
Liczba pozycji: 293

    Rhetoric – ebook

    It can be seen from the book that at that time rhetoric was used to a greater extent in the courts, and Aristotle writes a lot about judicial speeches, how to convince judges and jurors, and sometimes goes into consideration of laws. Also, rhetoric was used in deliberative and laudatory speeches, in the modern century this is no longer so relevant. The second part of the book describes human passions....

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    Rod of the Lone Patrol – ebook

    H.A. Cody  

    The lone patrol is a boy scout squad, and the boys willingly participate in many adventures. Rodney had to leave his mother unattended. And it had its consequences. However, we are used to Cody’s works that end well. Is this an exception?

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    The World Set Free – ebook

    Herbert George Wells  

    The novel tells the prophetic story of man’s harnessing of the newly-discovered power of the atom, how this power nearly destroys civilization in a catastrophic war and foreshadows nuclear warfare years before research began and describes the chain reactions involved and the resulting radiation. It is presented as a history of the important events of the 20th century, jumping back and forth amongst...

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    Learning Translation-Learning The Impossible? – ebook

    Maria Piotrowska  

    Learning translation - Learning the Impossible? can be recommended as a textbook on translation, which may be used by teachers who can get their students practically involved in some activities in the classroom (suggested for group work or general discussion). It may also be used by students, referring in a narrow sense to persons formally engaged in the educational process within the framework of...

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    Cena: 10,80 zł 12,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 12,00 zł


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    Mammon and Co. – ebook

    E.F. Benson  

    This is a story about redemption, when money is used as a thematic resonance. He combines the wits of the Dodo books with a rather strong ethical message about materialism. This is a high society satire, and then it becomes something much deeper and richer. This book is read in one breath.

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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  • Financial engineering: Methods and cases – ebook

    This textbook contains materials for several courses which are taught in the Master’s Programme in Financial Engineering that is run at the Poznań University of Economics and Business. The book consists of seven chapters that cover the main areas of quantitative finance: investment, financial instruments pricing, financial risk measuring and management as well as corporate finance. The main part of...

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  • Quality Engineering in Manufacturing Technology – ebook

    Quality Engineering in Manufacturing Technology – ebook

    Tadeusz Sałaciński  

    This monograph talks about widely understood quality engineering problems, mainly in technological processes. It presents the theoretical background, as well as practical examples of tools, techniques and methods supporting supervision and improvement of quality of production processes, such as control charts, process quality capability indexes, and many others. Modern manufacturing technologies are...

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    Cena: 30,60 zł 34,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 34,00 zł


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  • Hydraulic Systems in Heavy Construction Equipment – ebook

    Hydraulic Systems in Heavy Construction Equipment – ebook

    Paweł Ciężkowski   Jan Maciejewski   Adam Zawadzki  

    Książka jest angielskojęzycznym odpowiednikiem opracowania – Układy hydrauliczne w maszynach roboczych (OWPW, Warszawa 2021) The authors of the publication entitled „Hydraulic systems in heavy construction equipment”, want to acquaint students of mechanical faculties and operators of working and construction machinery with the fundamental knowledge of the designing of hydraulic systems, both their...

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    Cena: 28,80 zł 32,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 32,00 zł


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    Interns Can’t Take Money – ebook

    Max Brand  

    Jimmy Kildare used to get away from the hospital every afternoon and go over to Tom McGuire’s saloon on the avenue. He always drank two beers. An interne in the accident room has to have the brains in his fingertips in good order all day long, but two beers don’t get very far between a man and himself if he has a bit of head on his shoulders, and Jimmy Kildare had.

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    Paul Clifford – ebook

    Edward Bulwer-Lytton  

    „Paul Clifford” is a novel published in 1830 by Edward George Earl Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton (1803-1873) who was an English novelist, playwright, and politician. It tells the life of Paul Clifford, a man who leads a dual life as both a criminal and an upscale gentleman. Paul Clifford tells the story of a chivalrous highwayman in the time of the French Revolution. This is the novel that first...

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    Tender Is the Night – ebook

    F. Scott Fitzgerald  

    Set in the South of France in the decade after World War I, „Tender Is the Night” is the story of a brilliant and magnetic psychiatrist named Dick Diver who marries one of his patients, a wealthy schizophrenic, Nicole Warren; as she slowly recovers, she exhausts his vitality until he is, in Fitzgerald’s words, un homme épuisé („a used-up man”). The novel explores how love can be won, lost, and perverted...

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    From a Surgeon’s Diary – ebook

    Cliffford Ashdown  

    Meet the widow anxious to bury her husband before the autopsy, the artist who’s brushes have never been used, the bedridden drunk who contracts lead poisoning from a pub miles away. These strange stories are designed to baffle the mind and entertain the crime buff and newcomer alike. Set in the early days of the nineteenth century, the six tales here take place in various parts of rural England --...

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    Dead Man Manor – ebook

    Valentine Williams  

    There is a secret surrounding the abandoned local manuar and the death of the local miller. When a lawyer on vacation is found slaughtered, the law enters into force. One area of ​​interest for the British reader is the different legal system and methodology used by Sergeant Biguri, who is conducting an official investigation. His personality perfectly complements and contrasts with the personality...

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    The Green Goddess – ebook

    Louise Jordan Miln  

    The vicar suffered – almost the same way he suffered the night his wife, Elena, died – and because he suffered, he put his beautiful cameo-like face in the sunniest smile. It was his path – part of his daily life, an integral part of himself. A pious man, in the strongest senses of this over-used word, Philip Reynolds possessed a noble talent for the things of the earth that at the same time soften...

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    The Lazy Tour of Two Idle Apprentices – ebook

    Wilkie Collins   Charles Dickens  

    This story is about two students who go on a journey to find a way to completely relax. Along the way, they encounter some problems and humorous incidents. The reader can distinguish the voice of Dickens and Collins in the narration. Especially memorable is the sensational story of Collins and Dickens’s wonderful story about the wedding chamber. This is just one of many texts that are not widely used,...

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    The Tragedy of King Lear – ebook

    William Shakespeare  

    Finally, I met with one of the most famous plays of Shakespeare. In this work, important and interesting topics are touched: the hypocrisy of people in pursuit of wealth and power, blinding deceitful speeches and disregard for the true virtues of the soul, cruelty and hot temper, deceived hopes and disappointment in loved ones. As for the king himself, Lear appears to be a rather absurd, selfish and...

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    The Romance of the Secret Service Fund – ebook

    Fred M. White  

    There are several families, without any secrets or rumors, and the Amory were no exception to this rule. Servants in the house and people in the village used to talk about Lady Amory with a significant look or smile, depending on the circumstances. Sir Gabriel Amory spent most of his time in the south of France and was not in England for many years, while his wife was not seen until he died. All wealth...

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  • Food nowadays - local or global? Traditional or innovative? Conference monograph – ebook

    Food nowadays - local or global? Traditional or innovative? Conference monograph – ebook

    Both, traditional and innovative food are essential elements of nowadays consumers' menus. Regardless of the food processing techniques used, consumer preferences remain individual. The goal of food technology and food analysis is to monitor, on the one hand, the needs of the food market, and on the other hand – the possibilities of the food industry. This monograph is a compilation of scientific work...

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    Słowa klucze – ebook

    Anna Wierzbicka  

    Prezentowana książka to pierwszy pełny przekład polski Understanding Cultures through Their Key Words. English, Russian, Polish, German, and Japanese, wydanej przez Oxford University Press w 1997 roku, będącej próbą przekrojowego spojrzenia na kulturę (tradycje, wartości, sposób myślenia o świecie) różnych grup etnicznych poprzez języki używane przez te grupy. Najważniejsze założenie tej książki, jak...

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    Cena: 20,25 zł 22,50 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 20,25 zł


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    Polska terminologia unijna i brukselizmy – ebook

    Anna Ciostek  

    Książka zawiera oryginalną próbę systematyzacji terminologii używanej w oficjalnych dokumentach wydawanych w języku polskim przez instytucje Unii Europejskiej oraz tworzących się równolegle do tej terminologii "brukselizmów" – odpowiedników terminów unijnych powstających w polszczyźnie ogólnej. Zebrany przez Autorkę korpus terminów unijnych posłużył do analizy relacji strukturalno-semantycznych...

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    Cena: 20,25 zł 22,50 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 20,25 zł


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Liczba pozycji: 293