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Liczba pozycji: 22

    Holographic World – ebook

    Iwona Gajda  

    And what if it is true? If we are merely a projection of some deeper order, the order where time does not exist? Where past, present and future exist at once? What then? Some scientists believe that the Universe is a gigantic hologram and all information about us and about our reality are written down on a flat, two–dimensional plane. They deem that what we see, hear and feel, is merely a mirage. An...

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    Cena: 31,50 zł 35,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 35,00 zł


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    Holographic World – ebook

    Iwona Gajda  

    And what if it is true? If we are merely a projection of some deeper order, the order where time does not exist? Where past, present and future exist at once? What then? Some scientists believe that the Universe is a gigantic hologram and all information about us and about our reality are written down on a flat, two–dimensional plane. They deem that what we see, hear and feel, is merely a mirage. An...

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    Cena: 31,50 zł 35,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 35,00 zł


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    The Holographic World. Genetically Ideal Individuals – ebook

    Iwona Gajda  

    The Holographic World is a somber vision of humanity toward the end of its subsistence. A place where love does not exist. The creatures that inhabit it are genetically modified, they are not capable of feeling empathy as well as they have lost the ability of distinguishing between right and wrong. They are genderless, they neither procreate nor build closer relationships. They live alone, striving...

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    Cena: 31,50 zł 35,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 35,00 zł


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    Zasiłki i zwolnienia lekarskie na nowych zasadach – ebook

    zbiorowa Praca  

    "Poradnik, omawiający bardzo ważne zmiany z zakresu świadczeń pieniężnych z ubezpieczenia społecznego w razie choroby i macierzyństwa. Omawia trzy duże grupy zmian: • większy krąg uprawnionych do zasiłków - od 14 sierpnia 2015 r. - ojciec dziecka otrzyma zasiłek macierzyński za matkę w wielu dodatkowych przypadkach, - zasiłek opiekuńczy będzie przysługiwał na opiekę także nad macochą, ojczymem...

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    Cena: 8,91 zł 9,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 8,91 zł


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    Chopin's travels: Glosses to a biography – ebook

    Henryk F. Nowaczyk  

    Nowaczyk was concerned above all to reconstruct with the greatest possible accuracy the day-today realities of the composer’s life and times, and in the process to bring what I called ‘a real sense of historical immediacy’ to a story whose outline is already well known, but which is held by most of us at a certain distance. Nowaczyk’s findings are evidence-based throughout, but at the same time they...

    Data dostępności:

    Cena: 63,00 zł 70,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 70,00 zł


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    Consumer Protection Law in Poland from the Perspective of EU Law – ebook

    Opracowanie zbiorowe  

    The monograph focuses on current issues and refers to the latest EU directives and Polish law on consumer protection. The Authors provide legal analyses not only of system-wide issues, but also examine specific legal acts and regulatory approaches currently in force in markets of foremost concern to consumers, i.e. foodstuffs, tourism services, and financial services. As a result, the reader has an...

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    Cena: 134,10 zł 149,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 134,10 zł


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    The law of drones. Unmanned aircraft in European Union law – ebook

    Magdalena Ostrihansky   Marlena Sakowska-Baryła   Maciej Szmigiero  

    The first complete overview of drone regulations in the European Union provides legal commentaries to regulations on unmanned aircraft systems. It aims to answer many questions that arise when applying the new European regulations, to give tips and clues for different recipients (pilots, operators, employers, state aviation authorities) and to explain issues that may be unclear for lawyers but...

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    Cena: 121,50 zł 135,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 121,50 zł


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    Legal Scholarship and the Political: In Search of a New Paradigm – ebook

    Adam Sulikowski   Rafał Mańko   Jakub Łakomy  

    The book seeks to address comprehensively the relationship between legal scholarship and the notion of the political understood as the fundamental antagonism at the foundation of any human society, present in the deep structure of legal theory/philosophy of law and doctrinal legal scholarship (a concept developed in contemporary philosophy of politics by, inter alia, Chantal Mouffe). Specifically,...

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    Cena: 170,10 zł 189,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 170,10 zł


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  • Are You Really Communicating? – ebook

    Are You Really Communicating? – ebook

    Thomas J. Gralak  

    Do you think you are in control of your life? Do you think your communication game is on point? And do you think the channels of communication around you are great resources to knowledge? You may be right on the word 'knowledge' but what you may not be so sure about is if this knowledge is attaching positive traits or negative habits to your life and your overall lifestyle. So, what really are you...

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    Cena: 24,30 zł 27,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 27,00 zł


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    Introduction to Polish Labour Law with Cross-Border Aspects – ebook

    Jakub Stelina   Monika Tomaszewska   Marta Zbucka-Gargas  

    Prawo pracy jest jedną z dziedzin prawa, którą można nazwać wysoce „umiędzynarodowioną". Standardy krajowych porządków prawnych z zakresu prawa pracy mogą mieć dość uniwersalny charakter. W przypadku polskiego prawa pracy, pomimo pewnych podobieństw do innych krajów, nie zatraciło ono swojej oryginalności, i za sprawą takich czynników lokalnych jak historia czy też własna kultura i myśl prawna, wciąż...

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    Data publikacji:

    Cena: 152,10 zł 169,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 152,10 zł


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Liczba pozycji: 22

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