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River – ebook
Samantha Towle
Nowe miasto. Nowa tożsamość. Ciąża i samotność. I daleko od przeszłości, przed którą Carrie Ford tak usilnie próbuje uciec. River Wild jest humorzastym, nadętym dupkiem i w dodatku jej nowym sąsiadem. Carrie nie ma ochoty się z nim zaprzyjaźniać, on również nie chce zostać jej przyjacielem. Jednak kiedy wszystko wydaje się jasne, mężczyzna niespodziewanie pomaga jej uratować porzuconego psa. Tego dnia...Data dostępności:
Down by the river – ebook
Magdalena Brzezińska
Kiedy młoda dziewczyna próbuje odnaleźć własny sposób na życie, niechcący może wpakować się w poważne tarapaty... Doświadczyła tego Natalia, pasjonatka podróży, która postanowiła rozpocząć pracę na statku pasażerskim. Obiecywane góry złotych monet i poszerzenie horyzontów szybko okazują się zwykłym kłamstwem, a Natalia trafia w sam środek piekła na wodzie. Oszukana przez armatora statku i załogę zostaje...Data dostępności:
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Forlorn River – ebook
Zane Grey
In „Forlorn River”, young Ben Ide is cast out by his rich dad, branded a wild horse hunter and possible rustler. Ide befriends a wounded man, whom he nicknames „Nevada.” Ide does the same for „Modoc,” an Indian he pulls out of a saloon. All three men form bonds of loyalty in their isolated state as they hunt wild horses in the California wilderness. Then the love of Ben’s youth returns after being...Data dostępności:
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Baba Jaga – ebook
Radosław River
W głębi prastarego lasu, skrywa się prawda, przez wieki ukrywana. To opowieść o dziewczynce, wygnanej przez matkę i skazanej na śmierć, która odnajduje swoje przeznaczenie u boku tajemniczej wiedźmy. To historia pełna magii, dawnych wierzeń i zapomnianych rytuałów, odsłaniająca ich prawdziwe oblicze. Opowieść o miłości, walce i przeznaczeniu — pełna emocji, niespodziewana i mroczna. Książka, która...Data dostępności:
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Rogue River Feud – ebook
Zane Grey
Zane Gray had a hut on the Robber, and his affection and passion for this epic river make her the main theme of the book.It is the best writing about the Rogue that has been done before or since and poetically and descriptively traces the river from its birth below Crater Lake to its dispersal into the Pacific and then picks up a school of salmon and takes them all the way back up the river to spawn....Data dostępności:
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The River Fury – ebook
H.A. Cody
It was a windy day and why not go out with your boats to the sea? Sail sags were filled, people began to act, and for a long time the boats beat heavily downstream. The race began in earnest, and the spirit of rivalry revived the hearts of these tumultuous river drivers. Captain Nat was driving, and his eyes shone with pleasure as he gradually turned away from his rival.Data dostępności:
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The River Riders – ebook
T.C. Bridges
Winter closed early over the great desert of the Northwest, and the first dense snow lay on the banks and covered dark trees with a white mantle. Ice formed under the river banks, and its huge layers crumbled under the sound of a choking stern wheel and rattled like broken glass on a track. In the snowy forest thickets, neither human dwellings nor living creatures were visible. The still air was bitter...Data dostępności:
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The Guilty River – ebook
Wilkie Collins
Gerard Roiland, a typical Collins outsider, returns from college in Germany to take over his family estate at Trimley Dean and falls inappropriately in love with Kristel Toller, the daughter of one of his tenants. There is a mysterious deaf tenant who is also after Christelle.Data dostępności:
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Shallow River – ebook
H. D. Carlton
Autorka światowego bestsellera Haunting Adeline! Książka zawiera opisy przemocy, w tym seksualnej, oraz drastyczne sceny. Shallow Hill to prawdziwe piekło na ziemi i miejsce, z którego River McAllister udało się uciec. Zostawiła tam swoją niewinność, ale też dużą dozę zdrowego rozsądku. Dziewczyna włożyła sporo pracy, aby odbudować swoje życie, mając u boku cudownego mężczyznę. Nie mogło być lepiej. Ryan...Data dostępności:
Sick Heart River – ebook
John Buchan
„Sick Heart River” is the fifth book in the Edward Leithen series. This is Buchan’s last novel, about a man who is dying, and it must reflect Buchan’s own efforts to come to terms with his looming demise."Sick Heart River” finds Leithen now in his late fifties facing a terminal diagnosis of turberculosis. Leithen has enjoyed a dazzling career as eminent barrister, member of Parliament, Cabinet minister,...Data dostępności:
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Bosambo of the River – ebook
Edgar Wallace
Many years ago the Monrovian Government sent one Bosambo, a native of the Kroo coast and consequently a thief, to penal servitude for the term of his natural life. Bosambo, who had other views on the matter, was given an axe and a saw in the penal settlement and told to cut down and trim certain mahogany trees in company with other unfortunate men similarly circumstanced. Those who love classic adventure...Data dostępności:
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The River of Stars – ebook
Edgar Wallace
During 1907 Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) travelled to the Congo Free State, to report on atrocities committed against the Congolese under King Leopold II of Belgium and the Belgian rubber companies, in which up to 15 million Congolese were killed. Isabel Thorne of the Weekly Tale-Teller penny magazine, invited Wallace to serialize stories inspired by his experiences. These were published as his first...Data dostępności:
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Shallow River – audiobook
H. D. Carlton
Autorka światowego bestsellera Haunting Adeline! Książka zawiera opisy przemocy, w tym seksualnej, oraz drastyczne sceny. Shallow Hill to prawdziwe piekło na ziemi i miejsce, z którego River McAllister udało się uciec. Zostawiła tam swoją niewinność, ale też dużą dozę zdrowego rozsądku. Dziewczyna włożyła sporo pracy, aby odbudować swoje życie, mając u boku cudownego mężczyznę. Nie mogło być lepiej. Ryan...Data dostępności:
The People of the River – ebook
Edgar Wallace
The setting is Nigeria a century ago, and British District Commissioner R.G. Sanders oversees the tribes. He discovers that Bosambo has been acting as chief without approval, but is so impressed with his skills Sanders allows him to remain in place, but Sanders heads to England to marry and unrest follows. The classic Commissioner Sanders stories about Africa by Edgar Wallace. This is the second collection...Data dostępności:
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Secret of the River – ebook
Fred M. White
Vern is an excellent example of medieval architecture with soft pink brick and curved chimneys. Neville Ashdown crossed the park on a winter day to call the house where he was born. However, so much time has passed. New home owners. New story. But this place is full of secrets.Data dostępności:
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Beyond the Black River – ebook
Robert E. Howard
A young settler named Balthus walks blissfully unaware through a forest trail when the sound of combat draws his attention. He hides behind a tree and sees Conan step into the open, having just slain a Pictish robber who was about to ambush Balthus. Conan had been tracking the Pict for some hours, as he has been chasing the encroaching Picts on commission from nearby Fort Tuscelan.Data dostępności:
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Bones of the River – ebook
Edgar Wallace
Edgar Wallace was one of the most popular and prolific authors of his era. For his series set in the highly evocative world of West Africa he created two of his most beloved and enduring characters, Colonial Administrator Sanders and his eccentric companion Lieutenant Tibbetts, known to all as „Bones”. It is a time when the world’s most powerful nations are vying for colonial honor, a time of trading...Data dostępności:
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In the River Bottom’s Grip – ebook
Max Brand
Frederick Schiller Faust (1892-1944) was an American author known primarily for his thoughtful and literary Westerns under the pen name Max Brand. Prolific in many genres he wrote historical novels, detective mysteries, pulp fiction stories and many more. This is one of his work. The plot is well constructed with well drawn subsidiary characters and provides a number of interesting twists. Highly recommended,...Data dostępności:
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The House on the River – ebook
Fred M. White
Barnes Place – the house, fascinated everyone who saw it. However, his host, Ralph Enderby, didn’t care much about him and saw the house as a week-end office where he entertained his friends and weaved those business schemes which had made his name a byword amongst the City men who knew. One evening Enderby, as always was not at home. This took advantage of an attacker who tried to steal something...Data dostępności:
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Sanders of the River – ebook
Edgar Wallace
The book is actually a collection of short stories that are loosely tied together by Sanders himself, his steamship and an unlikely African chief called Bosambo. In the jungles of West Africa, Commissioner Sanders is the highest representative of the British crown. The health and safety of a quarter-million natives who speak countless languages and worship untold gods are his responsibility. Whether...Data dostępności:
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