Maciej Serowaniec
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Liczba pozycji: 3
Legislative and executive powers in Poland – ebook
Zbigniew Witkowski Katarzyna Witkowska-Chrzczonowicz Maciej Serowaniec
As expressed in the Constitution of the Republic of Polandof 2nd April 1997, the principle of separation of powers dictates that relations between the various authorities are based on a system of reciprocal brakes intended to ensure cooperation between these authorities and their mutual balance. The definitive introduction of the principle of separation of powers to the constitutional catalogue of...Data dostępności:
Public finance and taxation in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland – ebook
Martyna Wilmanowicz-Słupczewska Jacek Wantoch-Rekowski Maciej Serowaniec Wojciech Morawski
Public finance and taxes under the Constitution of the Republic of Poland may be analysed from various perspectives with an emphasis on different provisions and solutions. The layout of the monograph chapters is the result of the conducted research and has an original character. The authors have carried out theoretical and legal analyses; however, they have also considered the current problems and...Data dostępności:
Constitutional conditions for the functioning of local self-government in Poland – ebook
Piotr Rączka Karolina Rokicka-Murszewska Maciej Serowaniec Jacek Wantoch-Rekowski
The present monograph, which is dedicated to the constitutional conditions of local self-government, is primarily devoted to the analysis of the legal solutions in force in the Republic of Poland. The aim of these solutions is to create an administrative structure capable of performing public tasks, in compliance with the constitutional provisions and taking into account the basic doctrinal assumptions...Data dostępności: