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Negatyw szczęścia. Fine – audiobook
Ludka Skrzydlewska
Historia o modzie i miłości ze szczyptą sensacji... I z co najmniej dwiema szczyptami humoru! Miłość. Moda. Intrygi. Nieoczekiwanie życiem zawodowym Sashy po raz kolejny wstrząsnęły silne turbulencje. Dziewczynę zwolniono z mediolańskiego domu mody Di Volpe pod zarzutem przekazywania konkurencji poufnych danych. Niestety, dowody świadczą na niekorzyść Sashy. Właściciel konkurencyjnego domu mody,...Data dostępności:
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Editiones sine fine. Tom 2 – ebook
W dniach 21–22 XI 2019 r. odbyła się w Toruniu druga konferencja krajowa z cyklu Editiones sine fine, poświęcona opracowywanym edycjom źródeł historycznych z terenu ziem polskich. Organizatorem tego przedsięwzięcia były Zakład Źródłoznawstwa i Edytorstwa Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. W międzyczasie, w związku ze zmianami strukturalnymi w uczelni, zakład ten z dniem 1 X 2019 r. przestał...Data dostępności:
Hard Pressed – ebook
Fred M. White
Fielden and May – happy married couple. One fine day, Fielden gets an autocatastrophe and disappears. May pretends that nothing has happened and everything is in order. She continues to move on. However, is everything so good? Has Fielden disappeared forever?Data dostępności:
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Wydział Sztuk Pięknych na Uniwersytecie Stefana Batorego w Wilnie (1919-1939/45). Dydaktyka, twórczość i tradycja artystyczna – ebook
Redakcja/Edited by Małgorzata Geron Tłumaczenie/Translation by Krzysztof Z.Cieszkowski The Faculty of Fine Arts of the Stefan Batory University in Wilno (1919–1939/45).Education, creativity and artistic traditionData dostępności:
The Ghost of a Chance – ebook
Mary Cholmondeley
The large, sumptuous room, with its dim oriental rugs and subdued lighting, a fine set of Indian paintings, and two exquisite rose-red lacquered cabinets, had great charm. The main character has just returned from China. Huge packing boxes, stacked one above the other in the hall, were no doubt full of wonderful acquisitions, china, embroideries, carpets. But he didn’t seem to want to unpack them.Data dostępności:
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The Mystery of the Green Ray – ebook
William Le Queux
The youth in the multi-coloured blazer laughed. „You’d have to come and be a nurse,” he suggested. „Oh, I’d go as a drummer-boy. I’d look fine in uniform, wouldn’t I? „ the waitress simpered in return. Dennis Burnham swallowed his liqueur in one savage gulp, pushed back his chair, and rose from the table.Data dostępności:
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Orlando – ebook
Virginia Woolf
A fascinating fantastic story about a beautiful young man Orlando, who comes from a noble family, is distinguished by intelligence and beauty, loves life, women, poetry and in general has a very impressive nature and subtle imagination, resists, as far as possible, the influence of light and gravitates to solitude. All the time he seeks the meaning of life and does not find it... One fine day Orlando...Data dostępności:
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General Besserley’s Puzzle Box – ebook
E. Phillips Oppenheim
General, his companion pronounced, „you are getting fat. Too many cocktails.” General Besserley, late of the Secret Service at Washington and now a very popular member of Monaco society, glanced downwards at his slightly increasing outline. He was rather a fine figure of a man and his carriage was beyond reproach, but it was certainly true that there was sometimes a little difficulty about the two...Data dostępności:
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The Mysterious Three – ebook
William Le Queux
We all got up from tea in the hall, made our way to the drawing-room, and thence into the morning-room, which opened out of it. There was plenty of daylight still. James came in after us, and went straight up to a framed panel portrait which stood with others on a small table in a remote corner. It showed a tall handsome, clean-shaved man of three or four and thirty, of fine physique, seated astride...Data dostępności:
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The House of Whispers – ebook
William Le Queux
No second glance was needed to realise the pitiful truth. The man seated there in his fine library, with the summer sunset slanting across the red carpet from the open French windows, was blind. Since his daughter Gabrielle had been a pretty, prattling child of nine, nursing her dolly, he had never looked upon her fair face. But he was ever as devoted to her as she to him.Data dostępności:
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Black Jack – ebook
Max Brand
