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Liczba pozycji: 351

    It Really Works! The Law of Attraction - My Story – ebook

    Grzegorz Glinka  

    Discover the secret doors to a world where everything you desire becomes yours. “It Really Works!” is not just a book – it’s a key to transformation that will open your eyes to the untapped potential within you. Grzegorz Glinka, a master and enthusiast of the Law of Attraction, invites you to a world where the impossible becomes possible…   Are you ready for a life without limits? Within the pages...

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    Cena: 18,90 zł 51,40 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 18,90 zł


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    Українська мова в бізнесі – ebook

    Cвітлана Pоманюк   Лариса Kолібаба  

    Цей підручник призначений для використання на заняттях із української мови у сфері бізнесу на рівні С2. Підручник складається з 13 тематичних блоків, основну частину кожного з яких становлять автентичні тексти. Проблематика тем охоплює пенсійну та податкову системи України, поштові й банківські послуги, питання кредитування, приватизації, енергетики, ринку нерухомості, а також практичні поради щодо...

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    Cena: 24,57 zł 27,30 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 27,30 zł


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    Liar – ebook

    Grzegorz Glinka  

    Are you fascinated by stories of love? Are you looking for something that will move your heart more than ever before? Or perhaps you’re curious about what lies behind the closed doors of the Church? “Liar” is a book that will force you to reevaluate your life. Discover the story of a girl from a dysfunctional home, whose indomitable spirit faces unimaginable tragedies. Whose son will she give...

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    Cena: 18,90 zł 44,70 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 18,90 zł


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    FREE ENERGY — E<E>E — „The formula of everything” – ebook

    Mn. Elia Kosiński   Imanuel Alex Nowicki  

    The book „Free Energy” is another item in the series in which the author Elia analyzes (often in the form of interesting dialogues) the phenomenon of free energy. Free, i.e. available to everyone and very cheap. At the same time, he studies the principle of continuous motion — a kind of perpetual motion machine. With this idea, Imanuel creates a beautiful vision of the world… He is investigating whether...

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    Cena: 121,76 zł 135,29 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 135,29 zł


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    Наважся створити життя, життя, яке ти хочеш – ebook

    Dariusz Łukasik  

    Ця книга — посібник з особистого розвитку. У ній автор описує, як можна отримати користь з минулого досвіду, як візуалізувати своє майбутнє, а також дає 40 принципів і порад, як діяти в сьогоденні, щоб змінити своє життя на краще.

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    Cena: 8,90 zł 9,89 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 9,89 zł


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    For the TOUGH TIMES – ebook

    Maria Siecińska  

    „For the TOUGH TIMES” is another cooking book written by Maria Siecińska, a famous youtuber from the Gotuj z Maszką channel. This book contains many recipes that will surely come in handy in case of the titular „tough times”. This book shows how to prepare a variety of breads, desserts and other meals from simple ingredients that anyone can find in their home.

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    Cena: 27,26 zł 30,29 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 30,29 zł


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    Moskal. UKR – ebook

    Przemysław Lis Markiewicz  

    МОСКАЛЬ Вже сам жанр твору «Москаль» привертає увагу читача. Його можна окреслити як історико-політичний еротичний роман, написаний на документальній основі. Події, що розгортаються в творі, охоплюють період з кінця Другої світової війни аж до наших днів з особливим акцентом на подіях, які відбулися в Україні і в Польщі після розпаду СРСР. Треба сказати, що автор провів документальне дослідження...

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    Cena: 44,99 zł 49,99 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 49,99 zł


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    Adventures of Redhead – ebook

    Klaudia Matera  

    This book is about adventure and willingness to discover foreign cultures as well as the inner self. Little Redhead is visiting various faraway lands. In each, she meets fortune-telling creatures. They help her understand the complexity of the world, friendship and love. Redhead is a lecturing book filled with short educational stories for intermediate learners of the English language. Lose yourself...

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    Cena: 27,26 zł 30,29 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 30,29 zł


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    Mystery of the Haunted Castle – ebook

    Krystyna Gerlach  

    The Haunted Castle portrays vicissitudes of a noble family inhabiting an ancient castle, struggling throughout long years with reverses of fortune, because of a cruel curse cast on the entire line. Visits of the vindictive ancestors’ spectres seeking redress for the old-time wrongs, the past unsettled conflicts, disclose grim secrets of the mansion’s former proprietors. Chance discovery of the 17th...

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    Cena: 12,72 zł 14,13 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 14,13 zł


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    The Shields of the Empire: Eastern Roman Military Elites during the Reigns of the Emperors Theodosius II, Marcian and Leo I – ebook

    Łukasz Pigoński  

    When the emperor Valentinian III murdered the general Flavius Aetius, it has been observed that he had ‘cut his right hand with his left’, and the story of the fall of the ‘last Roman’ has been put in the greater context of the subsequent dissolution of the Roman Empire in the West. However, a similar deed committed by the emperor Leo in the East in 471, when he ordered the killing of the general Aspar,...

