Vinay Kaura
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Liczba pozycji: 2
The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs 3/2017 – ebook
Marcin Przychodniak Marcin Andrzej Piotrowski Volha Damarad Vinay Kaura Martin Malek Piotr Długołęcki
Articles Marcin Przychodniak A New Strategy or Just a Change of Tactics? The Main Elements of China’s Foreign Policy during Xi Jinping’s First Term (s. 5) Modifications of China’s foreign policy during Xi Jinping’s first term as China’s Communist Party (CCP) secretary general are predominantly due to a change in strategy rather than in China’s core interests (its main goals). The new strategy focuses...Data dostępności:
The Polish Quarterly of International Affairs 4/2016 – ebook
Bartosz Wróblewski Paweł Zerka Patryk Kugiel Paweł Ochmann Jakub Wojas Zdzisław Lachowski Vinay Kaura Michał Marcin Kobierecki Marek Rohr-Garztecki
Articles Bartosz Wróblewski The Mystery of Political Stability in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: Monarchy and the Crisis of State Governance in the Arab World (s.7) Serious political crises observed in the Arab world since 2011 have resulted in the overthrow of or attacks on several dictatorships, but it is interesting to note that deep crises of state structures were observed in the Arab republics,...Data dostępności: