Point Of Retreat – ebook
Colleen Hoover
Przepiękne i ciepłe opowieści o miłosnych perypetiach Layken Cohen i Willa Coopera. Oboje wcześnie stracili rodziców i teraz muszą poradzić sobie wychowaniem rodzeństwa. Wygląda na to, że są dla siebie stworzeni, jednak los postawi przed nimi wiele trudnych sytuacji i wiele trudnych wyborów. Czy wreszcie uda im się być razem bez żadnych przeszkód i bez bolesnych tajemnic?Data dostępności:
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The Point of Honor – ebook
Joseph Conrad
Conrad stresses that the narrative clearly shows that the duel really benefited two. Combat competitions made every job and strive a little harder, forced the will to survive and win in a personal fight as seriously as the desire to survive the bloody years of the Napoleonic war. Both are officers in Napoleon’s army, and both are „to the core”.Data dostępności:
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The Solution of a Mystery – ebook
J.S. Fletcher
One of the main characters, Richard Redford, is charged with murder. His life was threatened with death if he did not confess. But he chose such a point of view that he would have nothing to say to anyone. His indecision to speak causes bewilderment to others. Should a hero accept death with honor or not broken promises?Data dostępności:
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The Seventeen Thieves of El-Kalil – ebook
Talbot Mundy
From the point of view of a serious expert on the events, Jimmarg holds control over the situation to try and prevent bloody fighting in Jerusalem and elsewhere. It involves some trick, which makes some deals that you can not abandon with Ali Baba, the descendant of different generations. Lots of tension, a lot of camels and James Shuiller Thunder coolly do their thing.Data dostępności:
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Michael’s Evil Deeds – ebook
E. Phillips Oppenheim
’Michael’s Evil Deeds’ (and they are very evil at times) is a rather ingenious crime novel in more ways than one. Firstly the 11 chapters each represent a separate incident but overall they do link together, if on occasions somewhat loosely. And secondly the tale is told by various of the protagonists so there is often a different point of view within each chapter.Data dostępności:
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Miasto pod jednym dachem – ebook
Iris Yamashita
Point Mettier - malutkie miasteczko na Alasce. Zimą niemal odcięte od świata. Dotrzeć do niego można tylko przez tunel przecinający ośnieżone góry. Miejscowość skrywa mroczne sekrety, które wkrótce ujrzą światło dzienne. Podczas spokojnego wieczoru grupa nastolatków natrafia w zatoce na makabryczne znalezisko – oderwaną dłoń i stopę wyrzucone przez fale na brzeg morza. To tylko początek szokujących...Data dostępności:
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Dr. Kildare’s Hardest Case – ebook
Max Brand
„Lindley Parker Sessions, commandant of the Yard, stood with his hand on his hips and looked up. There is a saying that even the Devil would make a sailor if he could only learn to look up. However, the Rear Admiral was not staring at the leech of a sail; he was watching the ironworkers as they ran up a new portion of the ways. Welders did most of the construction in the Yard, but for lack of them...Data dostępności:
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Dzień popiołów – ebook
Jean-Christophe Grangé
Komendant Pierre Niémans i porucznik Ivana Bogdanović z Centralnego Biura do Walki ze Zbrodniami zostali wysłani do Alzacji, żeby poprowadzić śledztwo w sprawie śmieci przywódcy religijnego. Mężczyzna zginął przygnieciony sklepieniem starej kaplicy. Pełnił funkcję biskupa Diecezji we wspólnocie anabaptystów żyjących z rolnictwa i prestiżowej winnicy. Policjantka Ivana infiltruje społeczność, udając...Data dostępności:
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The Haunted and the Haunters – ebook
Edward Bulwer-Lytton
Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803-1873), a prolific Victorian novelist, member of Parliament, and Secretary of State for the colonies, wrote in a variety of genres, including historical fiction, mystery, romance, the occult, and science fiction. The protagonist of this book thinks that all stories related to ghosts, could be explained with a reasonable point of view. Now he has to solve the mystery of...Data dostępności:
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The Lust of Hate – ebook
Guy Boothby
Each person at some point in his life begins an adventure, after which he is destined to look back with a sensation very close to surprise. Someone said that adventure is for adventure. The vocation of a sailor in these times of giant steamboats is so much different from what it was in the old days of sailing ships and long voyages, that with the most ordinary luck, a person could easily climb along...Data dostępności:
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The God of His Fathers and Other Stories – ebook
Jack London
