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How to become an entrepreneur and be successful in business — advice of real entrepreneurs – ebook
Łukasz Sobczak
This magnificent book contains an incredible collection of tips from famous entrepreneurs. It will guide you on how to become an entrepreneur and achieve success in business. This book is perfect for individuals who want to start their first business. Among others, you will find advice from Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, and many more. If you want to learn about real entrepreneurship...Data dostępności:
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Political Science, Politische Wissenschaft, and Politologija in Comparative Perspective – ebook
This work presents an outline of the institutional and substantive aspects of political science research and teaching at academic centres in Anglo-Saxon, German and Russian cultural spaces. In three chapters, it gives an insight into the present condition and prospects for the development of political science in Great Britain, Germany, and the Russian Federation, with some background history and description...Data dostępności:
New Trends in Business Management 2024 [DEBIUTY STUDENCKIE] – ebook
Zeszyt zawiera dziewięć artykułów przygotowanych w języku angielskim, dotyczących aktualnych trendów w zarządzaniu. W prezentowanych opracowaniach szczegółowo opisano następujące zagadnienia: Motivation Systems Evolution and Their Impact on Employee Satisfaction in a Modern Workplace on the Example of IT Industry; Efficient Communication in Distributed Collaboration: A Study of Remote Work Environments;...Data dostępności:
Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie 4/2017 – ebook
The papers, being the effect of scientific work conducted within basic and implementation research, provide a lot of interesting information in terms of cognition and application. The problems of the articles making up this Journal concentrate mainly around the issues of human capital management, ergonomics, as well as entrepreneurship and innovativeness of organizations. In the collected articles,...Data dostępności:
On Liberty – ebook
John Stuart Mill
Readers are invited to a book by an outstanding English philosopher, psychologist, sociologist and economist John Stuart Mill, which explores the problem of civil liberty of the individual. According to the author himself, the subject of the work is „not the so-called free will”, namely civil, or social, freedom, that is, „the properties and limits of that power, by the power of which society fully...Data dostępności:
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Legal conditions limiting the possibility of acquiring financing by local government entities. Current state and proposed changes – ebook
Sebastian Skuza
The study primarily focuses on an attempt to answer the question formulated below: Is the currently functioning system of legal limitations applied in relation to the possibility of acquiring sources of refundable financing by local government entities justified? The presented study is primarily an analysis of the currently applicable legal solutions from the perspective of borrowing needs of local...Data dostępności:
he Trailblazers of Educational Change. An Introductory Analysis of EdTech Market in Software Programming Educaton – ebook
Wojciech Duranowski
The aim of the book is to analyze the emerging market of online education in software programming. Traditional on-campus computer studies programs are not enough to upskill the masses of people who will need to transfer to technology jobs or jobs which are enriched with technology components. Therefore, new methods of software programming education are currently being tested in various ways. Most of...Data dostępności:
Money, Banks and Business in British and American Literature, Culture and Language – ebook
Marek Błaszak
This monograph should be of interest to a wide range of readers because money, banks and business have been an integral part of history of all societies as well as an experience shared by each one of us. The book is divided into two parts - the more extensive part one comprises: - several texts that follow advancement of capitalist economy in 18th and 19thcentury Britain with all the concurrent developments...Data dostępności:
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Gleichschaltung – ebook
Mykola Riabchuk
Mykola Riabchuk, a renowned Ukrainian public intellectual and political analyst, has been closely following and commenting on political developments in Ukraine since the early years of its independence. His best essays, collected within this book, focus primarily on the years of the presidency of Victor Yanukovych which were marked by a state capture, democratic recession and creeping authoritarian...Data dostępności:
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Polish systems of innovations - trends, challenges and policies – ebook
Krzysztof Klincewicz Magdalena Marczewska
The book presents an overall analysis of the Polish sysytem of innovations. It elaborates on key actors in the R&I system, identifies main challenges that Polish system of innovations faces nawadays and assesses the policy response. The wide range of topics covered by the book include: structure of the economy, business environment, market creation and stimulation, public sector innovations, civil...Data dostępności:
Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Theory and practice – ebook
Innovation is a complex, multi-aspect, global, regional and industry process. It is a consequence of the interaction of creativity, entrepreneurship, competitiveness, knowledge, management and economic growth. A competitive position of countries and companies is the outcome of their capacity and predisposition for innovations, shaped by their sizes, resources at their disposal (including human), system...Data dostępności:
Zachowania zrównoważone środowiskowo i społecznie - ujęcie interdyscyplinarne – ebook
Praca zbiorowa
Zachowania zrównoważone środowiskowo i społecznie – ujęcie interdyscyplinarne [Environmentally and socially sustainable behavior – an interdisciplinary approach] Zbiór referatów o doskonaleniu się w odróżnianiu potrzeb rzeczywistych od pozornych. Opracowanie jest wielowątkowe, ale wspólnym mianownikiem jest refleksja nad naturą świadomego działania w sferze społeczno-gospodarczej z poszanowaniem środowiska...Data dostępności:
Academic entrepreneurship in theory and practice – ebook
With the increasing interest in academic entrepreneurship (AE), an interdisciplinary and multidimensional phenomenon, this book provides insights on the different aspects of the process, especially from the CEE countries. The topics cover include the theoretical issues related to defining and understanding AE as well as the empirical research featuring aspects of AE at the organizational levels of...Data dostępności:
Zarządzanie współpracą biznes-nauka: Perspektywa przedsiębiorstwa – ebook
Filip Tużnik
Monografia zawiera szerokie spojrzenie na problematykę współpracy przedsiębiorstwa z jednostkami badawczo-rozwojowymi od strony zarządzania procesem z perspektywy przedsiębiorstwa. Wyróżnia się szerokim przeglądem literatury z zakresu zarządzania współpracą oraz relacji międzyorganizacyjnych. Interesującym elementem monografii są zamieszczone wyniki badawcze będące rezultatem realizacji szeroko zakrojonego...Data dostępności:
The Concept of a Comprehensive Approach to Knowledge Management in the Organization – ebook
Irena Figurska
During its entire history, the world has never changed as quickly as it is today. Customers' expectations, as well as widely understood conditions of doing business, are changing continuously. In consequence, the problems which the organizations must face, as well as resources, methods, and tools, which can help solve them, are undergoing constant changes. Solving these problems requires appropriate...Data dostępności:
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Tax system economics – ebook
Konrad Raczkowski Friedrich Schneider Joanna Węgrzyn
From a theoretical and practical point of view, we are taking you in this book on an intellectual journey where we will present taxes and the tax system in economic terms. We understand tax system economics as the overall governance of a country’s or integration grouping’s revenues and public expenditure aimed to create a smart economic policy that stimulates economic growth and development, and safeguards...Data dostępności:
Determinanty i wyzwania w karierze informatyka ekonomicznego – ebook
Witold Chmielarz Anna Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz
Książka ta jest wynikiem badań nad świadomością i rozumieniem wiedzy na temat możliwości kariery informatyka w środowisku akademickim związanym z zarządzaniem procesami i projektami. Przywraca również pojęcie tzw. informatyka ekonomicznego, działającego głównie w obszarach analizy organizacji i logicznego projektowania rozwiązań informatycznych, a następnie ich testowania i wdrażania, co znajduje swoje...Data dostępności:
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Just transition of coal regions in Poland. Impulses, contexts and strategic recommendations – ebook
The goals of this monograph include collecting and organizing knowledge, experience and studies related to just transition, and formulating strategic recommendations for Poland’s coal regions. It is an attempt at providing a synthetic insight into the multi-contest situations within these areas, and indicating their specificity and diversity. The complexity of the addressed issue determines the structure...Data dostępności:
Change Your Perspective. Communication Pitfalls in International Business – ebook
Irek Zyzański
In "Change Your Perspective", I share my experience on how to avoid falling into the traps of cultural stereotypes, how to work together in international teams, as well as how to continuously develop your competencies, broaden your horizons, and discover yourself. I spent 25 years in HR and Sales teams in an international corporation working in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, under bosses of 14...Data dostępności:
The New Face of the World Trade Organization – ebook
Renata Orłowska Krystyna Żołądkiewicz
This book is an attempt to draw attention to the significance of the WTO in international economic diplomacy. It fills a gap among publications on the multilateral trading system, and it addresses tendencies and challenges confronting the functioning of the WTO. The content makes the book unique and special. Its goal is to provide a new approach to economic and business studies. It should assist those...Data dostępności: