
Liczba pozycji: 37
  • Sustainable Management — Marketing Perspective. Essence, Determinants and Manifestations – ebook

    Sustainable Management — Marketing Perspective. Essence, Determinants and Manifestations – ebook

    Marek Seretny  

    The reviewed work, according to its author, aims to „start a discussion on the innovative approach to management, which will lead to the reorientation of management activities so that they take into account the concept of sustainability as a new management imperative”. (…) The author recognizes contemporary challenges for business management in the conditions of the new economy and globalization. The...

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    Cena: 22,50 zł 25,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 25,00 zł


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  • The Essence and Determinants of Innovation Management in Tourism Enterpris – ebook

    The Essence and Determinants of Innovation Management in Tourism Enterpris – ebook

    Zbigniew Zontek  

    The monograph discusses an overview of issues related to an empirical analysis of the determinants of innovation management in tourism enterprises. From among the determinants of innovation, particular attention is paid here to: anthropogenic determinants of innovation – the role of people and their creativity, cooperation and partnership – coopetition and tourism clusters, and conditions for the division...

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    Cena: 31,41 zł 34,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 34,90 zł


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    Leviathan – ebook

    Thomas Hobbes  

    Leviathan is a multilevel treatise that, by the type of gradation, begins to explain simple concepts, moving on to more complex categories, revealing the essence of a person’s life, his actions and actions; essence of the state, supreme authority and contract; religion and Christianity. This book is very useful for understanding how the English Revolution influenced people’s minds; to understand some...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    Serapis – ebook

    Georg Ebers   Clara Bell  

    Georg Ebers is famous for his historical novels. At the heart of the Serapis novel, Christians are going to rally against the god Serapis. „This army of the Saviour whose very essence was gentleness and whose spirit was love, seemed indeed to have deserted from his standard of light and grace to the blood-stained banner of murderous hatred”. However, all this happens very poetic and calm.

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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  • Buddhist Perspective on Literature: Reflection on How Modern Buddhists Can Understand Western Poetry and Fiction – ebook

    Buddhist Perspective on Literature: Reflection on How Modern Buddhists Can Understand Western Poetry and Fiction – ebook

    Grzegorz Kuśnierz  

    The essence of Buddhism is compassion, or rather tapping into the unlimited resources of mind's inner wealth, the full development of human potential. Art and literature are also often understood as tools for bringing deep meaning to human existence, enriching it with qualities and values more profound than mindless consumption. Can these two unlikely friends, Buddhism and literature, form an effective...

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    Cena: 32,13 zł 35,70 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 35,70 zł


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    International Human Rights Law – ebook

    Krzysztof Orzeszyna   Michał Skwarzyński   Robert Tabaszewski  

    International Human Rights Law jest kompleksowym opracowaniem z zakresu praw człowieka i środków ich ochrony. System praw człowieka jest normatywnym wyrazem ochrony godności osoby ludzkiej. Jako jeden z filarów demokratycznego państwa prawa jest on praktycznym mechanizmem. Prawa człowieka, z uwagi na ich uniwersalizm, stanowią wspólne dziedzictwo prawne ludzkości, którego stosujący prawo nie mogą pominąć. International...

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    Cena: 269,10 zł 299,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 299,00 zł


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    The Mutiny of the Elsinore – ebook

    Jack London  

    The main character tells about his stay on the ship „Elsinore”, in which from the very beginning there are not the most rainbow events. With each chapter of the event more and more go beyond the framework of the rational and the main character is aware of this. Traveling by ship is a long coexistence of many people in a limited space, where they have nowhere to go from each other, and they are forced...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    The Golden Road – ebook

    Lucy Maud Montgomery  

    „The Golden Road”, written by legendary author Lucy Maud Montgomery is widely considered to be one of the greatest books of all time. This great classic will surely attract a whole new generation of readers. Introduced in „The Story Girl”, Sara Stanley is L.M. Montgomery’s most enchanting heroine since Anne of Green Gables. When she returns to Carlisle to spend the winter with the King family, she...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    The Four Just Men – ebook

    Edgar Wallace  

    Written in 1905, it is one of Wallace’s many popular thriller novels. „Four Just Men” was the start of a series about a determined band of European vigilantes who decide to kill off people in the world whom the law cannot punish. Their ingenuity and ability to keep several steps ahead of those who would thwart them, including police, are the essence of the plot. When the British Foreign Secretary Sir...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    La Dame aux Camélias – ebook

    Alexandre Dumas  

    Il semble que tout le monde connaît cette belle histoire d’amour, dans ce monde de brutes. Marguerite était séduisante, capricieuse et jeune, arborant ses camélias; Armand Duval, un homme avec un statut élevé, il ne devait s’éprendre d’une de demi-mondaines. L’amour entre Armand, le bourgeois, et Marguerite, la courtisane, s’exprime et tire son essence de toutes ces confrontations: le vice et la vertu,...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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    The Vanishing American – ebook

    Zane Grey  

    Here is the great romance of the American Indian, revealing in the swift march of its events the tragedy and the glory of a whole race, and the true essence of the West, as only Zane Grey can express it. It tells the story of the love between Nophaie, a young Native American (or American Indian) man and his love for and with a woman by the name of Marian Warner. Also Indian warrior Nophaie strives...

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    Cena: 31,41 zł 34,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 34,90 zł


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    Life on the Mississippi – ebook

    Mark Twain  

    Twain begins his story by telling of the Mississippi river and some of its origins. He describes several facts that gives the reader a little bit of information of its discovery. After covering the history of the river, Twain shifts to his history with the river. Growing up near the river created Twain’s dream as a child to become a steamboat pilot. Life on the Mississippi is no ordinary guided tour,...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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  • The Economics of Fiscal Competition: A Confluence of Corporate and Subcentral Government Finance – ebook

    The Economics of Fiscal Competition: A Confluence of Corporate and Subcentral Government Finance – ebook

    Artur Walasik   Jolanta Gałuszka  

    The monograph attempts to answer to crucial questions of the essence of the confluence of local public finance and corporate finance. Why local authori ties are ready to compete for limited and mobile source of taxation? How distinguish and what determine their ability and propensity to compete? What make local jurisdiction attractive for business location? And how localisation of business is related...

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    Cena: 9,90 zł 11,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 11,00 zł


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    Theory of tourism and tourism management – ebook

    Tadeusz Chudoba  

    This book is the first one in the world which contains anatomy of the whole tourism phenomen - a basic as well as managerial. It contains cultivating touring, organization touring, rendering services and creating material base for tourism, as well as four functionally different managerial phenomena. This dissertation shows which elements of tourism reality decide about existence of all above mentioned...

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    Cena: 58,50 zł 65,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 58,50 zł


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  • Production-operation management. The chosen aspects – ebook

    The aim of the e-book is to present the theoretical, cognitive and practical aspects of the essence and complexity of operational management in a production company. The presented modern production methods together with the challenges and problems of contemporary enterprises should better help to understand the issues of sustainable development, with particular emphasis on waste. The book consists...

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    Cena: Produkt bezpłatny


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    Odważył się namalować głos – ebook

    Andrzej Pieńkos  

    Autor proponuje rozważania o relacjach muzyki i świata dźwięków ze sztukami wizualnymi – malarstwem, grafiką i rzeźbą – jako opis sojuszu niemożliwego. Dzieje nierozłączności muzyki i plastyki jawią się jako sekwencja nieosiągalnych połączeń, a jednocześnie nieustannie podejmowanych prób, nasilających się w okresie romantyzmu, a zwłaszcza na przełomie XIX i XX wieku. Czy opisywane tu próby wielkich...

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    Cena: 29,25 zł 32,50 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 32,50 zł


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    Linie krwi – ebook

    Jesmyn Ward  

    Debiut powieściowy Jesmyn Ward - dwukrotnej zdobywczyni National Book Award, autorki Śpiewajcie, z prochów, śpiewajcie oraz Zbierania kości. Joshua i Christophe to bliźnięta wychowane przez niewidomą babkę i dużą rodzinę w miasteczku Bois Sauvage na wybrzeżu zatoki Missisipi. Chłopcy skończyli szkołę średnią i muszą znaleźć pracę, ale w obliczu zniszczeń pozostawionych przez huragan Katrina nie jest...

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    Cena: 32,31 zł 35,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 35,90 zł


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    Ateistyczna apologetyka religii we współczesnej filozofii polskiej – ebook

    Mateusz Pencuła  

    Czy można być ateistą i jednocześnie mieć do religii stosunek przychylny? Owszem, takich ludzi jest wielu. Czy da się jednak ich postawę uzasadnić? Autor objaśnia stanowisko, osobliwe dla polskiej myśli filozoficznej w XX wieku, określane jako ateistyczna apologetyka religii. Przedstawia jego historyczne podstawy zawarte w poglądach B. Constanta oraz A. Schopenhauera. Omawia podstawowe pojęcia i...

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    Cena: 15,75 zł 17,50 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 17,50 zł


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    John Dough and the Cherub – ebook

    L. Frank Baum  

    Originally published in 1906, „John Dough and the Cherub” remains a whimsical fantasy tale for all ages, by the author of the classic „Oz” books. John Dough is a gingerbread man who has come alive because the baker who made him poured – quite unwittingly – a great quantity of the precious Essence of Vitality into the dough from which he was formed. John escapes from several people who want to eat him,...

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    Cena: 22,41 zł 24,90 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,90 zł


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  • Just transition of coal regions in Poland. Impulses, contexts and strategic recommendations – ebook

    Just transition of coal regions in Poland. Impulses, contexts and strategic recommendations – ebook

    The goals of this monograph include collecting and organizing knowledge, experience and studies related to just transition, and formulating strategic recommendations for Poland’s coal regions. It is an attempt at providing a synthetic insight into the multi-contest situations within these areas, and indicating their specificity and diversity. The complexity of the addressed issue determines the structure...

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    Cena: Produkt bezpłatny


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Liczba pozycji: 37