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Beauty Forum – e-wydania – 4/2024
BEAUTY FORUM - edycja polska jest czasopismem międzynarodowym, poświęconym kosmetyce profesjonalnej. Na łamach magazynu prezentujemy najnowsze osiągnięcia w branży i tendencje w światowej kosmetyce oraz aktualne informacje o markach i produktach. Szczegółowo opisujemy najnowsze technologie, aparaturę i zabiegi. BEAUTY FORUM to także platforma wymiany poglądów i opinii uznanych specjalistów i autorytetów....Data dostępności:
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Hotel and tourism - Hotel i turystyka – ebook
Roman Kozierkiewicz
Seria kieszonkowych poradników językowo-biznesowych pomoże Ci poszerzyć słownictwo i wiedzę w różnych dziedzinach. Książeczki zawierają tematycznie zgromadzone pojęcia i zagadnienia, a także ich tłumaczenia. Bądź specjalistą w swojej dziedzinie, również w kręgach obcojęzycznych!Data dostępności:
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Accounting and banking - Rachunkowość i Bankowość – ebook
Bartosz Zieleźnik
Seria kieszonkowych poradników językowo-biznesowych pomoże Ci poszerzyć słownictwo i wiedzę w różnych dziedzinach. Książeczki zawierają tematycznie zgromadzone pojęcia i zagadnienia, a także ich tłumaczenia. Bądź specjalistą w swojej dziedzinie, również w kręgach obcojęzycznych!Data dostępności:
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Media and Globalization. Different Cultures, Societies, Political Systems – ebook
Media and globalization – different cultures, societies, political systems, a publication edited by Ilona Biernacka-Ligięza, is a valuable read that is likely to be of interest to researchers and students exploring a variety of fields of study. The book addresses the most topical issues that are significant for the research on communication. The advancement of cable and satellite networks and, most...Data dostępności:
Media for Man. Participation and Use of Media - Creativity, Competence, Ethics – ebook
Katarzyna Drąg
Media for Man – this formulation clearly shows the view of the modern media world that guides the authors of this volume. The media are for people, not people for the media. It is a simple concept to express, but a challenging one to put into practice. Evolving communication technology often makes people feel like objects rather than subjects of media interactions. However, the same technology is the...Data dostępności:
On a bicycle across the Sahara and beyond – ebook
Jacek Herman-Iżycki
A report from a journey through Africa in 1980. I travelled for over 28 months – From 20th of June 1979 until the end of October 1981. I started with a three month visit to North America. I hitchhiked from New York, across Canada, all the way past the Arctic Circle, to Taktoyaktuk by the Beaufort Sea, and then to Alaska. I took a flight from Anchorage to Seattle and hitchhiked again from...Data dostępności:
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Future of media, changing journalism and new communication – ebook
Radosław Sajna-Kunowsky Anna Garczewska
In May 2019, an international scientific conference entitled “The Future of Media, Mediatization, Journalism and Communication” took place at Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz (Poland) on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the university and the 500th anniversary of Leonardo da Vinci’s heritage. The most innovative minds in human history, like da Vinci, have determined the development of...Data dostępności:
New Media Behind the Iron Curtain. Cultural History of Video Microcomputers and Satellite Television in Communist Poland – ebook
Piotr Sitarski Maria B. Garda Krzysztof Jajko
During the years of the Polish People’s Republic, Poles were cut off from the western world. Travel was restricted, as was access to out- side culture and goods. This unique situation led to a period of great ingenuity in the realm of new media. Not only were media adapted to suit Poles’ needs, but new technology was fashioned to gain access to western television, film and video games. Bringing people...Data dostępności:
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Discourse of Ukrainian Identity in the Polish Opinion-Forming Press during the Orange Revolution and the Euromaidan: Media Linguistic Analysis – ebook
Olha Tkachenko
This book presents a media linguistic analysis of the discourses of Ukrainian identity predominating in the Polish opinion-forming press during the period of Orange Revolution and Euromaidan. The methodology of Critical Discourse Analysis is used to show how both these events were perceived in the Polish press in terms of identity and what linguistic tools were used by Polish journalists and opinion-makers...Data dostępności:
New Media in higher education market – ebook
The general mission of this book is to help academicians and administration staff from higher education institutions to create new approach to use new technologies and media in teaching processes as well for internal and external communication. The target audience of this book will be composed of researchers and professionals working in the higher education sector. Academic teachers, administra-tion...Data dostępności:
Anorexia. Bulimia. Inner compulsion to over-eat. Obesity – ebook
Dorota Sawicka
I would like to invite you on a journey through the complex world of eating disorders, which are affecting an increasing number of people around the world. Anorexia, bulimia, obesity are not only physical problems, but also psychological ones that affect a person's quality of life and health. This book serves to explore the mysteries of these disorders, their causes, their effects and their treatment...Data dostępności:
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Radio Community Challenges Aesthetics – ebook
Within the area of media studies the radio seems relatively neglected. It is television, Internet and its applications, or even the press, though declining but still important, that gather much more attention. The radio – despite its wide reach and new Internet forms – appears to be secondary medium; accompanying to daily activities, but second to television. Nonetheless it is fascinating in its metamorphoses....Data dostępności:
Europe and America in the mirror: Culture, Economy and history – ebook
A vivid and more or less stable partnership between European and American countries is generally regarded as a key issue and particularly serious challenge in terms of cultural, economic, historical, political, and social developments and changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. This volume aims at bringing together various approaches, concepts, and analyses that are currently on the agenda in...Data dostępności:
Poland-Japan. Contemporary Art and Artistic Relations – ebook
Magdalena Durda-Dmitruk
Poland - Japan. Contemporary Art and Artistic Relations has been prepared in connection with the international conference Jikihitsu. The Signature of the Artist. The Presence of Japanese Tradition in Contemporary Polish Art organised by the Institute of Art Education of the Maria Grzegorzewska University in Warsaw, the Polish Institute of World Art Studies and the Association of Polish Architects in...Data dostępności:
Chained Minds, Hidden Mechanisms of Modern Enslavement – ebook
Marcin Niedopytalski
„Cocked Minds, Hidden Mechanisms of Modern Enslavement” presents an analysis of contemporary forms of enslavement of an individual. He notes that man, despite apparent freedom, is subject to subtle control mechanisms imposed on him by financial systems, media and religions. The author shows how these structures manipulate the individual’s consciousness, promoting consumerism and subordination, limiting...Data dostępności:
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Between Crisis and Innovation - European Policies Through National and Transnational Perspectives – ebook
Krzysztof Łobos Peter Schiffauer
Does the global economic and financial crisis put European integration into question or does it rather constitute a challenge and an opportunity for the European Union to innovate both economically and politically and to become an actor in global policy that is capable to ensure sustainable development? Deepened academic studies of the European integration process show in an exemplary manner how the...Data dostępności:
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Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny 2024/2 (272) Technologie i nowe media w edukacji – ebook
Numer, którego redaktorkami naukowymi są Joanna Madalińska-Michalak i Małgorzata Tryńska, poświęcony jest rosnącej roli technologii we współczesnej edukacji medialnej i oferuje interdyscyplinarny przegląd teorii, praktyk oraz krytycznych analiz. Wśród poruszonych zagadnień znajdują się: analiza wpływu przełamywania tabu językowego na komunikację społeczną, opis badań dotyczących korzystania z internetu...Data dostępności:
New media in the marketing communication of enterprises in the international market – ebook
Małgorzata Bartosik-Purgat
The book addresses the use of new media in communication in foreign markets. It describes the latest marketing strategies which were created due to the widespread access to the Internet, the development of technology and new media, such as social media marketing, 360 degree marketing, inbound marketing. The author presents a set of tools that are used to measure the effectiveness and efficiency of...Data dostępności:
INNOVATION and ENTREPRENEURSHIP Theory and practice – ebook
Artur Ogurek Robert Krzemień Aleksanra Grabowska-Powaga Jimoh O. Saka Odunbaku Omoayena Solomon K. Omogbemi Anna M. Deptuła Andrzej Kulis Edyta Abramek Izabela Karwala Bartosz Straszak
Innovation is intricately tied to the notions of change, novelty, and reform, playing a pivotal role in modern business and industry. As W.T. Brady asserts, managing change and innovation is one of the most critical tasks organizations face today. This monograph delves into the multifaceted nature of innovation, emphasizing its social dimensions alongside its economic and technical aspects. The book...Data dostępności:
Pamięć - dyskurs - tożsamość – ebook
Joanna Godlewicz-Adamiec Dominika Wyrzykiewicz
Dwujęzyczny tom, wpisujący się w nurt dyskursu memorialnego, który od lat cieszy się zainteresowaniem przedstawicieli różnych dyscyplin, stanowi zapis refleksji na temat kondycji człowieka i świata w kontekście polskiego i niemieckiego dyskursu pamięci w kulturze powojennej. Autorzy odnoszą się do kategorii pamięci w wymiarze publicznym i prywatnym, prezentują w różnorodny sposób kwestie przekształceń...Data dostępności:
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