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Liczba pozycji: 165

    His Back Against the Wall – ebook

    Max Brand  

    „Bad News for Bad Men” is an excellent classic story by the incomparable Max Brand (Frederick Faust). Great read with Max’s leading off to unexpected places with characters you come to know personally. Max leads the reader to characters bigger than life, they come to life as people we wish we knew personally. People who deal with life by taking an active part instead of just observing as it passes...

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    Cena: 13,41 zł 14,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 14,90 zł


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    Legal protection of human health against the unsafe agricultural food – ebook

    Katarzyna Leśkiewicz   Paweł Gała   Izabela Hasińska   Łukasz Mikołaj Sokołowski  

    Compliance with the hygiene, in particular, not exceeding the levels of contaminants and residues of substances harmful to health in primary agricultural production is a condition of food safety for human health. The main research question of this book is whether, and if so, to what extent, legal regulations in various countries regarding especially agricultural practices in agricultural production...

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    Cena: 179,10 zł 199,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 179,10 zł


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    Europe 1939-1945. Who supported Hitler and who fought against him – ebook

    Ewa Kurek  

    Książka opisująca relacje państw Europy z Adolfem Hitlerem w latach 1939-1945 Ewa Kurek – polska historyk, autorka książek o tematyce historycznej. Od lat bada i opisuje w swoich publikacjach stosunki polsko-żydowskie. Doktor historii, a także absolwentka Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. Autorka m.in. ,,Poza granicą solidarności – stosunki polsko-żydowskie 1939-1945", "Jedwabne – Anatomia kłamstwa",...

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    Cena: 31,49 zł 34,99 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 34,99 zł


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    Pillar Mountain – ebook

    Max Brand  

    Loafer was a big dog who looked like a buffalo wolf; he was gray against one background and pale yellow against another; like a buffalo wolf, he had a great leonine body covered with a loose hide which humped in a wave above his shoulders at every lurch of his gallop. Strangers always said „Wolf! „ when they saw him, and no one said „Good dog! „ except his master.

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    Cena: 13,41 zł 14,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 14,90 zł


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    The Hardy Boys: The Hidden Theft - poradnik do gry – ebook

    Antoni "HAT" Józefowicz  

    Poradnik do gry przygodowej „The Hardy Boys: The Hidden Theft” zawiera kompletną solucję, która przeprowadzi Cię krok po kroku przez wszystkie etapy zabawy i poda rozwiązania wszystkich występujących w niej łamigłówek. The Hardy Boys: The Hidden Theft - poradnik do gry zawiera poszukiwane przez graczy tematy i lokacje jak m.in. To jest we krwi (It’s In the blood) cz.5 To jest we krwi (It’s In the...

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    Cena: 7,11 zł 7,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 7,11 zł


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    Crime and Punishment – ebook

    Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky  

    Is murder is permissible in pursuit of a higher purpose? Meet Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, a destitute and desperate former student in St. Petersburg who formulates and executes a plan to kill an unscrupulous pawnbroker for her cash. Raskolnikov convinces himself that his motive for the murder is to benefit mankind. His struggle with himself and those around him becomes a battle of the individual...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    Matura rozszerzona,rozprawka za i przeciw,język angielski – ebook

    Beata Kurec  

    Rozprawka za i przeciw,matura rozszerzona.Publikacja zawiera 35 tematów oraz przykładowe argumenty "for and against".

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    Cena: 37,80 zł 42,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 42,00 zł


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    The Beauty of the Purple – ebook

    William Stearns Davis  

    There are typical characters in this book: the villains are very evil, while the heroes and heroines are beautiful, brave and wise. However, there is romance, adventure and suspense in this book, all against the backdrop of Constantinople during the Byzantine Empire.

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    Lorraine. A Romance – ebook

    Robert W. Chambers  

    Lorraine is a story about a young woman and her country. Lorraine comes of age during the dramatic war years in France. Its growth, conflicts and possible renewal are reflected in the country’s struggle for its independence against Germany.

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    Catriona – ebook

    Robert Louis Stevenson  

    Young people find each other. They learn to love. And again, Alan Breck helps them. Moreover, the case turned out to be rather complicated. Katrion’s father is involved in a strange story, the consequences of which can turn against friends. The narrative is quite interesting, intriguing. Will David be happy with Catriona?

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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Liczba pozycji: 165

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