"Black Jack" is a grand western adventure story told by a masterful storyteller Max Brand about the son of a murdered bad guy who is raised as a fine gentleman. But, in truth, Terry is the son of the outlaw Black Jack Hollis. The story is about a bet between sister and brother whether genetics is stronger and the child will turn bad like his father or environment shall prove stronger and the child...Data dostępności:
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Acres of Unrest – ebook
Max Brand
The Hale brothers, both successful ranchers, had a disagreement: Ross believed that with a fine education his son Peter would become even more successful than he was himself: Andy believed the opposite. Peter returns from college to his father’s ranch after an accident has left him physically crippled but not without ability or enterprise. Max Brand, was the pen name of Frederick Schiller Faust. He...Data dostępności:
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Julka - mała weterynarka. Tom 8. Szkoła pełna zwierząt – audiobook
Rebecca Johnson
„Cześć! Jestem Julka. Mam dziesięć lat. I jestem już prawie weterynarką! Moja mama leczy zwierzęta, a ja przyglądam się jej pracy i często w niej pomagam. Obie z moją najlepszą przyjaciółką, Chelsea, kochamy zwierzęta”. Nasza szkoła jest świetna - mamy tu zwierzęta! W naszej sali biologicznej mieszkają świnki morskie, jaszczurki, rybki i owady. W tym tygodniu mamy zastępstwo z panią Fine,...Data dostępności:
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The Spook Hills Mystery – ebook
B.M. Bower
No writer of „cowboy” stories can equal B. M. Bower. Ever since „Chip” of immortal memory Bower has been easily first among the writers who stage their dramas in the wide spaces of the cattle country. There is something new about this novel. The old legend about the Spook Hills comes to life when the Sunbeam’s newest hand, a young tenderfoot named Shelton C. Sherman, takes a ride in the hills and discovers...Data dostępności:
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Katherine Christine – ebook
Hugh Walpole
Nicholas Harris, his father, and Rosamund Harris, his mother, looked at him with love and pride. Nicholas, a huge man, was 1603 fifty-nine years old this year, and his wife thirty-seven. They were in their own house in Westminster, and everything was fine with them. Robert, their only child, was three years old. He was wide and well-built, but not tall, his strong legs lay firmly on the ground, his...Data dostępności:
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Under the Lilacs – ebook
Louisa May Alcott
„Under the Lilacs”, published in 1878, is another lovely morality tale by Louisa May Alcott that centers around two young girls who are having a tea party with their dolls when they stumble upon a young boy and his dog who have run away from the circus. Ben and his trained dog, Sancho, run away from the circus and soon find a warm welcome in a kind community where spirited games are played. Theatricals...Data dostępności:
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The Fox Prowls – ebook
Valentine Williams
A hard boiled mystery and suspense thriller set in Ukraine. A rich American magnate Stephen Selmar and his daughter Melissa are lured into Rumania by an arms dealer, the sinister Barm de Bahl „"The Fox"”, as part of a plot to boost the arms industry by fomenting a war between Rumania and Russia. Enter the British Secret Service... „"The Fox Prowls"” by Valentine Williams is a fine bunch of villains...Data dostępności:
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The Dorrington Deed Box – ebook
Arthur Morrison
English writer Morrison chronicles the exploits of Horace Dorrington, a raconteur and scoundrel who hails from a very different social strata than the typical Victorian detective. Mr. Dorrington himself is a marvelous creation, charming and with no moral scruples whatsoever, clever, and entirely devoted to achieving as great a profit for himself as possible if this involves doing some honest detection,...Data dostępności:
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Three Thousand Dollars – ebook
Anna Katharine Green
This short story revolves around a plot to steal some goods secured safely within an impenetrable vault within the confines of Mr. Stoughton’s business concern. Mr. Stoughton is the owner of a legendary vault that no one has ever been able to open. Though he can’t be sure that the safe contains anything valuable, speculation is rampant among those who know of its existence. Will anyone ever be able...Data dostępności:
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Lost Man’s Lane – ebook
Anna Katharine Green
After several people apparently vanish into thin air while walking along the same country road, New York aged detective inspector Mr. Gryce calls on the skills of Miss Amelia Butterworth to help him solve this most puzzling crime. In „Lost Man’s Lane” the author Anna Katharine Green shows that she has lost none of her cunning in inventing an intricate and absorbing plot, and in unfolding it carefully...Data dostępności:
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