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Liczba pozycji: 331
  • Angielski World Today News & Society – audiokurs + ebook

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    Angielski World Today News & Society – audiokurs + ebook


    Angielski World Today News & Society przeznaczony jest dla osób średnio zaawansowanych i zaawansowanych. World Today przygotowano specjalnie z myślą o osobach, które chcą poznać i poszerzyć słownictwo związane ze współczesnością - tak, aby rozumieć każdy przekaz informacyjny i móc dyskutować na tematy związane ze światem współczesnym. Ze względu na dobór tematów szczególnie polecamy ją wszystkim...

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    Cena: 19,79 zł 21,99 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 19,79 zł


    Ocena: 5 (7 oceniających) Opinie o produkcie
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    A Secret Society – ebook

    Talbot Mundy  

    William Hulbert Footner was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. He was once described as ‘one of the most charming men who was ever on earth.’ His love for his family, travelling and writing is reflected in his stories, many of which are in the crime fiction genre. At the same time Footner began to write detective fiction; his first series detective character being Madame Rosika...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    The Freaks of Mayfair – ebook

    E.F. Benson  

    From the Mayfair society, everyone is a prominent representative of high society. Sir Louis and Lady Mary the Tagetes transform snobbery into an art form. Mr. Sandow, the secular vicar, who seems to be interested in everything but real spirituality. Everyone eagerly fights for social status in high society, unnoticing many dangerous details.

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    The Firing Line – ebook

    Robert W. Chambers  

    Charming, beautifully written. Fascinating in detail pre-war Florida (and also the East Coast) high society with its fashions and mores.

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    Balsamo, the Magician – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    Joseph Balsamo, a skilled doctor, sorcerer, great master of the Masonic Order, whose network of intrigues includes many influential figures of the highest society of European countries. Bazzamo could command the fate of other people, was a magician, stood at the head of the mysterious society that rules the world – Massonov. Everything is subject to him: time, people, events, except for one – his beloved...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    Uncle’s Dream – ebook

    Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky  

    „Uncle’s Dream” is a somewhat comic small-town society tale. It satirizes Petersburg society with an emphasis on the evils of gossip. When the aging Russian Prince, Prince K., arrives in the town of Mordasov, Marya Alexandrovna Moskaleva, a doyenne of local society life, takes him under her protection, with the aim of engineering his marriage with her 23 year old daughter Zina. Yet with many rivals...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    The Scarlet Letter – ebook

    Nathaniel Hawthorne  

    Amazingly conveyed the characters of the era and characters, suffering and atonement, sin and clogging of society. The plot of the story is simple – a married woman, whose husband has been absent for two years, gives birth to a child. In Puritan society, where the concept of „"personal life"” does not exist, the people are in deep shock from what happened, but mercifully decides not to kill the woman,...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    National Geographic Extra – e-wydanie – 3/2024

    Magazyn National Geographic Extra to specjalne edycje popularnonaukowego miesięcznika, wydawanego przez National Geographic Society. Poszczególne wydania poświęcone są jednemu tematowi przewodniemu.

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    Cena: 23,93 zł 25,19 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 23,93 zł


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    Youth and the Bright Medusa – ebook

    Willa Cather  

    The stories in this collection mostly take place in New York and Boston, and are all about artists–writers, musicians, sculptors–and their relationship to society. There are stories of brilliance, inspiration and expectations. All of them are wonderful.

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    The Danger Mark – ebook

    Robert W. Chambers  

    Wealth, romance, adventure and one woman’s struggle with addiction. This novel fits Robert W. Chambers’ love of walking the edge of what was acceptable to society at the time and then taking it one step further with tactful grace.

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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Liczba pozycji: 331

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