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When We Were Them – audiobook
Laura T. Namey
WHEN WE WERE THEM LAURA TAYLOR NAMEY Young adult Willa, Luz i Britton były najbliższymi przyjaciółkami od dzieciństwa. Wydawało się, że nic nie może zniszczyć tej przyjaźni. A jednak wszystko zmieniła wielka miłość. I jeszcze większa tragedia. W tym tygodniu zakończą swoją przygodę ze szkołą średnią. Razem łatwiej byłoby pokonać obawę przed jutrem, odpowiedzieć sobie na pytania o przyszłość....Data dostępności:
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When We Were Them – ebook
Laura T. Namey
WHEN WE WERE THEM LAURA TAYLOR NAMEY Young adult Willa, Luz i Britton były najbliższymi przyjaciółkami od dzieciństwa. Wydawało się, że nic nie może zniszczyć tej przyjaźni. A jednak wszystko zmieniła wielka miłość. I jeszcze większa tragedia. W tym tygodniu zakończą swoją przygodę ze szkołą średnią. Razem łatwiej byłoby pokonać obawę przed jutrem, odpowiedzieć sobie na pytania o przyszłość....Data dostępności:
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Creatures That Once Were Men and Other Stories – ebook
Maxim Gorky
A collection of short stories by a popular and influential Russian author, the founder of the literary method of socialist realism and, possibly, the greatest Russian literary figure of the 20th century. He wrote short stories, plays, memoirs and novels that touched the imagination of the Russian people, and was the first Russian author to sympathize sympathetically with characters such as tramps and...Data dostępności:
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They Wish They Were Us. Wszyscy chcą być jak my – ebook
Jessica Goodman
Morderstwo w ekskluzywnej szkole średniej na Long Island i próba odkrycia, co naprawdę się wydarzyło W miasteczku Gold Coast na Long Island wszystko wygląda idealnie – od drogich butików przy promenadzie, przez plaże, aż do starannie wyprasowanych szkolnych mundurków Jill Newman i jej przyjaciół. Lecz trzy lata wcześniej Jill przekonała się, że to tylko fasada, pod którą ukrywa się prawda. W pierwszej...Data dostępności:
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Once there were people… – ebook
Dorota Sawicka
"Once the were people... short stories of people with mental disorders” is a collection of moving stories that portray the lives of people struggling with various mental disorders. The book not only introduces readers to their daily struggles but also reveals their dreams, hopes, and relationships with loved ones. I am trying to break societal stereotypes about mental illnesses by presenting the...Data dostępności:
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Some Mistakes Were Made – ebook
Kristin Dwyer
Nie wszystkie błędy da się naprawić. Ellis i Eastona połączyło niespodziewane uczucie, które wydawało się mocniejsze niż mur oddzielający od siebie ich światy. Rodzina Albreyów otoczyła dziewczynę opieką, jakiej nie zaznała we własnym domu, a Easton miał być chłopakiem, na którego czekała… Seria tragicznych zbiegów okoliczności zmusiła Ellis do nagłej przeprowadzki. Teraz nie łączy ich już nic poza...Data dostępności:
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Ravensdene Court – ebook
Joseph Smith Fletcher
On the same night, two brothers were killed at a distance of 400 miles from each other. Their bodies were apparently searched by the killers, but money and valuables were left on the corpses. What were the killers looking for? The author unravels the complex history associated with these two brothers.Data dostępności:
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The House of the Schemers – ebook
Fred M. White
There were various rumors about house No.13. There were no lights, badly painted blinds were always lowered, windows were black over the years. The feeling of loneliness and secrecy permeated the interior of No.13. Surprisingly there lived a young beautiful lady, about 20 years old. However, she was very frightened. And all this darkness was displayed on it.Data dostępności:
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The Check-List of Belarus Coleoptera – ebook
Oleg Aleksandrowicz Aleksandr Pisanenko Sergey Ryndevich Sergey Saluk
The previous „Catalogue of the beetles of Belarus” was published over 25 years ago (Alexandrovich et al. 1996). Since that time numerous taxonomic changes have been introduced, new data on the already recorded species were collected, information on 868 species that were not included in this earlier list were gathered, moreover, 111 species were previously wrongly identified. New research almost doubled...Data dostępności:
Those Extraordinary Twins – ebook
Mark Twain
Siamese twins – twins Chang and Eng Bunker, who were born with fused bodies. They lived 63 years, had good health, were married, had normal children. In 1829 they were brought to America, then they were taken and shown in Europe. Knowing the twins personally, the author took the liberty of telling about the curious details of their private life, which never penetrated the press.Data dostępności:
