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Rzym by night – ebook
Carol Marinelli
Sycylijski biznesmen Raul Di Savo od lat rywalizuje zawodowo z Bastianem Contim. Ma też z nim osobiste porachunki. Teraz obaj ubiegają się o zakup najpiękniejszego hotelu w Rzymie. Raul przypadkiem dowiaduje się, że Bastian jest wieczorem umówiony z piękną Angielką Lydią Hayward. Postanawia wejść w drogę rywalowi. Zaprasza Lydię na śniadanie, a potem na nocne zwiedzanie Rzymu. Lydia, nieświadoma, że...Data dostępności:
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Dr. Night – ebook
Aidan de Brune
Originally published in 1926, „Dr. Night” is the first story from the „Dr. Night” trilogy by Aidan De Brune, (1874-1946). Aidan de Brune was a big name in Australian literature but is forgotten today. He was a prolific author who wrote in a variety of genres. This story is basically rather gaudy crime yarns, which steadily veers into fantasy by the end and features a very unlikely Asian villain who...Data dostępności:
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The Night Horseman – ebook
Max Brand
For all his untamed ways, Whistling Dan Barry has won the love of Kate Cumberland, who struggles to lure him from the call of the wind and the night in the desert country. But Dan’s mysterious personality leads him into one difficult situation after another, for the path he takes with his wild companions - the stallion Satan and the wolf dog Black Bart - is strewn with desperate enemies and fierce...Data dostępności:
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The Night Born – ebook
Jack London
Romance and adventure, the majestic nature and extreme conditions, strong and independent heroes – Jack London’s stories are extremely popular, more than a hundred adaptations of works are known. In a small work, Born in the Night, the author shows how the benefits of civilization are inferior to the forest and to a huge concept called Freedom. A woman who stumbles upon abandoned bags of gold does...Data dostępności:
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All Soul’s Night – ebook
Hugh Walpole
This is a collection of short stories. These are rather atypical horror stories. After all, here the heroes are not afraid of ghosts or a monster. Namely, the behavior of the characters in the stories scares everyone. Some contain ghosts or another supernatural phenomenon, others are simply disturbing – they inspire the reader with a sense of anxiety, talking about coincidences that may not be quite...Data dostępności:
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Night and Day – ebook
Virginia Woolf
„Night and Day” by Virginia Woolf is her second novel and was published in 1919. But the novel is very forward-looking in its examination of relationships under the stress of the culture shift was occurring in the early 20th century. The story takes place in pre-war England and involves four characters and their relationships. Kathryn Hillbery the „middle class” privileged girl whose idea of success...Data dostępności:
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Night Shift – ebook
Annie Crown
Kiedy mól książkowy i gwiazda koszykówki spędzają namiętne chwile w bibliotece, sprawy zaczynają się komplikować. Kendall Holiday spędza piątki dokładnie tam, gdzie chce: na nocnej zmianie w uniwersyteckiej bibliotece, czytając gorące romanse. Cisza jest niezawodna i daje jej doskonałą wymówkę, by uniknąć głośnych, pijackich imprez, na które chodzą jej współlokatorki. Zatracona w swoich ulubionych...Data dostępności:
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Last Night – ebook
Daria Jędrzejek
Elena Lamieux mogła wieść życie, o którym marzą wszystkie młode kobiety. Jednak tragiczny wypadek zmienia poukładany świat w prawdziwy koszmar, z którym nie potrafi sobie poradzić. Po stracie bliskiej osoby jej serce jest złamane, a dusza powoli wypełnia się mrokiem. Gdy Elena postanawia zawalczyć o siebie, nieświadomie wkracza do kręgu pełnego tajemnic, w którym nic nie jest takie, jak się wydaje....Data dostępności:
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The Night-born – ebook
Jack London
“The Night-born” is a book by Jack London, an American novelist. A pioneer of commercial fiction and an innovator in the genre that would later become known as science fiction. The Night-born is a series of short stories by Jack London. It consists of ten moving and thrilling stories such as: The Night-Born, The Madness of John Harned, When the World was Young or To Kill A Man.Data dostępności:
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Wings in the Night – ebook
Robert E. Howard
Wings in the Night collects Robert E. Howard’s fiction and prose published in Weird Tales Magazine from July 1932 to May 1933. These works represent literary stepping-stones to Howard’s infamous Cthulhu mythos stories and his most famous character of all -- Conan the Cimmerian -- and ably demonstrate that each of Howard’s stories improved and added to his formidable skills as a master of fantasy and...Data dostępności:
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The Riddle of the Night – ebook
Thomas W. Hanshew
Sherlock Holmes fans will find a lot to like in Thomas W. Hanshew’s „The Riddle of the Night”. Thomas W. Hanshew (1857-1914), who also wrote as Charlotte Mary Kingsley, was an American author and actor best known for his stories of Hamilton Cleek, the man of the forty faces, who through his talents for disguise solves crime and mystery in London. He wrote some books in collaboration with his wife,...Data dostępności:
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The Daughters of the Night – ebook
Edgar Wallace
Edgar Wallace’s novels always have an endearing quality about them that is not so easy to define. „Daughters of the Night” is hard to explain in a few words, but there are the usual Edgar Wallace characters: the hero, the heroine, the suspicious but beautiful woman who is somehow involved in the whole plot, the hard-faced and fiendish villain and a chivalrous one. Jim Bartholomew is a young manager...Data dostępności:
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Tender Is the Night – ebook
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Set in the South of France in the decade after World War I, „Tender Is the Night” is the story of a brilliant and magnetic psychiatrist named Dick Diver who marries one of his patients, a wealthy schizophrenic, Nicole Warren; as she slowly recovers, she exhausts his vitality until he is, in Fitzgerald’s words, un homme épuisé („a used-up man”). The novel explores how love can be won, lost, and perverted...Data dostępności:
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On the Night Express – ebook
Fred M. White
Rupert Bascoe and Wakefield are the main characters of the story. They rode in the night express. They were familiar, even more, they had an affair. However, Miss Wakefield did not trust her partner. Let us dive into the past of our heroes and find out that Miss Wakefield had a tough action. Therefore, she constantly carries a weapon with her, like a wristwatch. But is it correct that she took it on...Data dostępności:
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The Secret of the Night – ebook
Gaston Leroux
Like The Mystery of the Yellow Room, The Secret of the Night is a Joseph Rouletabille mystery. The main character, detective Joseph Rouletabille must once again face a new riddle and solve it. This time it will be harder. In this case he is brought to Russia by the Czar to protect General Trebassof, whose assassination has been plotted by the revolutionaries–the Nihilists. The author again keeps all...Data dostępności:
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A King by Night – ebook
Edgar Wallace
English crime writer, journalist, novelist, screenwriter, and playwright. He wrote 175 novels, 24 plays, and numerous articles. In the 1920s, one of Wallace’s publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. He was known during his lifetime for the J. G. Reeder detective stories, „"The Four Just Men"”, „"The Ringer"”, and for creating the Green Archer character. He...Data dostępności:
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The Thief in the Night – ebook
Edgar Wallace
Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) was a publishing phenomenon in his day, his name being synonymous with the word „thriller,” a genre some would credit him with inventing. His popularity at the time was comparable to that of Charles Dickens – one of Wallace’s publishers claimed that a quarter of all books read in England were written by him. „The Thief in the Night” is an enjoyable easy going, fast moving...Data dostępności:
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The Face in the Night – ebook
Edgar Wallace
„The Face in the Night” was written in the year 1924 by Edgar Wallace. Leaving her chicken farm and moving to London to seek her sister, Audrey Bedford is caught passing the Queen of Finland’s stolen necklace, and allows herself to be sent to prison for a year rather than implicate her guilty sibling. Once released, she takes a position as scribe to the mysterious Mr. Malpas, who lurks in his electrically-automated...Data dostępności:
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Kings of the Night – ebook
Robert E. Howard
The dagger flashed downward. A sharp cry broke in a gasp. The form on the rough altar twitched convulsively and lay still. The jagged flint edge sawed at the crimsoned breast, and thin bony fingers, ghastly dyed, tore out the still- twitching heart. Under matted white brows, sharp eyes gleamed with a ferocious intensity.Data dostępności:
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The Night Shift – ebook
Alex Finlay
Sylwester 1999 roku. Ludzie spodziewają się, że tej nocy nastąpi koniec świata: z nieba zaczną spadać samoloty, na giełdach wybuchnie panika, dojdzie do masowej awarii komputerów. Nic takiego się nie stało, ale w wypożyczalni kaset video w stanie New Jersey zaatakowano cztery nastolatki. Tylko jedna dziewczyna przeżyła. Policja szybko wytypowała podejrzanego – chłopaka jednej z ofiar. Niestety sprawcy...Data dostępności:
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