out of the black
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Liczba pozycji: 14
Queen of the Black Coast – ebook
Robert E. Howard
Hoofs drummed down the street that sloped to the wharfs. The folk that yelled and scattered had only a fleeting glimpse of a mailed figure on a black stallion, a wide scarlet cloak flowing out on the wind. Far up the street came the shout and clatter of pursuit, but the horseman did not look back. He swept out onto the wharfs and jerked the plunging stallion back on its haunches at the very lip of...Data dostępności:
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Black Colossus – ebook
Robert E. Howard
A powerful wizard named Thugra Khotan is awoken from his three-thousand year sleep by an audacious yet unlucky Zamoran thief named Shevatas. Thugra wakes with dreams of world domination. He assumes the name Natohk, the Veiled One, gathers an army of desert tribes and sets out to conquer the Hyborian nations.Data dostępności:
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The Sealed Valley – ebook
Hulbert Footner
The Fort Edward Hotel, better known as the Maroney’s Hotel, looked in the middle of the streets like a packing box among soap dishes. Other habitats stretched out on both sides of the wrong double row. At eleven in the morning there were few humans in sight, because the black? ies were in murderous fettle, and anyway, the principal industry of the place was waiting for the railway. Strange things happen...Data dostępności:
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The Scales of Justice – ebook
Fred M. White
This dark story is full of mystery and unsolved mysteries. It was the first real day of Spring, and most people lingered out of doors till the bare branches of the trees melted in the gloaming, and it was possible to see and hear no more, save for the promise of the little black herald singing madly from the blackthorn. In certain places, the lights were grouped into masses, because they lit up a trio...Data dostępności:
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Ghost Hills – ebook
Henry Bedford-Jones
An old secret and a lovely woman and three men: Barr Radison, an American adventurer, searching for the mysterious source of black and silver fox pelts, Macferris Montenay, a ruthless giant of a man, trying to carve out his own kingdom in the wilderness, and Jean Nichemus, a halfbreed and Montenay’s henchman, harboring his own sinister plans. „Ghost Hills” is one of the adventure stories of a prolific...Data dostępności:
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The Black Abbot – ebook
Edgar Wallace
Several employees on a nobleman’s estate show up at a former abbey, reputed to be haunted, to search for a hidden treasure. However, a mysterious hooded figure begins killing off those who may have figured out where the treasure is hidden. Who the Black Abbott is, what his purpose is – and how he is connected with the mystery of the treasure – these are the elements of the story. There’s a malevolent...Data dostępności:
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The Man from Morocco – ebook
Edgar Wallace
James Lexington Morlake, gentleman of leisure, Lord of the Manor of World and divers other titles which he rarely employed, unlocked the drawer of his elaborate Empire writing-table and gazed abstractedly into its depths. It was lined with steel and there were four distinct bolts. Slowly he put in his hand and took out first a folded square of black silk, then a businesslike automatic pistol, then...Data dostępności:
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The Exploits of Elaine – ebook
Arthur B. Reeve
Detective Kennedy and his sidekick Walter Jameson are called in by a District Attorney to look into the murder of an actress in the middle of shooting a movie called „The Black Terror”. What follows is figuring out the puzzling trail of a calculating killer. Kennedy performs detailed tests in his laboratory and he eventually finds what caused the death of the film star, but he must still go through...Data dostępności:
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Softfoot of Silver Creek – ebook
Robert Leighton
Over the laughter of a nearby waterfall, over a long roar the distant herds of bison that crowded the prairie, and over the oily creak of his knife on a sharp stone on his knee, his keen ear knew the sound of her light stepped as she crawled out of the pines into a sunny glade on a bluff. He didn’t turn around, he only dropped the stone, threw back the thick locks that retreated, his long black hair,...Data dostępności:
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The White Cheyenne – ebook
Max Brand
Terry Rivers was the black sheep of an aristocratic Southern family. When he headed West, the Law was in hot pursuit. In Zander City he won respect with his whip, fists and gun. There he met the legendary Lost Wolf, a white man who’d been raised by the savage Cheyennes. Lost Wolf had turned out so crazy that the Cheyennes wouldn’t make him a chief even though he was their best fighter. Between this...Data dostępności:
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Rim O’ the World – ebook
B.M. Bower
B. M. Bower’s novel „Rim o’ the World” introduces readers to a rough-and-tumble group of range riders who scrape out a living in the foreboding and unwelcoming region known as Black Rim Country. Packed with suspense, action, and romance, this is a must-read for Western fans of all ages. B. M. (Bertha Muzzy) Bower was the first woman to make a career of writing popular westerns. And what a career it...Data dostępności:
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The Lost Princess of Oz – ebook
L. Frank Baum
Who is stealing almost all of the magical treasures of Oz – including the Magic Picture, the Wizard’s black bag, and Glinda’s Book of Records? Dorothy and her friends set out to comb all of Oz, not only for magic stolen from Glinda and the Wizard, but also for the kidnapped princess, Ozma. Along the way, they explore regions never seen in other „Oz” books, meeting strange and interesting people and...Data dostępności:
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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dragonborn - poradnik do gry – ebook
Maciej "Czarny" Kozłowski
Poradnik do gry The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dragonborn zawiera dokładny opis wątku głównego oraz kompletu zadań pobocznych, szereg porad dotyczących walki i eksploracji,listę możliwych opcji romansowych, opis ukrytych zadań i wiele map krainy Solstheim. Skrócona wersja spisu treści: -The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim – Dragonborn - poradnik do gry -WĄTEK GŁÓWNY -Dragonborn [Smocze Dziecię] -Find out who...Data dostępności:
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Sztuka Europy Wschodniej. Tom 2 – ebook
Jerzy Malinowski
Polska – Rosja. Sztuka i historia. Tom II zawiera część artykułów z I Konferencji Polskich i rosyjskich Historyków Sztuki Polska-Rosja. Tom / Vol. II, 2014, POLSKA – ROSJA: SZTUKA I HISTORIA / ПОЛЬША – РОССИЯ: ИСКУССТВО ИИСТОРИЯ / POLAND – RUSSIA: ART AND HISTORY II: Sztuka polska, sztuka rosyjska i polsko-rosyjskie kontakty artystyczne XX-XXI wieku / Польское искусcтво, русское искуcство и польско-русские...Data dostępności: