fates...

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    Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    Le roman «Le chevalier de maison rouge» fait partie d’une série des romans d’Aleksandre Dumas de la Révolution française. L’histoire, aventures, beaux ou mauvais sentiments, nobles hommes ou immondes humains nous entraînent dans la France de la terreur. La description d’une terrible époque, quand Louis XVI a été guillotiné, Le Tribunal révolutionnaire institué et Marie-Antoinette, enfermée au temple,...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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Liczba pozycji: 60