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A Columbus of Space – ebook
Garrett P. Serviss
Garrett Putman Serviss is popular as a science fiction author. His story „A Columbus of Space” about the flight into space. The heroes were in the middle of the cosmos, they were surprised when they saw the Earth. The very Earth where a few days ago they were going in some direction. Yes, they knew where they were. But how did they get there and what will they do next?Data dostępności:
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A Shadowed Love – ebook
Fred M. White
Molly and Dick are two adventurers who came to London to earn money. Molly was an artist and Dick was a writer. Things went well. However, after 2 years they were frustrated, they became poor. Molly and Dick were faced with big troubles, through which they needed to go.Data dostępności:
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Frank Merriwell’s Alarm – ebook
Burt L. Standish
Burt L.Standish is best known as author of the Frank Merriwell stories. Frank Merriwell’s Alarm is one of these stories. The main characters, continuing their adventures, were in the desert. Now the obstacle is harder. After all, they were left without water. What will they do?Data dostępności:
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Messenger’s Million – ebook
T.C. Bridges
Fat Mr. Horner might have changed his mind if he could have watched Gilbert’s face as he drove his rattling old motorcycle over the bridge and climbed the steep slope beyond. The young man’s lips were clenched and his eyes were hard. These weekly trips to Taverton were the only gap in the deadly monotony of life in the works of Carnaby Clay, and he hated to return there, like a boy hates to return...Data dostępności:
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The Silver Stream – ebook
Fred M. White
A story about two guys who defended the honor of their university in rowing. There were only two men in the narrow craft; and as they were double sculling, with long clean sweep, making a musical click of oars in the rowlocks, there was not much opportunity for conversation They moved with a regular rapid rhythm, until they were almost in the shadow of the bridge. But can they get to their goal? After...Data dostępności:
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”Gipsy” Tales – ebook
Fred M. White
Frederick Merrick White wrote a number of novels and short stories under the name „Fred M. White” including the seven „Gipsy” Tale. The story of how the small town began to go crazy. The dining room was closed until sunset on Saturday, and thus eight thousand people scattered in huts along a beautiful valley were thrown at their own expense. They played cricket with some energy, they bathed in mountain...Data dostępności:
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The Stumbling Shepherd – ebook
H.A. Cody
Thanks to the main character, readers will be able to understand the value of books. It all starts with the fact that he finds an amazing book. The writings of the early fathers of the Church in their gloomy bindings occupied the lowest shelf. Above them, rank by rank, were collected church stories, ancient, modern and medieval. All the articles on his desk were organized according to his preferen...Data dostępności:
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The Man Who Was Two – ebook
Fred M. White
Walter Pennington and Raymond Mallison were best friends. And it would seem that can prevent such a strong friendship. However, after a while a lawyer, Walter Pennington is found dead. His friend is under arrest. This news surprises their friends, because they were good friends, but before their death, they quarreled. Is Raymond Mallison to blame for the death of his friend?Data dostępności:
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A Fatal Dose – ebook
Fred M. White
Fred M. White shows the difficult times of Israel. The streets were quiet, but it was the hunger. People tried to work with all their strength, but they were powerless and tried to show it with a soldier. The reader can not only learn the history of Israel, but also feel all this horror.Data dostępności:
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The Wind in the Willows – ebook
Kenneth Grahame
The Wind in the Willows is book that made Kenneth Grahame popular. „Wind in the willows” is an elegant parable about class struggle, about the dangers of decadent country life in the face of powerful revolutionary forces. This story explores the life of four generations. Kenneth Grahame wrote this story in a difficult period:women were propagandising for the vote,the Irish were demanding Home Rule...Data dostępności:
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