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    Cena: 22,46 zł 24,95 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 24,95 zł


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    50 ways to make cheap dinner – ebook

    Maria Siecińska  

    50 WAYS TO MAKE CHEAP DINNER is a next cooking book of Gotuj z Maszką, a popular polish cooking channel. In this book you will find many recipes for delicious but cheap dinners, that you can make on your own. The book contains various traditional and easy to make recipes for salads, soups and meat.

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    Cena: 27,26 zł 30,29 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 30,29 zł


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    Computer Networks in Packet Tracer for intermediate users – ebook

    Jerzy Kluczewski   Damian Strojek  

    The book: Computer networks in packet tracer for intermediate users is designed for people who want to expand their skills and knowledge in the field of managing LAN and WAN networks. The reader finds here descriptions and practical exercises on configuring CISCO devices. It is a continuation of the first book with the same title. The authors have adopted the principle: minimum of theory, maximum of...

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    Cena: 116,10 zł 129,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 129,00 zł


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    Computer Networks in Packet Tracer for advanced users – ebook

    Jerzy Kluczewski  

    The book: omputer networks in packet tracer for advanced users is a collection of scenarios and network simulations for users who already have at least basic knowledge of computer networks and experience in the work associated with the administration of basic devices, as well as management of network architecture. The simulations were prepared in such a way as to develop the knowledge already presented...

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    Cena: 116,10 zł 129,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 129,00 zł


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    Packet Tracer for young intermediate admins – ebook

    Jerzy Kluczewski   Damian Strojek  

    The book: Packet tracer for young intermediate admins is designed for people who want to expand their skills and knowledge in the field of managing LAN and WAN networks. The reader finds here descriptions and practical exercises on configuring CISCO devices. It is a continuation of the first book with the same title. The authors have adopted the principle: minimum of theory, maximum of practical examples...

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    Cena: 116,10 zł 129,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 129,00 zł


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    Packet Tracer for young advanced admins – ebook

    Jerzy Kluczewski  

    The book: “PACKET TRACER FOR YOUNG ADVANCED ADMINS” is a collection of scenarios and network simulations for users who already have at least basic knowledge of computer networks and experience in the work associated with the administration of basic devices, as well as management of network architecture. The simulations were prepared in such a way as to develop the knowledge already presented in the...

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    Cena: 116,10 zł 129,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 129,00 zł


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    Packet Tracer for young beginning admins – ebook

    Marek Smyczek   Robert Wszelaki   Damian Strojek   Jerzy Kluczewski  

    The book: “PACKET TRACER FOR YOUNG BEGINNING ADMINS" provides advice for people who want to learn about the operation of networks and the hardware that makes up today's network architecture. Beginners will learn how to download the simulator software and how to start working with it. The reader will find here the basics of configuring network devices. He will learn network services such as: TELNET,...

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    Cena: 116,10 zł 129,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 129,00 zł


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    Computer Networks in Packet Tracer for beginners – ebook

    Marek Smyczek   Robert Wszelaki   Jerzy Kluczewski   Damian Strojek  

    The book: “COMPUTER NETWORKS IN PACKET TRACER FOR BEGINNERS" provides advice for people who want to learn about the operation of networks and the hardware that makes up today's network architecture. Beginners will learn how to download the simulator software and how to start working with it. The reader will find here the basics of configuring network devices. He will learn network services such as:...

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    Cena: 116,10 zł 129,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 129,00 zł


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    The boy who was third – ebook

    Karolina Pietrusińska  

    The book tells the story of a boy who has faced adversity all his life. The disease with which he struggles deprives him of his childhood and makes him unable to function normally. Will his fate finally change? Will he be able to live like other normal kids live?

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    Cena: 14,53 zł 16,15 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 16,15 zł


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    My diet – ebook

    Ilona Ciciała  

    My diet contains 30 recipes with dietary recipes with a calculated calorie value. These are extremely delicious meals that are filling for a long time and make dieting easy and enjoyable. There are recipes for both savoury and sweet dishes. It is by eating these meals that I have been able to return to a slim figure with ease and pleasure. Eating these meals, I don't feel like I'm on a diet. They are...

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    Cena: 35,10 zł 39,00 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 39,00 zł


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    The theory of everything Imanuel – ebook

    Imanuel Alex Nowicki  

    Here is an extraordinary book about discovering the secrets of the world around us. The perception and approach to the subject of sound, as well as the analysis of the theory of everything, are particularly interesting. The author of Imanuel tries to refer to the issue previously dealt with by both Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla in an innovative way.

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    Cena: 109,04 zł 121,15 zł Najniższa cena z ostatnich 30 dni: 16,15 zł


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Liczba pozycji: 351

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