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The Common Law – ebook
Robert W. Chambers
This book is one of the most popular novels by Robert William Chambers and has been translated into several other languages around the world. A casual conversation with a model for his new project forces him to test his theories about creativity, society, and love, and he discovers that other people have their own ideas about how it should all work.Data dostępności:
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Gombrowicz-Beckett. Beckett-Gombrowicz: A Comparative Inter-modal Study – ebook
Bartosz Lutostański
An attempt to present another critical study about the fiction of Witold Gombrowicz (1904–1969) and Samuel Beckett (1906–1989) virtually amounts to Benedykt Chmielowski’s description of a horse in one of the first Polish encyclopaedias: what a horse is like, is for everyone to see. It therefore seems reasonable to lament, “Oh no! Another book on Gombrowicz/Beckett?! Not again!” However, if such a negative...Data dostępności:
Information technology project management – ebook
Witold Chmielarz
The structure of the book consists of the three main parts: -the first part concerns the directions for the development of IT systems, management under dynamically changing theoretical and practical conditions, which break some of the patterns of thought that function almost as axioms in the field, -the second part presents the concept of combining the development of methodologies applied in the analysis...Data dostępności:
Public-private partnership - theory, best practices and the newest polish experience – ebook
Michał Wolański Wiktor Mrozowski Mateusz Zaremba
"Public-Private Partnership is one of the most controversial solutions within modern public sector management concepts. Its enthusiasts and opponents can have discussions lasting hours, supporting their argumentation by data and examples of successful and failed projects. One is sure - even their enthusiasts confirm, that a PPP project will be a failure, unless the partnership is well prepared and...Data dostępności:
Green and digital transition in the European Union. Report from the seminar under the project of Jean Monnet Center of Excellence “Resilient and transforming Europe” Transform EU – ebook
In the European Union, green and digital transition are being addressed through ambitious policy frameworks such as the European Green Deal and the Digital Europe Programme. Globally, efforts are coordinated through international agreements like the Paris Agreement and various UN initiatives. Both transitions offer opportunities for economic growth, improved quality of life, and enhanced sustainability....Data dostępności:
Laws – ebook
Long understudied, Plato’s „Laws” has been the object of renewed attention in the past decade and is now considered to be his major work of political philosophy besides „The Republic”. In his last dialogue, Plato returns to the project of describing the foundation of a just city and sketches in considerable detail its constitution, laws and other social institutions. In it, Plato describes in fascinating...Data dostępności:
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Meteorology for students of the Polish Naval Academy – ebook
Czesław Dyrcz
This book includes some examples of meteorological phenomena, and contains contemporary knowledge of meteorology used in the course of study of these subjects on a management STCW level. The book was prepared based on my publication Meteorology and oceanography. Terms, defi-nitions and explanation. 2nd Edition, which was released in 2019. This handbook is one of three books (meteorology, oceanography,...Data dostępności:
Oceanography for students of the Polish Naval Academy – ebook
Czesław Dyrcz
This book includes some examples of oceanological phenomena and contains contemporary knowledge of oceanography used in the course of study of these subjects on a management STCW level. The book was prepared based on my publication Meteorology and oceanography. Terms, defi-nitions and explanation. 2nd Edition, which was released in 2019. This handbook is one of three books (meteorology, oceanography,...Data dostępności:
No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way - poradnik do gry – ebook
Piotr "Ziuziek" Deja
Dokładny opis przejścia wszystkich misji w najnowszych przygodach Cate Archer w grze No One Lives Forever 2 wraz z pomocnymi wskazówkami, listą dostępnego ekwipunku oraz opisem nieprzeciętnych umiejętności pięknej agentki. No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy in H.A.R.M.'s Way - poradnik do gry zawiera poszukiwane przez graczy tematy i lokacje jak Chapter 01 - Cate Archer Must Die Chapter 15 -...Data dostępności:
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Peace by Piece learning to stabilise a military conflict with a strategic game – ebook
Agata Dziewulska Red. Naukowy
The book consists of chapters grouped into three parts. The first one presents a research and execution plan. It presents the impulse that inspired our scientific curiosity and prompted us to develop the issue of stabilising an armed conflict into a project that was to result in a strategic simulation game. There, we also describe the stages of forming the idea and testing the first assumptions. This...Data dostępności:
Challenges and threats to the security and defense of Poland in the 21st century – ebook
Zenon Trejnis
The monograph is a research project report, and this project, entitled, “Challenges and Threats to the Security and Defense of Poland in the 21st Century,” was implemented as part of the Research Grant No. 997/2018 entitled “The Logistics System as a Determinant of the Defense Capabilities of Poland,” by the Faculty of Logistics of the Military University of Technology in Warsaw, financed by the Ministry...Data dostępności:
Przegląd Socjologiczny t. 59 z. 2/2010 – ebook
Praca zbiorowa
From the Editors After the European Union great enlargement on May 1, 2004 and the following accession of Bulgaria and Romania, the number of the European population covered by various EU policies including the Common Agricultural Policy increased in a significant way. It resulted in two major processes forming the starting point of considerations encapsulated in the presented volume. The first one...Data dostępności:
Ptolemais in Cyrenaica – ebook
Piotr Jaworski Krzysztof Misiewicz
Non-invasive surveys carried out at Ptolemais are implementation of the concept adopted by Professor Tomasz Mikocki, who in the introduction to the published in 2006 Archaeological Tourist Guide wrote: ""Having been offered a wonderful opportunity to conduct research on one of the most important archaeological sites in the word we have decided to carry out mainly non-invasive works (rather than traditional...Data dostępności:
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The Echoes of Love – ebook
Hannah Fielding
Seduction, passion and the chance for new love. A terrible truth that will change two lives forever. Venetia Aston-Montagu has escaped to Italy’s most captivating city to work in her godmother’s architectural practice, putting a lost love behind her. For the past ten years she has built a fortress around her heart, only to find the walls tumbling down one night of the carnival when she is rescued...Data dostępności:
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Funkcje neuropsychologiczne oraz stan mózgu osób zakażonych HIV w dobie wysoce skutecznej terapii antyretrowirusowej: Doniesienia z badań projektu Harmonia – ebook
Interdyscyplinarny opis funkcjonowania poznawczego i emocjonalnego osób zakażonych wirusem HIV leczonych według najnowszych standardów światowych. Autorzy podsumowują wyniki wieloletnich pionierskich w Polsce badań nad wpływem starzenia się na przebieg infekcji HIV, charakteryzując funkcjonowanie neuropsychologiczne badanych osób HIV+ oraz analizując stan struktur i aktywność mózgu w odniesieniu do...Data dostępności:
Classical Mythology and Children's Literature... An Alphabetical Odyssey – ebook
Elizabeth Hale Miriam Riverlea
The book takes readers on a journey through the oceans of children’s books inspired by ancient Greek and Roman mythology. The 26 chapters (arranged alphabetically) discuss elements important in literature for young readers, providing insights into how mythical adaptations, retellings, and allusions connect with aspects of childhood and adolescence. [Elizabeth Hale and Miriam Riverlea], using a method...Data dostępności:
Living and Thinking in the Postdigital World. Theories, Experiences, Explorations – ebook
Szymon Wróbel Krzysztof Skonieczny
Living and Thinking in the Postdigital World is the result of a series of conferences organized at the Collegium Artes Liberales, University of Warsaw, as a part of the project “Technology and Socialization”. Its main aim is to interrogate the different ways in which technology - especially digital technology - shapes today’s social and political landscape in a theoretical and practical...Data dostępności:
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Sustainable art Facing the need for regeneration, responsibility and relations – ebook
Anna Markowska
The words sustainbility and sustainable development used in political, economic and ecological debates actually refflect historical necessities to consider our planet in terms of global responsibility and not - which has been the case so far - unlimited exploration. Thus, the notion of sustainable art is characterized by social activism. Table of contents: Anna Markowska,Introduction; I. SOCIAL PARTICIPATION:...Data dostępności:
Perfekcyjny świat Miwako Sumidy – ebook
Clarissa Goenawan
Wszyscy mamy swoje sekrety Atrakcyjna i pewna siebie studentka Miwako Sumida pewnego dnia popełnia samobójstwo. Kilka miesięcy przed śmiercią dziewczyna wyjechała do odległej wioski w górach, zrywając kontakt z rodziną i znajomymi. Co kryło się za jej nieskazitelnym wizerunkiem? Od kogo lub czego uciekała? Czy Miwako odeszła na zawsze? Perfekcyjny świat Miwako Sumidy to powieść o dziewczynie skrywającej...Data dostępności:
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The Axiology of Spoken Interaction. An Essay on the Organisation of Conversational Behaviour – ebook
Przemysław Żywiczyński
This book owes a great deal to a great many people. To Dr. John Kearns, I am greatly indebted for untiring proofreading, expert editorial guidance and supporting the book from its inception. I am deeply grateful to Prof. Aleksander Szwedek and Prof. Piotr Stalmaszczyk for reading the entire manuscript and generously off ering advice, without which the completion of this work would have been diffi cult,...Data dostępności: