Jules Verne
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Michel Strogoff – ebook
Jules Verne Jules Verne
Le héros du roman, le courrier Mikhail Strogov, sur les instructions de l’empereur, entreprend un long voyage de Moscou à Irkoutsk à travers toute la Sibérie, englouti dans le „soulèvement des Tatars”, pour sauver le frère du roi. Le voyage extraordinaire à Irkoutsk, créé par le fantasme d’un romancier français, s’est avéré si fascinant que la mode pour tout ce qui est russe est apparue en France et...Data dostępności:
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20 000 mil podmorskiej żeglugi – audiobook
Jules Verne
Głównym bohaterem książki jest kapitan Nemo – tajemniczy człowiek, samotnik, który uciekł od ludzi i rozpoczął podróż w głębinach wód na podwodnym okręcie. Pewnego dnia Nemo pomaga trzem rozbitkom, którzy następnie razem z nim wyruszają na wyprawę dookoła świata. 20 000 mil podmorskiej żeglugi to fascynująca powieść przygodowa, zaliczana do klasyk gatunku science-fiction. Była wielokrotnie ekr...Data dostępności:
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Un drame en Livonie – ebook
Jules Verne
«Un drame en Livonie» est un roman de Jules Verne dont le thème principal est la confrontation de deux partis au conseil municipal de Riga: le parti «slave», soutenu principalement par les couches inférieures de la population – le prolétariat et la paysannerie et le «allemand», – la noblesse et la grande bourgeoisie, et la lutte sociale et politique de la population locale contre la domination des...Data dostępności:
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Gwiazda Południa – ebook
Jules Verne
Powieść dwóch współautorów Paschala Grousseta (ps. André Laurie) i Juliusza Verne’a z cyklu „Niezwykłe podróże”. Powieść odznacza się wartką akcją rozgrywającą się w Afryce Południowej wśród wydobywców diamentów. Opowiada o poszukiwaniach tytułowej Gwiazdy Południa – imponujących rozmiarów diamentu, a jednocześnie o powstawaniu diamentów. Porusza wątki wyzysku ludzi pracujących w kopalniach i idealistycznych...Data dostępności:
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Around the Moon – ebook
Jules Verne
The science fiction story describes the adventures of three friends: the founder of the Cannon Club, Impi Barbicane, captain Nicolas and the daredevil Michel Ardan. Travelers make a five-day flight around the satellite of our planet, spending time in scientific disputes and discussions and sharing important guesses and observations with each other. At the very beginning of the novel, Barbican states:...Data dostępności:
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Journey to the Center of the Earth – ebook
Jules Verne
The book has a lot of scientific component from various fields: geology, paleontology, botany, zoology, physics. But everything is very accessible and understandable. The plot focuses on a exploratory journey to the center of the earth through a volcano crater. The starting button for him was an encrypted message on half-decayed parchment. By happy coincidence, it fell into the hands of the famous...Data dostępności:
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De la Terre à la Lune – ebook
Jules Verne
Ceci est le premier roman de la série d’aventures du Cannon Club. Les événements se déroulent immédiatement après la fin de la guerre civile aux États-Unis. Un groupe de personnes passionnées par leur métier forment le Gun Club. Cela inclut ceux qui développent, qui font des cast, qui peuvent aider avec du matériel ou qui sont plus qu’utiles pour les intérêts du club. Mais la guerre est finie et personne...Data dostępności:
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Autour de la Lune – ebook
Jules Verne
Le conte de science-fiction décrit les aventures de trois amis: le fondateur du Cannon Club, Impee Barbicane, le capitaine Nicolas et le courageux Michel Ardant. Les voyageurs effectuent un vol de cinq jours autour d’un satellite de notre planète, passant du temps à des débats et discussions scientifiques et partageant entre eux d’importantes conjectures et observations. La société décrite dans l’histoire...Data dostępności:
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Abandoned – ebook
Jules Verne
The whaling schooner with an incomplete crew returns to America, after not very successful trades. On board is the owner’s wife with the child, their cousin Benedict, an analogue of Paganel and Jung Dick Send, fifteen turbulent years. Next comes the rescue of blacks from an abandoned flooded ship and a bloody scene of a whale hunt. This episode, although it did not greatly excite me as a child, having...Data dostępności:
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The Mysterious Island – ebook
Jules Verne
A storm, an eruption of a volcano, pirate attacks, a mysterious captain Nemo and, of course, a story of survival on a piece of land in the ocean are interwoven into the adventurous plot of the novel „The Mysterious Island” offered to the reader: resourceful heroes thrown by a hurricane onto a desert island themselves make sugar and melt steel. They make bricks, wool, sulfuric and nitric acid, nitroglycerin...Data dostępności:
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The Survivors of the Chancellor – ebook
Jules Verne
The book „Chansler. The Diary of a Passenger by J.-R. Casallon” – Jules Verne is based on real events, which gives her great interest. The theme of sea voyage of ships is one of the leading ones in the author’s novels. On one of the cargo ships there was a fire of cotton, the crew and passengers were forced to build a raft and leave the ship, which was no longer rescue. The whole novel is dedicated...Data dostępności:
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An Antarctic Mystery – ebook
Jules Verne
There are no unusual birds, mysterious figures and other things in the same spirit. But there are Antarctic seas, such as they were known at the end of the 19th century. There are several people who have decided to challenge the cold and the elements and penetrate the unknown. Someone has a kindred feeling, someone – friendship, someone – curiosity, and someone – and a thirst for profit. But they were...Data dostępności:
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Robur the Conqueror – ebook
Jules Verne
The stolen trinity of American heroes flies around the globe on a screw machine heavier than air: from Philadelphia – through Canada and the Far West – to Japan, China, India; through Russia, Europe, Africa and the South Pole – to the Pacific Ocean. Due to the fact that the ship „Albatross” moves at breakneck speed, terrestrial landscapes are flashed before the reader in passing. The work has an intrigue...Data dostępności:
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Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea – ebook
Jules Verne
This time, the author pays attention to marine life. And how beautiful this world is! How many colors are hidden under the water column, how many mysteries, to which you can add the mysteries of the disappeared ships. So, in addition to an excursion into the animal world, the reader gets some idea of historical events, in particular geographical discoveries, from the end of the 18th to the middle of...Data dostępności:
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Master of the World – ebook
Jules Verne
In the first part of the story, the brave inventor Robur sets off on a world tour on a giant helicopter „Albatross” in order to prove the superiority of aircraft heavier than air over balloons. The work has an intrigue that unfolds in a rather interesting way, as well as a very unpredictable ending. This is in the style of Verne – when the heroes of one work can easily appear in another, remember the...Data dostępności:
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The Blockade Runners – ebook
Jules Verne
The Civil War is tearing apart the North American United States. The Union Fleet blocked the Confederate seacoast, interrupting all sea trade, and European merchants suffer big losses from this. One of Glasgow’s trading houses is building a high-speed ship capable of breaking through the blockade and bringing unheard of profits. But on board the ship, not only those seeking benefits will set sail.Data dostępności:
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The Voyages and Adventures of Captain Hatteras – ebook
Jules Verne
„"The Forward Brig"” sailed from Liverpool Port with eighteen crew members on board. But neither during the sailing, nor even for a long time after him, none of them knew the purpose of the voyage, nor even the name of the captain. And only having plunged far into the Arctic waters, the sailors learned that the famous navigator John Hatteras, who set the ambitious task of becoming the first person...Data dostępności:
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Topsy-Turvy – ebook
Jules Verne
In the story, the heroes of one of his most famous books about a trip to the moon, enterprising Americans, gather again to use their huge guns. But for what? In order for the recoil from the cannon to make the Earth bend a little, so that some lands are in other latitudes, warmer. The world community is concerned about this venture and is sluggishly opposing.Data dostępności:
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The Pearl of Lima – ebook
Jules Verne
This is a short romantic romance. „The Pearl of Lima” – one of the lesser-known works of Verne, and for good reason. This is one of his short novels, with a very simplified plot – lovers with crossed stars – and a very sharp ending. This book is romantic and intended for those who love classic prose.Data dostępności:
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Facing the Flag – ebook
Jules Verne
The flag of the homeland, tells the story of Tom Rock, the inventor of a devastating means of tremendous power. The desire to cash in on his invention makes Rock crazy, and his” fulgurator „becomes the property of international pirates. Based on this novel, the famous film by Karl Zeman” The Secret of the Back Island Cap. „Data dostępności:
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