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Liczba pozycji: 59

    Financial market instruments in case studies. Chapter 4. Focus on Options - Izabela Pruchnicka-Grabias – ebook

    Izabela Pruchnicka-Grabias  

    Rynek finansowy jest trzonem gospodarki i wywiera ogromny wpływ na jej poszczególne branże, pozwalając jej dzięki temu właściwie funkcjonować. Odbywa się to dzięki różnorodnym instrumentom finansowym, które tworzone są specjalnie pod potrzeby jego uczestników. Instrumenty te mają coraz z roku na rok coraz bardziej złożony charakter, a w związku z tym są coraz lepiej dopasowane do potrzeb tych podmiotów,...

    Data dostępności:

    Data publikacji:

    Cena: 3,83 zł 4,26 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 3,83 zł


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  • The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, no 3/2017 – ebook

    The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, no 3/2017 – ebook

    Opracowanie zbiorowe  

    The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs is the Institute’s English language journal and has a Central and Eastern European focus. It provides a forum for the analysis and debate of international affairs through a collection of original, peer reviewed articles on a contemporary theme.

    Data dostępności:

    Data publikacji:

    Cena: 17,68 zł 19,64 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 17,68 zł


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  • The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, no 2/2017 – ebook

    The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, no 2/2017 – ebook

    Opracowanie zbiorowe  

      The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs is the Institute’s English language journal and has a Central and Eastern European focus. It provides a forum for the analysis and debate of international affairs through a collection of original, peer reviewed articles on a contemporary theme.

    Data dostępności:

    Data publikacji:

    Cena: 17,68 zł 19,64 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 17,68 zł


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    The Job – ebook

    Sinclair Lewis  

    “The Job” is a book by Sinclair Lewis an American writer. In 1930, he became the first writer from the United States to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature. The Job is an early work by American novelist Sinclair Lewis. It is considered an early declaration of the rights of working women. The focus is on the main character, Una Golden, and her desire to establish herself in a legitimate occupation...

    Data dostępności:

    Data publikacji:

    Cena: 11,69 zł 12,99 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 11,69 zł


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    Getting Married – ebook

    George Bernard Shaw  

    “Getting Married” is a play by George Bernard Shaw, an Irish playwright who became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. Getting Married is a play by George Bernard Shaw. First performed in 1908, it features a cast of family members who gather together for a marriage. The play analyses and satirises the status of marriage in Shaw's day,...

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    Cena: 11,69 zł 12,99 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 11,69 zł


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    Jane Eyre – ebook

    Charlotte Bronte  

    Jane Eyre follows the emotions and experiences of its eponymous heroine, including her growth to adulthood and her love for Mr. Rochester. In its internalisation of the action—the focus is on the gradual unfolding of Jane's moral and spiritual sensibility, and all the events are coloured by a heightened intensity that was previously the domain of poetry - Jane Eyre revolutionised the art of fiction....

    Data dostępności:

    Data publikacji:

    Cena: 11,69 zł 12,99 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 11,69 zł


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    Gleichschaltung – ebook

    Mykola Riabchuk  

    Mykola Riabchuk, a renowned Ukrainian public intellectual and political analyst, has been closely following and commenting on political developments in Ukraine since the early years of its independence. His best essays, collected within this book, focus primarily on the years of the presidency of Victor Yanukovych which were marked by a state capture, democratic recession and creeping authoritarian...

    Data dostępności:

    Data publikacji:

    Cena: 13,77 zł 15,30 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 15,30 zł


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  • New Media in higher education market – ebook

    New Media in higher education market – ebook

    The general mission of this book is to help academicians and administration staff from higher education institutions to create new approach to use new technologies and media in teaching processes as well for internal and external communication. The target audience of this book will be composed of researchers and professionals working in the higher education sector. Academic teachers, administra-tion...

    Data dostępności:

    Cena: 47,70 zł 53,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 53,00 zł


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  • Qualitative and quantitative methods in sustainable development – ebook

    Systematic research and comprehensive analyses allow to monitor the implementation of the sustainable development goals. Obviously, when you are interested in the selected issue of sustainable development, it is worth using data from the secondary sources in the first place. This e-book presents a few selected methods that will allow you to answer the questions: how to gather data and how to analyse...

    Data dostępności:

    Cena: Produkt bezpłatny


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    The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs, no 1/2017 – eprasa

    Opracowanie zbiorowe  

    „The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs” jest anglojęzycznym kwartalnikiem Instytutu poruszającym i analizującym kwestie istotne dla Europy Środkowej i Wschodniej. Stanowi forum debat nad współczesnymi wydarzeniami międzynarodowymi. Każde wydanie zawiera zbiór autorskich artykułów poddanych ocenie peer review, a także recenzje specjalistycznych publikacji.   The Polish Quarterly of International...

    Data dostępności:

    Data publikacji:

    Cena: 19,19 zł 20,20 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 19,19 zł


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Liczba pozycji: 59

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