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Liczba pozycji: 60
  • Living by Design, Not by Default. Nonsense-free Life in a Beautiful World Full of Crap w wersji do nauki angielskiego – audiobook

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    Living by Design, Not by Default. Nonsense-free Life in a Beautiful World Full of Crap w wersji do nauki angielskiego – audiobook

    Język angielski - poziom B2+ Czy humanist(k)a może odnieść sukces i wieść szczęśliwe życie - a na dodatek głośno o tym mówić? Czy można być szczęśliwym i spełnionym bez codziennego wdzięczenia się w social mediach? Czy więcej warty jest glamour czy dobrostan? „The Human(istic) Way. Living by design, not by default: Nonsense-free and fulfilling life in a beautiful world full of crap”...

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    Cena: 17,91 zł 19,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 19,90 zł


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  • BestsellerCENA NEXTO

    Człowiek, który zniszczył kapitalizm – ebook

    Legendarny prezes GE Jack Welch jest źródłem wszelkiego zła w kapitalizmie naszych czasów. Jak naprawić wyrządzone przez niego szkody? W 1981 roku Jack Welch zaczął zarządza¬ć koncernem General Electric. Sprawił, że GE stała się firmą o największej wartości rynkowej na świecie. Osiągnięcia Welcha były jednak konsekwencją nieustannych wysiłków, mających na celu podniesienie ceny akcji GE, często...

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    Data publikacji:

    Cena: 53,91 zł 59,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 59,90 zł


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  • Green Urban Regeneration Projects – ebook

    Marek Bryx   Jacek Lipiec   Izabela Rudzka  

    The terms „eco" or "green" have become vastly used worldwide. Both of them are often treated as buzzwords. However, they are significant buzzwords. The ecological orientation is perceived as the overriding goal of advanced economies to alleviate negative climate changes, but not only. Each city is changing, even if climate changes do not have a direct impact on this yet. By changing the city strives...

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    Cena: Produkt bezpłatny


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    The Prince – ebook

    Niccolò Machiavelli  

    ”The Prince” is a treatise by statesman Niccolo Machiavelli. It was written in the Middle Ages, and published only after the death of the author. In it, Niccolo Machiavelli combines all the experience of managing the state, sharing his thoughts with readers. Although this book is largely instructive, it is not perceived as such. When you read, there is no feeling of boredom or the fact that an opinion...

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    Data publikacji:

    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    • MOBI

    he Trailblazers of Educational Change. An Introductory Analysis of EdTech Market in Software Programming Educaton – ebook

    Wojciech Duranowski  

    The aim of the book is to analyze the emerging market of online education in software programming. Traditional on-campus computer studies programs are not enough to upskill the masses of people who will need to transfer to technology jobs or jobs which are enriched with technology components. Therefore, new methods of software programming education are currently being tested in various ways. Most of...

    Data dostępności:

    Cena: 8,10 zł 9,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 9,00 zł


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  • Foreign Direct Investment by Polish Companies – ebook

    Foreign Direct Investment by Polish Companies – ebook

    The past two decades, and the beginning of the current, have been a period in which capital, the most powerful player on the world’s economic stage to an extent incomparably greater than ever before, explored the world in search of the best investment. Foreign Direct Investment has become a way of increasing capital efficiency and company growth. Except that today- in contrast to the previous period-...

    Data dostępności:

    Cena: 24,00 zł 30,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 30,00 zł


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  • New Paradigm of the Social Housing Finance. Case Study of Poland – ebook

    New Paradigm of the Social Housing Finance. Case Study of Poland – ebook

    Anna Szelągowska  

    Social housing plays a crucial role in the development of housing market as well as housing exclusion. Contemporary, it is not only financed by the state, but also includes new forms of publicly supported and non-market housing, such as cooperatives, rent-geared-to-income, limited-dividend and non-profit housing provided by social agencies, community groups, non-profit private firms and political organisations...

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    Cena: 29,70 zł 33,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 29,70 zł


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  • Work, Care, and Gender. The science of (un)happiness – ebook

    Piotr Michoń  

    “This book is not addressed to the learned, or to those who regard a practical problem merely as something to be talked about,” with this sentence English philosopher Bertrand Russell began The Conquest of Happiness and it has become an inspiration for me and a starting point for my analysis. Staying true to Russell's ideas, I have written a book which—I believe—can be addressed to all (scholars as...

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    Cena: Produkt bezpłatny


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  • On the Road with Suzy: From Cat to Companion – audiobook

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    On the Road with Suzy: From Cat to Companion – audiobook

    Aleksandra Ziółkowska-Boehm  

    “On the Road with Suzy: From Cat to Companion” is a delightful memoir chronicling a woman and her beloved cat Suzy who becomes not just a pet, but a true companion. From the first day Suzy enters the lives of Aleksandra and her husband Norman she makes an impact with her tortoise-shell long-haired fur and huge amber eyes. Little do Aleksandra and Norman know that they would soon be trying...

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    Cena: 67,50 zł 75,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 67,50 zł


    • MP3

    Financial market instruments in case studies – ebook

    Izabela Pruchnicka-Grabias  

    Financial market is the core of the economy. It has a profound impact on many of its sectors and allows it to fiinction properly. It is due to various financial instruments which are created to fulfiH needs of its participants. They are morę and morę complex and thus better and better tailored to their users' ne­cessities. The book presents some of these products, especially those which are not well...

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    Data publikacji:

    Cena: 15,35 zł 17,06 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 15,35 zł


    • PDF
Liczba pozycji: 60

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