A white man bought an Indian woman as a wife. Bought without any romantic feelings, bought for help. The girl did her job: cooked, fed dogs, paved the way for teams. And the point is not in servile worship of the master, but in the fact that she saw in her husband an honest and courageous man trying to save other people from hunger and cold. They hoped for him, and she, at the cost of her life, helped...Data dostępności:
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A Clue in Wax – ebook
Fred M. White
Fred M. White gives us the opportunity to plunge into the past of Gladys Brooke. The book begins with the perfect life of Gladys in a small town. Then we come back three years ago, where we find out that she has a brother. And they, too, then lived well, but in another place. The main character begins to notice the strange behavior of her brother. At one point, a calm and perfect life ends.Data dostępności:
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A Broken Memory – ebook
Fred M. White
Fred M. White gives us the opportunity to plunge into the past of Gladys Brooke. The book begins with the perfect life of Gladys in a small town. Then we come back three years ago, where we find out that she has a brother. And they, too, then lived well, but in another place. The main character begins to notice the strange behavior of her brother. At one point, a calm and perfect life ends.Data dostępności:
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The Unlawful Adventure – ebook
Aidan de Brune
How many R S Allersons can there be in Sydney? More to the point, how many gang bosses named R S Allersons? The master mystery-story teller Aidan de Brune presents another breathtaking novel „"The Unlawful Adventure"”, written in 1932. It is a highly entertaining little thriller with absorbing interest and complicated plot. The characters are broadly drawn but vivid, the plot movers along at a breakneck...Data dostępności:
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Red Blades of Black Cathay – ebook
Robert E. Howard
The singing of the swords was a deathly clamor in the brain of Godric de Villehard. Blood and sweat veiled his eyes and in the instant of blindness he felt a keen point pierce a joint of his hauberk and sting deep into his ribs. Smiting blindly, he felt the jarring impact that meant his sword had gone home, and snatching an instant’s grace, he flung back his vizor and wiped the redness from his ey...Data dostępności:
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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes – ebook
Arthur Conan Doyle
Illustrated edition with original illustrations by Sidney Edward Paget, a famous British illustrator, best known for his illustrations that accompanied Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories in „The Strand” magazine. „The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” is a collection of twelve short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. All of the stories are told...Data dostępności:
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The Return of Sherlock Holmes – ebook
Arthur Conan Doyle
Illustrated edition with original illustrations by Sidney Edward Paget, a famous British illustrator, best known for his illustrations that accompanied Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes stories in „The Strand” magazine. „The Return of Sherlock Holmes” is a collection of thirteen short stories by Arthur Conan Doyle, featuring his fictional detective Sherlock Holmes. All of the stories are told...Data dostępności:
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Bielmo. Niezwykły przypadek Edgara Allana Poe – ebook
Louis Bayard
Zaskakująca opowieść o morderstwie i zemście w West Point, z udziałem emerytowanego detektywa i młodego kadeta nazwiskiem… Edgar Allan Poe W 1830 roku spokój październikowego wieczoru w wojskowej Akademii West Point zakłóca odkrycie wiszącego ciała młodego kadeta. Następnego ranka wychodzi na jaw coś jeszcze bardziej makabrycznego: ktoś wykroił ze zwłok serce. Augustus Landor - który przed...Data dostępności:
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Jack Reacher. Nocna runda – ebook
Lee Child
To już reguła: Reacher wysiada z autobusu - Lee Child ląduje na liście bestsellerów. Wysiadł na postoju, żeby rozprostować kości, i na wystawie lombardu zobaczył znajomo wyglądający sygnet. Takie nosili kadeci West Point, kiedy tam studiował. Ten, sądząc po wielkości, należał do kadetki. Jak to się stało, że trafił do lombardu w jakiejś dziurze? Chęć odkrycia tej historii to wystarczający powód,...Data dostępności:
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Billy Angel, Trouble Lover – ebook
Max Brand
Max Brand (1892-1944) is the best-known pen name of widely acclaimed author Frederick Faust, creator of Destry, Dr. Kildare, and other beloved fictional characters. Orphaned at an early age, Faust studied at the University of California, Berkeley. He became one of the most prolific writers of our time but abandoned writing at age fifty-one to become a war correspondent in World War II, where he was...Data dostępności:
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